in war and estates in Italy when their campaigns were over. But not
only were attached to his cause from his provinci
sed on his own initiative three legions from the tenants, clients and
of his father, and led his army to liberate Rome
1, 8). PageBook=>034 an ambitious bill providing lands for the
of Pompeius. Celer opposed it. More significant e
eatened in his dignitas, with his acta needing ratification and loyal
clamorous for recompense, was constrained to a se
etter Cato’s stubborn refusal to agree to the land bill for Pompeius’
only led to worse evils and a subverting of the c
s mindful of old Catilinarian memories. Neither the families of Roman
NotesPage=>075 1 BG 1, 47, 4, cf. 19, 3. F
Loyalties were still personal, local and regional. A hundred thousand
, settled on the lands of Sulla’s enemies, support
f the movement this time largely, but not wholly, disappointed Sullan
. There were plots or risings almost everywhere, i
have been rapid and violent. The moderates, the party of Caesar, the
in Italy, and the Caesarian armies in the provinc
rs of the legions and the inhabitants of the towns of Italy. With the
, the Liberators were at once confronted by a soli
privileges, generous but not carrying full conviction. 1 Nor were the
to be won merely by material advantage. They beca
s remained tranquil, the danger of popular outbreaks was averted, the
were kept in hand. Property and vested interests
atable money must have been expended in the purchase of lands for the
, in pursuance of the provisions of two agrarian l
Caesarian consul solicited the favour or enlisted the services of the
in the cause of public order. As for the province
parted from Rome (about April 21st) and made his way to Campania. The
of Caesar had to be attended to, with urgent and
between the support of the Caesarian interests, especially plebs and
, and the acquiescence of the Senate. A move to on
on to be brought to book. To maintain power with the populace and the
, Antonius was forced into a policy that alarmed t
s should leave Italy. Antonius had returned to Rome with an escort of
, much to the disquiet of the Liberators, who wrot
sarian emblems. When Antonius intervened, the sympathies of plebs and
went to Caesar’s heir. And now Heaven itself took
the hand he would have raised against Caesar’s heir. The word of the
silenced the Senate of Rome. When L. Piso spoke,
w beginning to force him to choose at last between the Senate and the
. The Senate was hostile: yet the uneasy reconcili
n the State, everything from disorder. Supported by the plebs and the
, he possessed the means to split the Caesarian pa
The blow was to fall from the other side, from the plebs, from the
and from Octavianus. In pursuance of his Caesaria
revolution had broken out in Italy. Octavianus solicited his father’s
. A tour in Campania was organized. With the young
f Calatia and Casilinum Octavianus raised quickly some three thousand
. The new Pompeius now had an army. He was at firs
oup failed. Antonius was approaching with the Macedonian legions. The
refused to fight. Many deserted and returned to t
>127 Caesarian leader his primacy was menaced. Senate, plebs and
were mobilized against him. His enemies had drawn
strength, superior for the moment, in the direction of Arretium. The
in the private army of Octavianus would not stand
iud, ab Antonio seiungendus. ’ PageBook=>142 of three thousand
in Campania. He pestered Cicero for advice, sendi
without him. About Octavianus, Cicero was indeed most dubious. The
arose at the call of Caesar’s heir, the towns of
been rescued from tyranny and restored to vigour? Octavianus had the
, the plebs and the name of Caesar: his allies in
disquieting: it was scarcely to be expected that the generals and the
of Caesar would lend ready aid to the suppression
lio from Spain. 3 Cicero had boasted in the Senate that the Caesarian
were on the wane, no match for the patriotic ferv
en it came to battle at Mutina, the grim and silent sword-work of the
terrified the raw recruits. 5 The carnage was tre
ils. The enemies of Antonius deprecated bitterly the influence of the
. 4 The veterans had no wish for war they had No
of Antonius deprecated bitterly the influence of the veterans. 4 The
had no wish for war they had NotesPage=>166
merit of Cassius. The best of the legions, it is true, were Caesarian
. Yet the soldiers welcomed Cassius when he arrive
Octavianus was to return to Italy to carry out the settlement of the
, Antonius to regulate the affairs of the East and
n hand the confiscation of Italian property and the settlement of the
of Philippi, the remnants of twenty-eight legions
erests of his absent brother. 1 They played a double game. Before the
they laid the blame upon Octavianus, insisting th
the neighbourhood of Rome. And now the soldiery took a hand Caesarian
from Ancona, old soldiers of Antonius, sent a dep
ngth. Plancus, another of Antonius’ men, occupied with establishing
near Beneventum, enlisted troops at the bidding o
uld not intervene the confiscations and the allotment of lands to the
of Philippi were Octavianus’ share in a policy fo
errors were not fatal Octavianus had great difficulty in inducing the
from the colonies to rally and march against Anto
n party. The young Caesar, strong in the support of the plebs and the
, would have to be NotesPage=>221 1 Nicolau
heir had again been saved from ruin by the name, the fortune and the
of Caesar, the diplomacy of his friends and his o
etite for bounties and lands. Octavianus was generous but firm. 1 The
of Mutina and Philippi he now released from servi
had cleared the sea of pirates, eliminated Lepidus and satisfied the
without harming Italy. But the seizure of Sicil
mpeians come back from the East, should Antonius demand lands for the
of his legions, should the dynasts, fulfilling a
econciled to Rome, or class to class. As after Sulla, the colonies of
, while maintaining order for the government, kept
enia, saved only by the courage of Antonius and the steadiness of the
. As in the retreat from Mutina, Antonius showed h
ianus meanwhile mustered supporters from the towns of Italy Caesarian
, personal adherents and their armed bands. Return
re numerous there can have been little difficulty. Though many of the
had served under Antonius, they had received thei
ated, an interval perhaps spent in bargaining for terms: the Antonian
subsequently received a share of colonial assignm
obility of Alba Longa. More alarming was the news reported by Agrippa—
clamorous and mutinous. Octavianus crossed the wi
shment of about twenty-six legions. The remainder were disbanded, the
being settled in colonies in Italy and in the pro
secured and extended, their resources assessed and taxed; there were
to dismiss, cities to found, territories to organ
nian sympathies by confiscation of their lands for the benefit of the
. 2 The estates of three hundred and more disloyal
isarm generals and avert bloodshed. In possession of their farms, the
were now the strongest pillar of the military mon
t the time of his triumph, Octavianus gave a donative in money to the
in his colonies. 3 No fewer than one hundred and
here must be no going back upon his earlier supporters the plebs, the
and the knights who had won the War of Actium. In
nces of Spain and Gaul, build roads, found cities and provide for the
. By 13 B.C. Augustus and his subordinates could
er wars. The legions were rejuvenated and disciplined, for by now the
of the Civil Wars had been established in Italian
nued to be grown, though not for profit. 3 Thousands and thousands of
had been planted in Italy but may more correctly
s as members of an imperial race. The soldiers learned obedience, the
the habit of a regular and useful life not like S
h pride his ties with the army and with the Roman People. 1 Hence the
and the local dynasts would sharply have dealt wi