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urther, the bibliography at the end is not intended as a guide to the whole subject: it merely contains, put together for con
ony from contemporary sources. Yet for all that, the history of the whole revolutionary period could be written NotesPage
n and growth of the Caesarian party, but also the vicissitudes of the whole ruling class over a long period of years, in the
sar had hardly been strong or coherent enough to seize control of the whole State and form NotesPage=>007 (No Notes)
more in twenty years drained the life-blood of Rome and involved the whole world in strife and anarchy. Gaul and the West st
ors were great holders of property like Pompeius and Ahenobarbus with whole armies of tenants or slaves, and financial magnat
st won to his allegiance and personal following (clientela) towns and whole regions, provinces and nations, kings and tetrarc
exploited without scruple the influence of their husbands. 4 On the whole , when some fifteen years had elapsed since Sulla’
ust in his Histories. 2 Comm. pet. 5, cf. 51. Compare also Cicero’s whole argument in the speech against the land bill of R
t control over the rest; and he arrogated to himself the power of the whole board of tribunes. Proconsulare imperium and trib
, corrupt and superstitious, in his person the symbol and link of the whole coalition: himself the son of a Caecilia Metella
ry evidence, the voluminous correspondence of Cicero. 4 Moreover, the whole theme of divine honours is fertile NotesPage=&g
ship. 6 Some, it is true, were disappointed or ungrateful: yet of the whole number, at least eight subsequently became consul
advantage, Cn. Pompeius Strabo had granted the Roman citizenship to a whole regiment of Spanish cavalry, volunteers recruited
12 ff. 3 Bell. Afr. 54, 5 and, by implication, BC 1, 46, 4. On the whole question of the social standing of centurions at
ticians. Not only could he sway the policy of his city or influence a whole region of Italy3 he might be able, like the Roman
ames were once an observance of the Valerii; 3 and men could remember whole wars waged by a single clan. Such families might
a timid and perhaps perverse admiration. A blameless life is not the whole of virtue, and inflexible rectitude may prove a m
f his friend Atticus in a matter concerning lands in Epirus. 4 On the whole , Antonius was distinctly superior to what Rome ha
man entertained towards his adoptive parent were never revealed. The whole career of the Dictator, however, showed the fabul
us would have to take the lead and act. 1 NotesPage=>122 1 The whole situation at this time is summed up by Dio (45, 1
the bankers was private and personal, not the considered policy of a whole class. Octavianus needed the Senate as well. He h
n the means he adopted to attain it. His defence can hardly cover the whole of his career. Yet it would be perverse and unjus
oman, but commend itself to the sentiment and interests of Italy as a whole . An aspiration rather than a programme. If the po
orked upon (BC 5, 124, 513), and Dio (49, 12, 1) is cynical about the whole transaction νoμίσας δ δὴ πάντα τὰ δίκαια παρά τϵ
t aristocracy and a steadily growing party in Rome and throughout the whole of Italy. How desperate had been his plight at
vianus in these years made vast conquests in Illyricum, including the whole of Bosnia: which is neither proved nor probable.
and triumph, in a tone and manner that would have been fitting if the whole collection were being dedicated to him (cf. esp.
d on monuments the glory and the traditions of a family, a dynasty, a whole people; 4 and a return to the religious forms and
15, 75 ff.; 79; 88; 91 f.; 131. PageBook=>261 She coveted the whole of his kingdom, to form a continuous territory no
of Rome’s ruler in the East might suitably be extended to embrace the whole aristocracy in town and country priestly houses d
in 40-39 B.C. PageBook=>265 at not less than a quarter of his whole army. 1 Higher estimates can be discovered the fa
eat. Tarn (CAH x, 75) fixes the loss at thirty-seven per cent, of the whole army. 2 Q. Dellius subsequently became an histo
s doomed, or to trust, like Murcus, the alliance with Pompeius (whose whole family he hated), Ahenobarbus with his fleet as a
he liberation of Crete; 2 and his grant of the Roman franchise to the whole of Sicily might appear to portend the coming abol
e as a Hellenistic monarch either over a separate kingdom or over the whole world? Again the argument is from intentions in
iny. 5 The weapon forged to destroy Antonius changed the shape of the whole world. NotesPage=>275 1 Tarn (CAH x, 76) c
ntry into office of new consuls last portended a change in politics a whole age seemed to have elapsed, and most of the princ
ts against Antonius (Charisius, GL 104, 18; 129, 7; 146, 34). 6 The whole topic, which has provoked excessive debate, does
passing by in her litter, that he had bestowed upon his paramour the whole library of Pergamum, no less than two hundred tho
d justice in 90 B.C That was the first coniuratio Italiae. Though the whole land was enfranchised after the Bellum Italicum,
sses of Italy. The oath embraced all orders of society and attached a whole people to the clientela of a party-leader, as cli
o the fairest pretext. 7 Octavianus took with him across the seas the whole of NotesPage=>292 1 As Dio very clearly st
m from conviction, interest or fear. Hence an impressive spectacle: a whole people marched under the gods of Rome and the lea
or the hypothesis, largely based on Horace, Epodes 9, 19 f., that the whole left wing refused to fight, cf. W. W. Tarn, JRS X
t not only conceded, but even claimed, that he held sovranty over the whole State and the whole Empire, for he solemnly affir
but even claimed, that he held sovranty over the whole State and the whole Empire, for he solemnly affirmed that in the sixt
consensus embraced and the oath enlisted, not only all Italy, but the whole world. 3 In 28 B.C Caesar’s heir stood supreme—’p
to these manifestations of loyalty and patriotism, the master of the whole world consented to assume a special commission fo
otism. Before the law, Augustus was not the commander-in-chief of the whole army, but a Roman magistrate, invested with speci
eps’, for as such he would have himself known. 5 Not only that. The whole career of Pompeius was violent and illicit, from
orace of all Augustan writers stand closest to the government. On the whole , better to say nothing of Caesar, or for that mat
holars alert to investigate the history of ideas and institutions—his whole conception of the Roman State triumphed after his
belonged, not by law but by custom of the Roman constitution, to the whole Senate as a body and to the individual senior sta
licy, he took various powers, above all proconsular imperium over the whole empire. 2 In fact, but not in name, this reduced
ession should be confiscated by the government for the benefit of the whole people. 3 This was the New State with a vengeance
us as patron and protector as well as paymaster. Like the armies as a whole , the individual legionary was to be isolated from
l. Max. 7, 8, 6, cf. CIL XI, 6058), and L. Firmius (ILS 2226). On the whole subject, cf. above all A. Stein, Der r. Rittersta
e Senate. The class of knights, indeed, is the cardinal factor in the whole social, military and political structure of the N
ments or of single legions Salvidienus Rufus and Cornelius Gallus led whole armies to victory. Salvidienus and Gallus are sym
oman politicians, practised since immemorial time but now embracing a whole empire, to the exclusion of rivals. Nor was it fo
the legions of the West, these lands gradually invade and capture the whole social and administrative hierarchy in the first
calculation (which omits certain names), see above, p. 243 f. For the whole Triumviral period (43–33 B.C.) the proportion is
eal the best, or at least the most alert and most astute, but not the whole body, of the nobiles. NotesPage=>377 1 T.
ire in his own right. Agrippa rose out of nothing: he came to own the whole of the peninsula of Gallipoli. 2 Statilius Taurus
poli. 2 Statilius Taurus possessed a variety of properties in Istria, whole armies of slaves at Rome. 3 The successful milita
bscured by the belief that Octavianus in 35 and 34 B.C. conquered the whole of Bosnia and the Save valley down to Belgrade (w
wherever Augustus happened not to be, above all as vicegerent of the whole East; and he was intended to take supreme charge
e won at the cost of intrigue and corruption. Noble families enlisted whole provinces in their clientela and sought to exerci
to spread his personal influence. No governor now was able to enlist whole communities and wide regions in his clientela. 2
the government of Rome, the future succession and the destiny of the whole world. NotesPage=>418 1 Ovid, Ars am. I, 1
be postponed. A loyal but not ingenuous historian exclaims that the whole world felt the shock of Tiberius’ departure. 1 No
of Livia’s doing, and it brought no immediate benefit to her son. The whole episode is mysterious. NotesPage=>425 1 IL
witness and a flatterer of Tiberius. 1 If many knew the truth of the whole episode, they were not likely to tell it. It is e
n. 2, 63). 2 Tacitus, Ann. 4, 71, cf. 3, 24. 3 lb. 3, 24. 4 The whole affair is highly obscure. The conspiracy and deat
. 2 Livy 9, 18 f. 3 Aen. 6, 851. 4 This is the undertone of the whole preface to Livy’s History of Rome. PageBook=>
precedent: Augustus inexorably read out to a recalcitrant Senate the whole of the speech which a Metellus had once delivered
ation with supernatural powers, ‘pax deorum’, the prosperity of the whole community clearly depended. There were manifold s
uch farther than Caesar or Pompeius, being symptom and product of the whole unhallowed and un-Roman era of Roman history. Tem
more prosperous than ever before. Peace and security returned to the whole world. The release of the capital hoarded by the
cial programme of the Princeps is evident enough. More than that, the whole conception of the Roman past upon which he sought
s was solid yet flexible: it was not so easy to shape the habits of a whole people and restore the ideals of a governing clas
Caesar had raised a legion in Narbonensis; Spain had already supplied whole legions as well as recruits. If there were more e
ic poem to celebrate the pre-ordained harmony of the soul of man, the whole universe and the ideal state now realized on eart
effusions honouring the princes Gaius and Lucius. 1 The assemblies of whole provinces are now organized to display gratitude
easons. PageNotes. 476 1 Josephus, AJ 16, 310. Eurycles owned the whole island of Cythera as his private property (Strabo
In One Day). 5 Pliny, NH 9, 117 f. PageBook=>478 Yet on the whole the provinces were contented enough, for they had
Italy and the West took pride in their Republican traditions. On the whole , a harmless practice. Yet Mediolanium did not for
dorn legend or consecrate the government. Caesar was saddled with the whole guilt of the Civil Wars, Antonius and Lepidus wit
persons or for occasional and apparently spontaneous criticism of the whole government. The major scandals, it is true., did
etestable. The word ‘Patavinitas’ sums up, elegantly and finally, the whole moral and romantic view of history. 1 Pollio knew
the varied virtues of the unassuming and indispensable Seianus:4 his whole account of the reign of Augustus is artfully colo
perished. Not a mere faction of the nobility had been defeated, but a whole class. The contest had been not merely political
also primeval, fated to return again when a state had run through the whole cycle of change. The Roman, with his native the
ess. A good emperor would dispense the blessings of his rule over the whole world, while the harm done by a bad emperor was n
about the body of the Commonwealth. The new member reinvigorated the whole and could not have been severed without damage. 8
re and its armed forces. The phrase might fittingly be applied to the whole fabric of the Roman State. It was firm, well-arti
ial system ’summi fastigii vocabulum’. Again, there is nowhere in the whole document even a hint of the imperium proconsulare
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