ty or stable government: that was the question confronting the Romans
, and I have tried to answer it precisely in their
e for power, wealth and glory. The contestants were the nobiles among
, as individuals or in groups, open in the electio
f personal ambition became a mark of the politicians who arrogated to
the name of populares often sinister and fraudule
ealth, linked by ties of kinship and reciprocal interest. They called
Optimates: they might properly be described, in c
petual menace; and the Metelli, for survival or for power, would ally
with the strongest military leader, with Sulla’s
s would not have given preference and votes against Caesar for one of
or for a mere municipal dignitary. In the traditi
and for domination, winning the office of pontifex maximus: the Julii
were an old sacerdotal family. 4 Sulla and Caesar
tenacious class; though depressed by poverty, by incapacity to adjust
to a changing economic system, by active rivals a
than the kings were their rivals and heirs in power, the patricians,
for the most part of alien origin. When Alba Long
this was patent and inevitable: many senators, many of the Liberators
, held preferment, office, or provinces from the D
body in the Forum. In fear for their lives, the Liberators barricaded
in their houses. Nor, as the days passed, did it
despite the deplorable fact that the Republicans did not dare to show
before the Roman People, all was not lost. The Di
with urgent and just claims not to be disregarded, as the Liberators
were well aware. Antonius occupied himself with
us: like other consulars averse from Antonius but unwilling to commit
too soon, he kept out of the way. Yet he probably
with a significance foreign even to the secret thoughts of the agents
. Cicero had first made the acquaintance of Caesar
ods, the attitude of the Caesarians could be surmised: yet Caesarians
were divided in allegiance, for Antonius, for Oct
matched with cruelty. Virgins of the best families at Byzantium cast
down wells to escape the vile proconsul; 4 and th
te of emergency, or that certain individuals by their acts had placed
in the position of public enemies. A popularis co
as the excuse for sedition. But the Antonii at least kept faith among
: the younger brother Lucius added Pietas to his n
It is evident that res publica constituta or libertas restituta lend
as crown and consecration to any process of viole
n these wars between citizens, the generals and the politicians found
thwarted at every turn by the desires of the sold
utus for his part will continue the fight against all powers that set
above the law. ’6 On receipt of an extract from
aring the mandate of the army and the proposals of Caesar’s heir. For
they asked the promised bounty, for Octavianus th
other personages of distinction more as a pledge of solidarity among
and to inspire terror among enemies and malconten
his army in defence of life or honour were now apparent the generals
were helpless in the hands of the legions. The pr
of his death. The rejoicing was premature: Senate and People steeled
to celebrate instead the day of Philippi. Ailing,
red their allegiance to Antonius, who, though a Caesarian, was one of
, a soldier and a man of honour. Peace with Pompei
ut feigned devotion to a created divinity, Divus Julius, assuming for
the names or attributes of gods, and ruling their
than consistency, appear to derive from inferences from the Eclogues
, not from ascertained and well- authenticated fac
k to demonstrate that the Roman was not a brutal conqueror but one of
, displaying not tolerant superiority but active g
aly against the plebs of Rome, got help from Italian men of property,
menaced. 4 Aid from Italy could be invoked for re
cess and abbreviated the stages, so that the sons of knights, knights
and finally Thracian and Illyrian brigands became
inction and for promotion that in time knights were willing to divest
temporarily of their rank to become centurions. 2
traditional prejudice: it was often expressed by the sons of knights
, sublime or outrageous in their snobbery. One of
ributed soldiers, officers and senators to the Roman State. They were
a part of it; the bond of unity was organic and g
ommonly had to wait for a number of years. Which was fitting. Knights
would not have complained. NotesPage=>369
were ostensibly sovran, the members of a narrow group contended among
for office and for glory: behind the façade of th
mmands to their partisans. The dynasts had destroyed the Republic and
, down to the last survivor, Caesar’s heir. Engros
d vigorous and public complaint when inferior Valerii sought to graft
upon his family tree. 3 Some frauds could perhaps
ventutis) of the Italian towns had a definite role to play. Knights
might rank with senators in the New State or even
enatorial rank and the tenure of high office were no longer an end in
but the qualification for a career in the service
versed in eastern affairs, former governors and procurators. 3 If not
absent on provincial commands, men like Lollius,
ions but with coalescence of interests not only represented, but were
the governing and administrative classes, recogni
ld not put up with Cinna in the place of Augustus. 1 Cinna was one of
, noble and patrician at that, and so was Tiberius
ortunae Caesarum proximi’. 2 Too much, perhaps, to hope for the power
but their descendants might have a chance or a po
tus to govern the great military provinces. They made alliances among
and with the family of the Pisones. 5 NotesPage
scredited, others displaced. Astute politicians who had not committed
too deeply were quick to transfer their adherence
owed by the patriotic poets. 2 The Romans were encouraged to regard
as a tough and martial people no pomp of monarchs
testable upstart. 9 PageNotes. 478 1 The men of Lugdunum describe
as ‘coloniam Romanam et partem exercitus’ (Tacitu
he causes and tragedy of their decadence. The nobiles have not spoken
. They have left no personal and authentic record
incipate. Before long, however, they became entangled, not only among
, as when a Piso, adopted by a Crassus, married a
o receive the consulate from the Caesarian leader. But the Caesarians
seem to fare little better. The vaunting Cornific
e families; 1 and the diplomats Plancus and Pollio, tenacious of life
, each produced one son at least. Daughters, howev
commands. Eight legions on the Rhine, brigaded in two armies, are in
a large part of the history of the first century
ere Messalla and Pollio, the consular patrons of Augustan literature,
no mean part of it. The Roman patrician and the I
novus homo alike had salvaged honour and fame, yet had done well for
and their families. Messalla changed sides, passi
an political liberty; and political rights are a means, not an end in
. That end is security of life and property: it co
, his Res Gestae are unique, defying verbal definition and explaining
. From the beginning, from his youthful emergence