e could thus raise an army on his own initiative and resources. The
, now recruited from the poorest classes in Italy,
efeated the Cimbri; there were several families of the Licinii, great
and distinguished orators, not to mention other h
n power and dignity, enlisted the vigour of novi homines, orators and
, helping them by influence to the consulate and c
and 59 B.C. the logical end was armed conflict and despotism. As the
were the proletariat of Italy, the revolution bec
5 Rumour spontaneous or fabricated told of discontent among Caesar’s
and officers; and there was solid ground to doubt
and incorruptible. A jury carefully selected, with moral support from
of Pompeius stationed around the court, would bri
nd power. Had not Sulla enriched his partisans, from senators down to
and freedmen? There were to be no proscriptions.
ng the uncontested memorials of history. Sulla, they said, put common
into the Senate: but the formidable company of th
usting rabble: among the new senators were to be found centurions and
, scribes and sons of freedmen. 2 These categories
ections of Lepidus and Catilina. It is not merely that so many of his
and centurions were recruited from the impoverish
More truly representative of the Roman People should have been the
of the legions and the inhabitants of the towns o
esarian leader and Caesar’s heir was distasteful to the sentiments of
and officers, ruinous to their interests. Remonst
ollege. More costly but more remunerative as an investment were the
of Caesar, active in the legions or settled in th
es of Italy. While at Apollonia, Octavianus made himself known to the
and officers of Caesar’s great army of the Balkan
e art of politics is patent to rob adversaries of their adherents and
, their programme and their catchwords. If the pro
vest to be got soon or late from the cultivation of the plebs and the
. Not less the need for faithful friends and a coh
a dark episode Antonius arrested at his house certain of the veteran
of his bodyguard, alleging that they had been sub
organized. With the young man went five of his intimate friends, many
and centurions and a convoy of wagons bearing mon
hing came of this perhaps the situation was too serious. Not only his
but his partisans were being seduced a report c
ly revolutionary in origin, attracting all the enemies of society old
who had dissipated gratuities and farms, fraudule
red his good offices to bring a Pompeian general to his senses. 8 The
were often more accessible to appeals to reason t
, inexorable in the wars of the State, had been entirely relaxed. The
, whether pressed into service or volunteers from
civil war. Zealous to avoid the shedding of Roman blood, generals and
exalted disloyalty into a solemn duty. Lepidus’ a
rejoicing. ‘Think rather of the desolation of Italy and all the fine
slain’, wrote Pollio from Spain. 3 Cicero had boa
us. The envoys were instructed to approach the troops directly. The
refused to tolerate such a slight upon their lead
inst each other for a time. A small river ran between the camps. When
are citizens, rhetoric is worth regiments. At a f
lbania, Caesar’s general Vatinius essayed his vigorous oratory on the
of Pompeius. 2 But not for long Labienus NotesP
explaining, in the elevated phrases now universally current, how his
had been unwilling to take the lives of fellow-ci
ϕύλιον. 4 Phil. 10, 18. PageBook=>167 their estates; and the
serving in the legions might expect ultimate reco
range embassy confronted the Senate, some four hundred centurions and
, bearing the mandate of the army and the proposal
d the treasury, which, though depleted, could furnish for each of his
the sum of two thousand five hundred denarii more
The best of the legions, it is true, were Caesarian veterans. Yet the
welcomed Cassius when he arrived in Syria more th
years. The Caesarian leaders now had to satisfy the demands of their
for land and money. Octavianus was to return to I
and all Italy was in confusion, with murderous street battles between
and civilians. 4 Towns and local magnates armed i
And now the soldiery took a hand Caesarian veterans from Ancona, old
of Antonius, sent a deputation and arranged a mee
n, BC 5, 23, 92 ff. According to Dio, Antonius and Fulvia derided the
, calling them βουλὴν καλιγ ταν (48, 12, 3). 2 A
l professed that he was fighting in the cause of his brother, and his
inscribed the name of Marcus Antonius as their im
e potent factor than the doubts and dissensions of the generals their
had an acute perception of their own interests as
sible. The victor of Philippi could not forswear his promises and his
. His own share was the gathering of funds in the
of Roman citizens. They refused to fight. On each side deputations of
made their wishes known. 1 Tentative negotiations
e Caesarian faction, founded upon the common interests of leaders and
and cemented by the most binding and personal of
ed for bread and peace. Following the impeccable precedent set by the
, they constrained the Caesarian leaders to open n
red and twenty ships against the promise of twenty thousand legionary
. He never received them. Antonius departed. Bef
with the name of Caesar as his sole protection: it was enough. 4 The
had no opinion of Lepidus and this was Caesar’s h
of splendid courage. 6 It was easier to deal with generals than with
. In Sicily NotesPage=>232 1 Appian, BC 5,
sentiments of Lepidus’ contemporaries. 6 Appian indicates that the
had carefully been worked upon (BC 5, 124, 513),
vocally recorded. PageBook=>236 But now, after Brundisium, the
of fortune Salvidienus and Fango were dead: the y
against certain senators could at last be annulled. 3 The Caesarian
were tumultuous from pride in their exploits, con
Sex. Pompeius in Asia and by the lack of trained troops. The western
were held to be far the best. Eastern levies ha
s and the armed power to back it. He entered the Curia, surrounded by
and adherents in the garb of peace, with conceale
s among the civil population were suppressed by armed force for the
had been paid. To public taxation was added priva
s of Actium, a patriotic poet revolted at the mere thought that Roman
, captives from the disaster of Crassus (and by im
people to the clientela of a party-leader, as clients to a patron, as
to an imperator. It resembled also the solemn ple
om the revenues of the East, the return she gained from her export of
, financiers and governors. The source of life cut
e armies of the West were left in charge of safe partisans. The tried
C. Carrinas and C. Calvisius Sabinus held Gaul an
n the main of the survivors of his veteran legions. 1 But would Roman
fight for the Queen of Egypt? They had all the ol
shefte XXV (1929), 70 ff.) deduced from the gentilicia of a number of
of eastern origin the fact that they were given t
at work in the land-army. Canidius the commander sought to induce his
to march away through Macedonia, but in vain. He
f men of his party were not jurists or theorists—they were diplomats,
, engineers and financiers. The study of law, the
gures of Augustus, Maecenas and Agrippa. To attach the loyalty of the
and inspire the veneration of the masses a popula
that their aspirations for land and security would be recognized, the
had been able to baffle politicians, disarm gener
glect. Augustus remembered, rewarded and promoted the humblest of his
. He defended in person the veteran Scutarius in a
centurions. 2 The equestrian order is recruited in two ways. First,
or soldiers’ sons become knights through military
mines, most of them military. Picenum, as would be expected, supplied
: the two Poppaei came from an obscure community i
inceps as their patron and defender. The towns of Italy contributed
, officers and senators to the Roman State. They w
they had armies and even then they would hardly be able to induce the
to march against their patron and imperator. Au
ke the earlier dynasts, he spent for power and ostentation to gratify
and plebs, to adorn the city and to subsidize his
to justify the date chosen by the government. 6 Yet beside the great
and politicians there was still a place for noble
Parthians was persuaded to surrender the captured standards and Roman
surviving from the disasters of Crassus and Anton
were not enough, the proconsul could invoke the advice of experienced
. NotesPage=>395 1 Cyprus and Narbonensis i
d have commanded in the north. Moreover a large number of legionary
, their service expired, were dismissed in the yea
ary glory was jealously engrossed by the Princeps and his family. The
were his own clients it was treason to tamper wit
th the troops, and in time even an edict forbidding senators to admit
to their morning receptions. 7 NotesPage=>40
d huge sums of money at his disposal he paid the bounty to discharged
, granted donations to army and plebs and carried
chment to the family of that general could with decency permit. 4 The
at least were quite glad to see Tiberius, a cauti
the designation of his successor. At Rome, magistrates and Senate,
and populace at once took a personal oath in the
ndi fictor Ulixes: durum a stirpe genus. 3 They were peasants and
. Tradition remembered, or romance depicted, the c
nd ideals with the rough farmers whom they led to battle generals and
alike the products of ‘saeva paupertas’. 4 It was
, for all its profession of peace, called on Rome and Italy to supply
for warfare all over the world. They were united
, the influx of capital from Rome’s invisible export of governors and
, along with improvement in the art and practice o
y. 6 PageNotes. 457 1 E. Ritterling, P-W XII, 1781. Some of these
do not even simulate Latin nomenclature. The freq
Macedonia (ILS 2030; 2032) can also be found. 4 Compare the list of
from Coptos, ILS 2483: two Galatians bear the nam
us, Divus Aug. 24, 1; cf. Pliny, NH 7, 149; ‘iuventutis penuria’. The
were apathetic (Suetonius, Tib. 21, 5, where Augu
nsciousness of dignity and duties as members of an imperial race. The
learned obedience, the veterans the habit of a re
ast, that his native caution was happily seconded by fortune when the
of Brutus broke into the camp and tent of the Cae
a, 357, 476. Coponius, C, enemy of Plancus, 283, 379. Coptos, list of
at, 457. Corduba, 292, 356, 420, 478, 483, 507.
senator, 44. Donations, of Antonius, 260, 270, 300 f. Donatives to
, 125, 126, 177, 187, 204, 284, 352. Drusus, ste
an partisans, 74 f.; senators from, 79 f., 367, 502 f.; knights, 356;
, 457; poets, 252 f.; emperors, 360, 490, 501 f.;
udii, 390, 443; the Carmen saeculare, 444; on pietas, 448; on peasant
, 449, 451; on freedmen, 354; the interpretation o
natorial province, 314, 315, 328 ff.; taken by Augustus, 394, 400 f.;
from, 295, 457; governors, 21, 36, 107, 110 f., 1
f., 470, 519. Pax Augusta, 470, 506. Peace, see Pax. Peasants, as
, 449 ff.; idealization of, 453, 456. Pedius, Q.
ice, 389; as clients of the Princeps, 352 f., 404; virtues of peasant
, 449; social status of, 15, 457 see also Army, Le
ncial divisions in, 326, 395, 401; senators from Spain, 80, 367, 501;
, 457; emperors, 366, 490, 501; importance in the