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the historians Sallust, Pollio and Tacitus, all of them Republican in sentiment . Hence a deliberately critical attitude towards A
as the price, it was not too high: to a patriotic Roman of Republican sentiments even submission to absolute rule was a lesser evi
politicians formed compacts. Amicitia was a weapon of politics, not a sentiment based on congeniality. Individuals capture attent
mus quisque’. PageBook=>016 It was an alliance of interest and sentiment to combat the forces of dissolution represented b
88 After a decade of war Italy was united, but only in name, not in sentiment . At first the new citizens had been cheated of th
ill had to wait for a champion. Cicero was lavish with appeals to the sentiments and loyalty of Italy tota Italia; he was profuse
himself, as though they were his own ancestors. 3 He desired that the sentiment and voice of Italy should be heard at Rome but it
t a fatal chain of miscalculations both military and political, and a sentiment of loyalty incompatible with the chill claims of
and festivals were customary devices for the organization of popular sentiment . Already, at the Ludi Ceriales, Octavianus had ma
between the Caesarian leader and Caesar’s heir was distasteful to the sentiments of soldiers and officers, ruinous to their intere
mention of the Ludi Victoriae Caesaris, which revealed the Caesarian sentiments of the mob and the popularity of Caesar’s heir.
journey from Brundisium to Rome. As the months passed, the Caesarian sentiments of the legionaries were steadily reinforced and t
nt in his politics, had to wait longer for distinction and power. The sentiments which the young man entertained towards his adopt
. His grandfather was a man of property, of suitable and conservative sentiments and ready to defend his interests against Roman t
fairs in Rome should not be narrowly Roman, but commend itself to the sentiment and interests of Italy as a whole. An aspiration
s, a respectable and cautious jurist without strong political ties or sentiments . In the north winter still held up military opera
uncle of Antonius, an aged senator of blameless repute and Republican sentiments . Pansa supported him. Antonius was not declared a
The behaviour of the armies gives a more faithful reflection, of the sentiments of the Roman People than do the interested assert
ome. Fate was forging a new and more enduring compact of interest and sentiment through which the revived Caesarian party was to
roscriptions. PageBook=>192 Roman class-feeling and the common sentiments of humanity were revolted when Lepidus sacrificed
>209 As the year advanced the situation grew steadily worse. The sentiments of the soldiery veered round to Octavianus where
ent Maecenas on a diplomatic mission to Sicily and gave pledge of his sentiments by taking to wife Scribonia,4 who was the sister
ius, calling Lepidus ‘vir omnium vanissimus’, echoes the language and sentiments of Lepidus’ contemporaries. 6 Appian indicates
d not matter. Octavianus was already exploring the propaganda and the sentiments that might serve him later against Antonius, winn
n defence of the new order, it lacked inner cohesion and community of sentiment . The Senate presented a strange and alarming as
ugmented the aristocracy with a new nobility. No record stands of the sentiments of the nobiles when they contemplated the golden
n and open manner was no affectation but the honest expression of his sentiments . 2 Neither Brutus nor Calvus found Cicero firm an
instead derived a clear, firm and even metallic style, a distrust of sentiment and a realistic conception of human life. He in
3 Dio 49, 43, 5. 4 Ib. 49, 13, 1 ff.; 34, 3 f. PageBook=>256 sentiments of the beneficiaries of the proscriptions, newly
on of the governing class and the abolition of active politics: their sentiments concerning state and society did not need to unde
olemo, King of Pontus. PageBook=>263 will. Regard for Hellenic sentiments would reinforce peace and concord through allianc
h of a solemn agreement; to refuse, an insult to Octavia and to Roman sentiment . Once again Octavia was thrown forward as a pawn
e kingdom of Egypt, passed without repercussion in Rome or upon Roman sentiment . Nor did any outcry of indignant patriotism at on
um’. 2 That was the point where Antonius was most vulnerable, Roman sentiment most easily to be worked and swayed. Years before
When an official document records voluntary manifestations of popular sentiment under a despotic government, a certain suspension
ans of a narrow and outworn constitution he appealed to the voice and sentiments of the true Roman People not the corrupt plebs or
d was enfranchised after the Bellum Italicum, it had not coalesced in sentiment with the victorious city to form a nation. The It
For any contest it would have been difficult enough to enlist Italian sentiment . Italy had no quarrel with Antonius; as for despo
purchased, the lower orders deceived or dragooned. What were the real sentiments of the upper and middle classes at this time? Man
ad been prejudicial to Italian economy as well as alarming to Italian sentiment . As it was, Antonius’ system of reducing the burd
deas. It might be inexpedient to defy, but it was easy to delude, the sentiments of a patriotic people. The disaster of Crassus an
mony with ancestral custom, ‘mos maiorum’—which in practice meant the sentiments of the oldest living senators. Lacking any percep
he constitution to fit his policy, his policy to harmonize with Roman sentiment . The formulation was easily found—it reposed not
t discovered. The author was Fannius Caepio, Republican in family and sentiment . 6 PageNote. 333 1 Namely L. Aelius Lamia in
e Dictator, and Octavianus, who was his heir in name and blood. The sentiments of the Caesarian party were soon made known. The
rdensome. 6 Like Tiberius after him, he was constrained to stifle his sentiments . What they thought of their common taskmaster was
alicum? Cicero had spoken of Italy with moving tones and with genuine sentiment . But Cicero spoke for the existing order even had
Augustus’ Italy, many of them from the Italia whose name, nation and sentiments had so recently been arrayed in war against Rome.
he Roman franchise or not. Hence a steady diffusion of Roman ways and sentiments , a steady reinforcement of the citizen body. Abov
ir adherents, bringing young men of respectable families and suitable sentiments into the equestris militia, thence perhaps into t
Postumus, the last surviving son of Agrippa and Julia. Of the true sentiments of Senate and People when the Claudian returned t
eous and patriotic movement, arose a salutary myth which enhanced the sentiment of Roman nationalism to a formidable and even gro
Moreover, such regulation was repugnant to aristocratic breeding and sentiment . The Roman matron could claim that she needed no
and political advancement and centres for the propagation of correct sentiments about the government. 1 Augustus awarded commissi
m mere action by a government. There is much more authentic religious sentiment here than has sometimes been believed. 4 It will
t piety and frugality, respect for the family and loyalty to bonds of sentiment and duty were retained, with a consciousness of s
s rerum dominos gentemque togatam. 3 To this identity in origin and sentiment with a large class in Italy Augustus owed much of
State, like the religion of the family, was not totally repugnant to sentiment . It was pietas, the typical Roman virtue. Augustu
1 Agents with skill to evoke spontaneous manifestations of the true sentiments of the sovran people were indispensable to Roman
Augustus, that fact may have reinforced, but it did not pervert, the sentiments natural to members of the pacific and non-politic
Veneti, they cannot be detected in the character or in the political sentiments of Virgil and Livy. Both may be taken as fairly t
unate in discovering for his epic poet of Italy a man whose verse and sentiments harmonized so easily with his own ideas and polic
, 1, 15 f. 2 ILS 137. 3 ILS 139 f. PageBook=>473 From Rome sentiment radiated forth to the Roman towns or rather, the
he towns in sedulous loyalty imitated for the expression of their own sentiments the themes and forms made standard by official po
ds. The language of that ‘Graeca adulatio’ so loathsome to Republican sentiment becomes more and more lavish and ornate. Not only
ution would further inspire among the Gauls just so much community of sentiment as would serve the convenience of Rome without cr
enators had an opportunity in the Curia or in the law courts to utter sentiments of no little frankness and vigour. PageNotes. 4
f the proscriptions, 195; in 32 B.C., 290; at Gades and Corduba, 292; sentiments about the new order, 257, 351; as a cardinal fact
families, 19 f.; local origins, 84 f. Plebs, venality and Caesarian sentiments of, 100 f., 119 f., 142; and Augustus, 322, 370,
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