emory of his earlier days, Augustus the Princeps, who was born in the
of Cicero’s consulate, lived to see the grandson
rincipate had already taken shape, firm and manifest, as early as the
23 B.C., so that a continuous narrative may run d
l activity when he raised up Caesar’s heir against Antonius. The last
of Cicero’s life, full of glory and eloquence no
llio, however, chose the consulate of Metellus and Afranius, in which
the domination of that dynast was established (60
e that the Principate of the Julii and Claudii was a tyranny, tracing
by year from Tiberius down to Nero the merciless
he Principate of the Julii and Claudii was a tyranny, tracing year by
from Tiberius down to Nero the merciless extincti
his domination. Sulla resigned power after a brief tenure. Another
and he was dead (78 B.C.). The government which
atilina. The consulate, gained by the successful in the forty-third
, marked the acme of a man’s life and often change
elections to the People: he was elected pontifex maximus in the next
. The son therefore inherited ‘urbana gratia’ (Cae
e and hazardous means of the tribunate. Yet two men stood out in this
of another’s consulate and public glory, shaming
the religion of the Roman State, that of pontifex maximus. 5 The same
furnished an added testimony of his temper. When
he great imperator, returning, landed in Italy towards the end of the
62 B.C. with prestige unparalleled and the armi
lli (Celer and Nepos) and certain of the Cornelii Lentuli. 3 In the
of Cicero’s consulate Q. Metellus Celer was praet
d by the praetor Caesar, Nepos went on with his proposals in the next
, causing bitter opposition from leaders of the go
orator as well as a soldier. 5 Pompeius set all his hopes on the next
. By scandalous bribery he secured the election of
us: by holding aloof he enhanced his price. Now, in the summer of the
, Caesar stood for the consulate backed by Crassus
with Pompeius, to satisfy the ambitions of all three, and turned the
named after the consuls Metellus and Afranius int
Metellus and Afranius into a date heavy with history. 5 In the next
the domination of Pompeius Magnus was openly reve
consulate was only the beginning. To maintain the legislation of that
, and perpetuate the system, Pompeius needed armie
soon added. Further, the three rulers designated consuls for the next
, L. Calpurnius Piso, a cultivated aristocrat with
n reigned, and disorder, with suspension of public business. The next
opened without consuls. Similar but worse was the
utarch, Pompeius 54). But there were strong and authentic rumours the
before, cf. Ad Q. fratrem 3, 8, 4. 2 Milo was a
tion, and chose him as colleague for the remaining five months of the
. A new combination was ready to form, with the
and sought by a trick to annul the law passed by the tribunes of the
conceding to Caesar the right to stand for the co
ate on Caesar’s command was postponed till March 1st of the following
. Pompeius remained ambiguous, with hints of going
solemn duty. 3 The legion was not withdrawn, however, until the next
, along with another previously lent by Pompeius t
count on tribunes. C. Scribonius Curio, a vigorous orator, began the
as a champion of the government, but soon showed
Antonius and other adherents of Caesar, elected tribunes for the next
, promised to continue the tactics of Curio. In
Creticus (69) c. 54, L. Metellus(68) in his consulate, Celer (60) the
after his, Nepos (57) c. 54. 3 L. Cornelius Sci
ower. The Pact of Luca blocked him from his consulate, but only for a
. He had another grievance Caesar’s tenure of Gaul
8. PageBook=>045 consular rank. 1 With the consuls of the last
of the Republic conveniently added, the array is
the consulate in absence and retain his province until the end of the
49 B.C. are still matters of controversy. 1 If th
eace. 2 In all, twenty-six men of consular standing were alive in the
of Pharsalus. The Pompeians deducted, fourteen re
ted by the elaborate excuses of his advocate. At the beginning of the
56 B.C. the alliance of Pompeius, Crassus and Cae
resumed that he had a hand in the pact of 60 B.C. In December of that
he sought to bring Cicero into it, Ad Att. 2, 3,
&c. Some versions of the legend put the immigration in the sixth
of the Republic, others in the regal period. For
(a Tusculan consul who deserted and became consul at Rome in the same
). On the Plautii, Münzer, RA, 44. 2 W. Schur, H
s. suff. 45). PageBook=>095 With the designations for the next
, Hirtius and Pansa, the level of social eminence
or’s secretary and confidant, Hirtius, designated consul for the next
, and Lepidus the Master of the Horse, now left in
ad, Dolabella an uncertain factor. The consuls designate for the next
, NotesPage=>099 1 Ad Att. 14, 10, 1 2 lb
e plebs, and after Pharsalus, as Master of the Horse, for more than a
. The task was delicate, and Caesar may not have b
to take over a province in 44, and Antonius, elected consul for that
, would be left in charge of the government when C
To gain a fair estimate of the acts and intentions of Antonius in the
of his consulate, it will be necessary to forget
or to what Rome had learned to expect of the politician in power. His
of office would have to go far in violence and co
d his position and his person, especially when attacked, later in the
, by his enemies in a manner which on any theory o
of the government, and so unassailable by legal weapons. In the next
, with A. Hirtius and C. Vibius Pansa as consuls,
l less the respectable nonentities designated as consuls for the next
. Cato too was dead. Averse from compromise and fi
or the provinces, D. Brutus held Gallia Cisalpina for the rest of the
, a territory rich in resources and recruits and l
Brutus and Cassius to an extraordinary commission for the rest of the
: they were to superintend the collection of corn
d that Cisalpine Gaul should cease to be a province at the end of the
and be added to Italy. That would preclude compet
e resources that Octavianus gathered in late summer and autumn of the
. Men and money were the first thing, next the ski
coming untenable. If he lingered until the expiration of his consular
, he was lost. His enemies might win the provincia
rried through the allotment of praetorian provinces for the following
. Crete and Cyrene were taken from Brutus and Cass
ity and entered the province of Cisalpine Gaul. Before the end of the
he disposed his forces around the city of Mutina
ne post Agrippam quidem notus. ’ Agrippa was the same age to within a
as Octavianus, and is said to have been his schoo
hought of departing to Greece and remaining there till the end of the
, to return under happier auspices when Hirtius an
5 Ad fam. 16, 24, 2 of uncertain date, but fitting November of this
. 6 Ad Att. 16, 8, 1, cf. 16, 14, 2. 7 Ib. 16,
ained to lavish his treasures upon an unworthy object in April of the
44 B.C. he wrote to Dolabella a letter which offe
ion can be legitimate and laudable. De gloria was written in the same
as a pendant to De officiis. 4 Cicero defined the
ce for the personal safety of the new consuls on the first day of the
, when momentous transactions were announced as th
ermitted him to take over the province before the end of his consular
. Nothing extraordinary in that. Compare, in the n
is consular year. Nothing extraordinary in that. Compare, in the next
, what P. Lentulus says (Ad fam. 12, 14, 5): ‘qua
rators there was still no certain knowledge at Rome at the end of the
. That they would in fact not go to their trivial
have vacated their consular provinces, that is, until the end of the
39 B.C., probably the date originally named in th
ir funds4 for the salvation of the State, no doubt. By the end of the
almost all Macedonia was in his hands; and not on
ed, coming up with two legions from Hispania Ulterior. Earlier in the
he had complained that the Senate sent him no ins
the young Caesar to resign the office he had seized. The rest of the
was given to P. Ventidius and C. Carrinas, a pair
Lepidus himself, however, was to have a second consulate in the next
, with Plancus as his colleague. For 41 B.C. were
of the maritime command assigned to him by the Senate earlier in the
for the war against Antonius. NotesPage=>189
stetit, ea iudicandum de homine est. ’ 2 Pardon and return after a
is attested by ILS 8393. 3 Nepos, Vita Attici 9
n of the census of a Roman knight; 1 and at the beginning of the next
a fresh list was drawn up, confiscating real prop
ors were created by Caesar, a rational and even necessary reform: one
of the Triumvirate witnessed no fewer than sixty-
uced the practice of nominating several pairs of consuls for a single
and designating them a long time in advance. Of
ecalling the days when Cinna was dominant at Rome. In December of the
44 B.C. the Senate had been able to count only
ing in health or remote from political interests. 2 The interval of a
carried off three, Ser. Sulpicius Rufus, Treboniu
B.C.; 4 a Triumvir’s uncle, C. Antonius, becomes censor in the same
; then both disappear. 5 Two honest men, L. Piso a
Marcius Crispus, if he be the Marcius who also was cos. suff. in that
. Nothing is known of the services to the Triumvir
cently passed his twentieth birthday: Agrippa’s age was the same to a
. Salvidienus, the earliest and greatest of his ma
PHILIPPI AND PERUSIA PageBook=>202 ON the first day of the new
Senate and magistrates took a solemn oath to main
, crossing into Asia, he met Cassius at Smyrna towards the end of the
43. Cassius had a success to report. He had encou
resources and raising more money: so several months of the following
were spent in chastising Rhodians and Lycians and
erge in strength and triumph from the varied hazards of this eventful
. The eighteen cities of Italy marked down to sa
p. 11, 400 ff. 3 Appian, BC 5, 60, 251. PageBook=>209 As the
advanced the situation grew steadily worse. The s
who had adopted an ambiguous and threatening attitude earlier in the
. For a time he refused to let Salvidienus pass th
tidius and the diplomatic Plancus, and one consul for the illustrious
of Pollio had begun. Yet Octavianus was in no w
that he had no cognizance when he arrived at Tyre in February of the
40, but learned only after his departure, when sa
mination of Antonius, deserted and proscribed his associates before a
had passed; again, at Perusia, he stamped out the
fant son by the opportune death of her husband, C. Marcellus, in this
. Such was the Pact of Brundisium, the new Caesa
of Brundisium, the new Caesarian alliance formed in September of the
which bore as its title the consulate of Pollio a
rposes of propaganda by the rulers of the world. Already coins of the
43 B.C. bear symbols of power, fertility and the
e with Scribonia; Julia, his only daughter, was born in the following
. But there was a more important pact than the d
r long, for a new pair of consuls was installed before the end of the
, Balbus the millionaire from Gades, emerging agai
r that. But Octavianus had designated him as consul for the following
. The next NotesPage=>220 1 Ecl. 4, 17. 2
ies, the Triumvirs and Pompeius met near Puteoli in the summer of the
39: they argued, bargained, and banqueted on the
s Censorinus as proconsul of Macedonia; 3 and on the first day of the
39 Censorinus inaugurated his consulship with a t
Censorinus inaugurated his consulship with a triumph. 4 Later in the
NotesPage=>222 1 Below, p. 227. 2 On the
had already been made by Antonius. During the course of the following
they were modified and completed. It will be conv
vited Antonius to come to Italy for a conference in the spring of the
38. Antonius arrived at Brundisium, but not findi
d by the Lex Titia had already run out with the close of the previous
. Nobody had bothered about that. The Triumvirate
. Antonius departed for Syria. From Corcyra in the late summer of the
he sent Octavia back to Italy. He may already hav
te. 5 Peace was not kept for long upon the Italian seas. Before the
was out mutual accusations of bad faith were conf
of the other branch, Ap. Claudius Pulcher, one of the consuls of the
. 5 One of the suffect consuls was L. Marcius Ph
with useful achievements to his credit and the consulate for the next
as his reward, did not choose to hold the triumph
tonius was induced to come to Tarentum in the spring of the following
(37). The uneasy alliance was then perpetuated. A
harbour at the Lucrine Lake beside Puteoli in the Bay of Naples. The
37 passed in thorough preparations. There was to
y the services of three friends. Agrippa held the praetorship in that
, but Maecenas and Salvidienus were not even senat
record of his activity, and governor of all Spain for Octavianus the
after. No other nobilis can be found holding mi
the Palatine he had already dedicated a temple in 36 B.C. In the same
Cn. Domitius Calvinus, victorious from Spain, r
y perhaps be detected in the composition of the consular list of that
, of unprecedented length: it contains seven other
m the families of the Claudii, the Aemilii and the Scipiones. In this
the admiral Q. Laronius became consul; the other
rom the region of Picenum, and of C. Memmius, consuls in the previous
. 3 To distribute consulates and triumphs as pat
er but not in dignity, recent creations almost all. By the end of the
33 B.C. they numbered over thirty, a total withou
ff. 38. 3 Not only Messalla himself, consul with Octavianus for the
31, but two Valerii, suffect consuls in 32 and 29
. Fonteius brought her to Antioch, where they spent the winter of the
37-36 in counsel and carouse. 1 The invasion of M
and a tetrarch’s wife, his own daughter. 3 But Deiotarus died in the
of the Parthian invasion. 4 In this emergency m
the Triumvirs invested Herod the Idumaean with insignia of royalty. A
later the Galatian Amyntas (formerly secretary to
discredit of their old general. 2 Antonius was delayed in the next
by the arrival of Sex. Pompeius in Asia and by th
s’ alliance and marital life with the Queen of Egypt. The following
witnessed a turn of fortune in the northeast and
of Asia. 2 There the legions passed the winter of 33-32 B.C. In the
33 B.C., with his frontiers in order and Asia at
utarch, Antonius 65). Q. Didius, attested as governor of Syria in the
31 B.C. (Dio 51, 7, i), is otherwise unknown: per
ὶσαρα πάντα πєριєλθєîν. Ch. XX TOTA ITALIA PageBook=>276 THE
33 B.C. opened with Octavianus as consul for the
f compromise, no act or thought. Octavianus moved first. Early in the
he delivered a speech before the Senate, criticiz
ratification to a document which he dispatched before the end of the
to the consuls designate, Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbu
ssed: it was to be imparted to the Senate on the first day of the new
. So far official documents and public manifesto
Domitius were only eleven years from Hirtius and Pansa. Then the new
had been eagerly awaited, for it brought a chance
vinus, and L. Cornelius Cinna, grandson of Sulla’s enemy. In the next
he would be consul with Corvinus, instead of Anto
of oriental despotism. Bibulus, the proconsul of Syria, died in this
, but the rest of the Catonian faction under Aheno
lands when the war was over. 2 In the constitutional crisis of the
32, the consuls and a show of legality were on th
y cannot have arisen, total and immediate, from the plebiscite of the
32: that act was but the beginning of the work th
are Antonius stripped of his powers and of the consulate for the next
. That office he allotted to an aristocratic parti
Calvisius on May 26th, Autronius on August 16th, probably of the same
: Autronius may not have been the immediate succes
earned. Then came the reckoning with Antonius. In the summer of the
30 B.C. Octavianus approached Egypt from the side
the service of the victor. 4 Antonius and his consort spent nearly a
after the disaster in the last revels, the last i
gypt was C. Cornelius Gallus, a Roman knight. 5 For the rest of the
30 and the winter following the conqueror proceed
Dyrrhachium, ILS 2678. 5 Taurus in Spain, Dio 51, 20, 5 (under the
29 B.C.). Calvisius held his triumph on May 26th,
ia soon after Actium(Josephus, AJ 16, 171), perhaps for more than one
; and a certain Thorius Flaccus, otherwise unknown
sul for the sixth time with Agrippa as his colleague. In the previous
he had augmented the total of the patrician famil
cern to men at the time. From 31 B.C onwards he had been consul every
. But that was not all. The young despot not only
ord would be likely to survive, when an important public event of the
has barely been preserved, let alone understood i
f Gallus episodically and not in clear chronological order, under the
26 B.C.: his account of the procedure (53, 23, 7)
ion had arisen. But Augustus was to be consul as well as proconsul,
after year without a break. The supreme magistrac
sen. But Augustus was to be consul as well as proconsul, year after
without a break. The supreme magistracy, though p
ence—it was not long ago—the political activity of Cicero in the last
of his life. The smooth Plancus no doubt acquiesc
loyal service—he was granted in 30 B.C. the right of nominating each
one member of the board of praetors. 2 A noble, b
d a natural development. No new system was suddenly introduced in the
27 B.C.—Augustus’ men should be described as lega
as proconsuls when praetorian in rank. 4 Augustus was consul every
down to 23 B.C.; he therefore possessed a voice i
stor in 45 B.C., he joined the Liberators at the end of the following
(above, p. 171). 2 Namely Varro, legate in Syri
rovinces of the West, setting out from Rome towards the middle of the
27. In absence, distinct political advantages. Ca
g through the south of Gaul he arrived in Spain before the end of the
. Two centuries had elapsed since the armies of
and all but preclude the attempt to reconstruct the true history of a
that might well have been the last, and was certa
that Murena was consul ordinarius in 23 B.C. All the others head the
with the suffectus, Cn. Calpurnius Piso. 4 Dio
s M. Vipsanius Agrippa, thrice consul. This was the settlement of the
23 B.C. Augustus resolved to refrain from holdi
C. Augustus resolved to refrain from holding the supreme magistracy
by year. In the place of the consulate, which gav
ustus resolved to refrain from holding the supreme magistracy year by
. In the place of the consulate, which gave him a
law. No trace hitherto of their employment. 3 It was not until this
that the Princeps thought of exerting tribunicia
). It is reasonable enough to suppose that the powers granted in this
were sanctioned by the passing of a lex de imperi
umption of a colleague confirmed this fair show. In the course of the
, proconsular imperium was conferred upon Agrippa
ned his powers when he appeared to divide them. Before the end of the
he dispatched Agrippa to the East. An invasion of
the establishment of the Empire might suitably be reckoned from this
. The legal and formal changes have been summari
us, C. Antistius Vetus, made consul with Cicero’s bibulous son in the
after Actium: no pretence of Republic then. Nor w
ps intended that Secular Games should be celebrated precisely in that
; 5 and it is at least remarkable that certain Ode
most intimate friends of the real or nominal leader. In the critical
of Murena’s conspiracy and Augustus’ all but fata
er than the legal term (Dio 53, 28, 3), becoming quaestor in the next
. PageBook=>341 Even had they not been the
er than the legal term (Dio 53, 38, 3), becoming quaestor in the next
. PageBook=>342 The Roman loathed the effem
PageBook=>343 Some at least of the perils which this critical
revealed might be countered if Augustus silenced
nces honoured Augustus as their patron and their defender. 2 In the
29 B.C., about the time of his triumph, Octavianu
a man became eligible to assume the quaestorship in his twenty-fifth
, the consulate in his thirty-third with alleviati
ave hoped to renew the work in 22 B.C.: he delayed until 18 B.C., the
of the introduction of the new moral code, when,
m men’s eyes one of the visible evidences of military despotism. Next
Augustus himself set out on a tour of the eastern
ext best thing, leaving vacant one of the two consulates for the next
, 21 B.C. Two nobiles then contended, L. Junius Si
s finally elected. 1 After an interval the same trouble recurred. The
19 B.C. opened with Augustus still absent, and on
ears 22–19 B.C. are very puzzling. It almost looks as though, in each
, Augustus had filled one place with his own candi
ger in Rome itself. During the absence of the ruler (22-19 B.C.) each
one of the two consuls had been a partisan of Aug
a and C. Sentius Saturninus; and when Saturninus resigned late in the
19 B.C. he was replaced by M. Vinicius, another o
ustus’ successor, no doubt in virtue of his final instructions. 1 The
A.D. 14 marks the legal termination of the Republ
revailed and designated its candidates, often in advance, to the very
. It took the compact of Luca to rob L. Domitius A
rve the dignity of their station and propagate their families. In the
A.D. 4 he thus augmented the census of no fewer
ain under the new dispensation his right to designate a praetor every
, that did not matter. There were other ways. Th
egion. 3 The four emperors who followed Nero in the space of a single
were all persons conspicuous and influential at C
were only seventeen consulars alive, mostly of no consequence. By the
of Pollio, at the time of the Pact of Brundisium,
of the agents of the drama of 23 B.C. could have foreseen. Before the
was out, Marcellus, the nephew of the Princeps an
yal and unequivocal as the Roman People was led to believe. In this
a public monument called the Ara Pacis was solemn
erial and a better tradition took their place. Augustus in the same
promulgated regulations of pay and service which
there and suppressing the mountaineers of Isauria (A.D. 6). 5 In that
the Pannonians and Dalmatians rose in revolt. As
=>401 1 Probably not Ahenobarbus, attested here by Dio under the
1 B.C. (55, 10a, 3): possibly Saturninus, if an e
o undertake four years later. Plancus and Lepidus resigned before the
was out. NotesPage=>402 1 Suetonius, Divus
iber and the prevention of floods was entrusted to the consuls of the
8 B.C.; the first standing commission dates from
sion of three members in A.D. 6, or the two curatores annonae of that
and the next, whose function passed at once to an
inevitable impermanence, restricted as they were to six months of the
, shows clearly that it was a committee, not a cab
n State was placed (in 23 B.C.) under the charge of two praetors each
, chosen by lot. 6 The finances of a great empire
government, Maecenas knew no peer and left no successor. In the same
as Maecenas, Horace died: Virgil had gone eleven
21 B.C. the marriage of Agrippa and Julia was solemnized. In the next
a son was born, named Gaius. When a second son, L
disapproval and bided his time with secret exultation. 3 In the next
it came out. Gaius was to have the consulate afte
f the New State would have reached the consulate in his thirty- third
, like his peers in that generation of nobiles. Pr
magistracy of the Roman People upon an untried youth in the twentieth
of his age, that was much more than a contradicti
th the two boys, the one in his fourteenth, the other in his eleventh
. The Princeps had broken loose from the Caesarian
f eighteen years, with L. Cornelius Sulla as his colleague. From that
the practice of appointing more than one pair of
long been anomalous. It now became doubtful and perilous. In the next
his tribunicia potestas lapsed. Augustus did not
ut magnified beyond all measure by his detractors. 5 In the following
Augustus came to Gaul, Tiberius with him. Tiberiu
n his son and heir was consul, he came safely through the climacteric
of a man’s life, the sixty-third. 3 Not three yea
omposing the relations of Rome and Parthia, in the course of the same
Gaius proceeded to settle order in the dependent
of L. Aemilius Paullus, husband of the younger Julia, belongs to this
. 4 Velleius 2, 102, 3 f.: ‘animum minus utilem
. He served with distinction under Tiberius in Illyricum, and in this
was governor of Hispania Citerior, at the head of
re of the post of praefectus urbi. 5 His successor, though only for a
, was L. Aelius Lamia, a lively old man who enjoye
ncipate. Certain formalities remained. On April 3rd of the previous
Augustus had drawn up his last will and testament
Secular Games in 22 B.C., disappointed perhaps in the censors of that
. He departed to the eastern provinces. At once on
rn provinces. At once on his return in 19 B.C., and again in the next
, he was offered the cura legum et morum, which he
de maritandis ordinibus and the Lex Julia de adulteriis, both of this
; there were subsequent changes and additions, the
and additions, the most important being the Lex Papia Poppaea of the
A.D. 9.1 Regeneration was now vigorously at work
zen, guarded him from assassination for plots were discovered in this
, conspirators punished. 3 Legislation concerning
his zealous care for religion ’sacrati provida cura ducis’. 4 In the
29 B.C. Janus was closed and an archaic ceremon
f Divus Julius vowed by the Triumvirs was at last dedicated. The next
saw the completion of the great temple of Apollo
ed their gratitude by crowding to the Capitol on the first day of the
and contributing small coins to a fund in honour
halo; and the omen of Romulus greeted his capture of Rome in the next
. Cicero in a political speech described his young
stus: a noticeable spread and intensification of the cult towards the
2 B.C. reflects his overt designs for the success
beo in legal scholarship there was no doubt: he spent one half of the
instructing his pupils, the other in writing book
tius had died at his task, carrying his Historiae no farther than the
67 B.C. Pollio, however, set himself to describe
to Junia Calvina, ‘festivissima puella’, who survived until the last
of the Emperor Vespasian. 2 PageNotes. 495 1
4 ff.) argues that it applies to families consular before A.D. 14 the
in which election by the people was abrogated. W.
iani (ib., p. 65). 38 B.C. The Cornelius who was cos. suff. in this
acquires a praenomen, Lucius, thus disproving the
d, 6; Horace’s Ode quoted, 6, 8; his Histories, 5 f., 484 ff.; on the
60 B.C., 8; on Caesar, 6, 42, 484; on Cicero, 147