s had neutrality been possible. Pollio had powerful enemies on either
. Compelled for safety to a decision, he chose Cae
(1896), 557 ff. PageBook=>007 from the Republican and Antonian
. The adulatory or the uncritical may discover in
dissensions. The tribune M. Livius Drusus hoped to enlist them on the
of the dominant oligarchy. He failed, and they ro
al charge of unnatural vice. 2 Caelius’ enemies drove him to Caesar’s
. Ap. Pulcher was no adornment to the party of C
Marcus Cato. His allies, eager to enlist a man of principle on their
, celebrated as integrity what was often conceit o
hey had driven a wedge between the two dynasts, winning over to their
the power and prestige of Pompeius. They would be
e the better cause. Caesar could not compete. Though interest on each
claimed more adherents than principle, interest w
of Caesar’s party the contrast of disreputable scoundrels on the one
and high-born patriots on the other is as schemat
more august and more complex. Caesar and Brutus each had right on his
. The new party of the Liberators was not homoge
daring agents. There was no scope for talent or ideas on the other
. The newer movements in literature were sponsored
ombined in his party. Some played for gain and a place on the winning
for discerning judges like Caelius assessed the t
of ability and social distinction. Some senators turn up on Caesar’s
, holding commands in the Civil Wars, without any
P XL (1919), 407 F. among literary men of equestrian rank on Caesar’s
, note C. Asinius Pollio (Catullus 12, 6 ff.) and
ivil War between Marius and Sulla, is appropriately discovered on the
of Caesar. 4 The Marian tradition in politics w
the verge of another coup d’état, Pompeius had only one censor on his
, Ap. Claudius, who strove to expel Curio from the
allegiance. In the imminence of civil war, Rome feared from Caesar’s
an irruption of barbarians from beyond the Alps.
m, stood loyal to Rome, raising a private army conspicuous on Sulla’s
at the capture of the town of Pompeii: his two so
in C. Octavius, the grandson of one of his sisters. On the paternal
the youth came of a respectable family that lacke
relationships, see Table III at end. Balbus himself, on the maternal
, was a near relative of Pompeius (Suetonius, Divu
plebs and veterans, and the acquiescence of the Senate. A move to one
would alienate the other. Hitherto Antonius had n
ublicans. The calculation was hazardous but not hopeless on the other
, certain moderates and Republicans might be lured
the insecurity of his position. The blow was to fall from the other
, from the plebs, from the veterans and from Octav
or to intimidate his secret accomplices. Might and right were on the
of the consul. But the advantage passed in a mome
on the Capitol. It was later alleged that a consular was ready on the
of Antonius with a bill of attainder against Octa
anus’ friend was of regal stock, deriving his descent on the maternal
from the Cilnii, a house that held dynastic power
ard Decidius Saxa. 2 The fact that Octavianus was deemed to be on the
of the Republic precluded a full and revealing ac
rigin. A long time passes before any number of senators emerge on his
. When four years have elapsed and Octavianus thro
ollowing of Isauricus. 3 Piso and P. Servilius each had a change of
to their credit. No politician could compete with
iously alien, and common friends, a hankering for applause on the one
and a gracious disposition to please and to flatt
mpathy with his allies. Yet he found himself, not unnaturally, on the
of Pompeius, of the party of the constitution, an
posterity as well as to its author or its audience. There was another
not Antonius only, but the neutrals. Cicero was n
rtisan in tone, cannot altogether suppress the arguments of the other
, whether they employ to that end calumny or silen
uchee he was effeminate and a coward. Instead of fighting at Caesar’s
in Spain, he lurked at Rome. How different was ga
of trade or the stage, the shame of municipal origin. On the paternal
, the greatgrandfather of Octavianus was a freedma
Celtiberian:6 he was a partisan of Antonius. Had he been on the right
, he would have been praised no less than that man
of a country is naturally and always most strongly in evidence on the
of vested interests. In times of peace and prospe
otism was all-embracing surely they could help the State on whichever
they stood. 2 The conversion of a military lead
sed Romae acturos consulatum. ’ PageBook=>163 invoking on the
of insurgents the authority of the Senate and the
risk a battle at Mutina. He was defeated but not routed; on the other
, Hirtius fell. In the field Antonius was rapid of
mediation; and Antonius publicly asseverated that Lepidus was on his
. Their palpable community of interest, hardened b
his army and made a semblance of intervening in northern Italy on the
of the Republic. On April 26th he crossed the Rhô
t once to destroy him Octavianus in his true colours, openly on their
against Caesar’s murderer. The designs of Octav
the prestige of the victor of Philippi was overwhelming. On the other
, they championed liberty and the rights of the di
, despite the loss of the Gallic legions, the odds of war were on the
of the great Antonius. NotesPage=>213 1 Di
and saved the lives of Roman citizens. They refused to fight. On each
deputations of soldiers made their wishes known.
t for making peace when the fortune of war had been manifestly on his
. The complacency of the dynasts and the nuptial
he leader of a party. The majority of the Republicans were now on the
of Antonius. After Philippi, Valerius Messalla, B
period in a revolutionary epoch. Octavianus felt that time was on his
. For the present, his colleague was constrained t
bsequent campaigns in Sicily only two Romans held high command on his
: Tisienus Gallus, the refugee from Sabine and Rep
the first revolutionary venture. Consulars were rare enough on either
. The most prominent of them, Pollio, Ventidius an
bove all, the full narrative of the Sicilian campaigns reveals on the
of Caesar’s heir for the first time among his gen
ornificius, Cinna, and others of their friends were found on Caesar’s
when war came. 1 The men were dead, and their f
ism, a proper regard for those provinces of human life which lie this
of romantic eroticism or mythological erudition.
io 49, 17, 5; Appian, BC 5, 137, 567 ff.). 6 On Dellius’ changes of
, Seneca, Suasoriae 1, 7; Velleius, 2, 84, 2. He w
re Antonius. PageBook=>271 consuls and the constitution on his
. 1 It was therefore necessary to demonstrate that
ian party. 3 More than seven hundred senators fought on Octavianus’
in the War of Actium (Res Gestae 25): the total s
of Sulla. 4 Dio 50, 7, I. PageBook=>280 consuls were on his
. Antonius stood on the defensive and therefore, i
crisis of the year 32, the consuls and a show of legality were on the
of Antonius. An absurdity the Roman constitution
squieting, perhaps, the prospect of an indecisive struggle, with each
so evenly balanced, leaving the rivals as before,
e and destroying the Caesarians. Time, money and supplies were on his
: he might delay and fight a battle with little lo
d Antonius’ attempt to cut off the camp of Octavianus on the landward
and invest his position proved a signal failure.
o departed, M. Junius Silanus and the agile Dellius, whose changes of
were proverbial but not unparalleled. 1 The ex-Re
rful party. Only three men of consular standing remained on Antonius’
, Canidius, Sosius and Gellius Poplicola. It would
Q. Nasidius and by M. Octavius, of a consular family. 6 On the other
the fleet of Octavianus faced the Antonians. The
ed at sea, baffled on land. 6 The names of the commanders on either
are given by Velleius 2, 85, 2 Plutarch, Antonius
fied, the birth-legend in the mythology of the Principate. On the one
stood Caesar’s heir with the Senate and People of
n the summer of the year 30 B.C. Octavianus approached Egypt from the
of Syria, Cornelius Gallus from the west. Pinariu
hield of Aeneas allows a brief glimpse of the future life, on the one
Catilina in hell, tormented by furies for ever, o
re easily and more naturally. Time, oblivion and security were on his
if he removed an unpopular person and exorbitant
estimony. 2 Wars waged between Romans with veteran armies on either
set a high standard of mobility, supply and strat
stock among the municipal aristocracies of Campania and Samnium. One
of his family, Samnite local gentry, stood by Rom
frontier. This was the essential and the minimum. An advance from the
of Gaul into Germany might shorten communications
, Agrippa died in February, 12 B.C. Further, there was delay from the
of Macedonia. A great insurrection broke out in T
water: Tiberius lived on in exile and might never return. On her own
of the family she lacked relatives who might be b
intermarried with certain Livii, kinsfolk of Tiberius on his mother’s
. 2 The family of L. Arruntius (cos. 22 B.C.), als
. 1 The myth of Actium was religious as well as national on the one
Rome and all the gods of Italy, on the other the
advantage, in invoking the better sort of Greek deities on the right
, so that the War of Actium could be shown as a su
t Cicero and his contemporaries affected to admire. There was another
to that. Yet the strong suspicion of fraud is n
ack the dominant individual or faction, appear to be fervently on the
of the government. It would be premature to disce
pate seems to attest inevitable and unbroken peace. There was another
to it ’pacem sine dubio post haec, vero cruentam’
were roughly handled by the prosecution. Augustus intervened on their
, with salutary rebuke of their enemies. 3 Augustu
eachery prospered. Q. Dellius, proverbial for agility, deserted every
at the right moment. It is curious that Horace sh
va which succeeded the absolute rule of Domitian. 1 There was another
to this fair show of phrases, namely, the real an
lina, see Sergius. Catilinarians, punishment of, 25 f.; on Caesar’s
, 66; in the towns of Italy, 89. Catullus, see Val
lars, importance of, 10, 388; in the Sullan oligarchy, 20 ff.; on the
of Pompeius, 44 f.; Caesarians, 61 f.; total in 4
s, 171, 184; in campaign of Philippi, 203 ff.; end of, 205 f.; on the
of Antonius, 268 f.; descendants of, 492; their m
lties at Philippi, 205 f.; under the Triumvirate, 243 f., 257; on the
of Octavianus, 237, 238 f.; on the side of Antoni
umvirate, 243 f., 257; on the side of Octavianus, 237, 238 f.; on the
of Antonius, 222, 269 f., 282; and Augustus, 368,
, 10, 18 f.; revived by Sulla, 68; revived by Caesar, 68; on Caesar’s
, 68 f.; ideals and ‘values’ of, 69 f.; local orig
, 89; Caesarian, 101, 120, 255; bribed by Octavianus, 125; changes of
, 159; pacifism of, 180 f.; Roman compared with He