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itas is the word his enemies would have called it potentia. They were right . Yet the ‘Restoration of the Republic’ was not me
ghters of the great houses commanded political influence in their own right , exercising a power beyond the reach of many a se
under the domination of Marius and Cinna, passed over to Sulla in the right season, and guided by craft and counsel the first
of M. Terentius Varro Lucullus is not known. PageBook=>022 the right wing when Sulla destroyed the Samnite army at the
ul the law passed by the tribunes of the year conceding to Caesar the right to stand for the consulate in absence. Detected,
in war, and now Caesar had become a rival political leader in his own right . In every class of society the defeated and dispo
acherous fashion. Ahenobarbus was a great political dynast in his own right , born to power. The Pact of Luca blocked him from
lling class and nation, ruling a subject, united and uniform world by right divine. 2 This extreme simplification of long a
e tragedies of history do not arise from the conflict of conventional right and wrong. They are more august and more complex.
ng. They are more august and more complex. Caesar and Brutus each had right on his side. The new party of the Liberators wa
nt a large sum of money. 2 He now stood with Caesar and commanded the right wing at Pharsalus, renewing for Caesar the luck o
freedmen? There were to be no proscriptions. But Caesar acquired the right to sell, grant or divide up the estates of his ad
‘Republican’ measures of Antonius, the removal from the People of the right of electing the pontifex maximus. This looked wel
asy to incriminate or to intimidate his secret accomplices. Might and right were on the side of the consul. But the advantage
wild Celtiberian:6 he was a partisan of Antonius. Had he been on the right side, he would have been praised no less than tha
change therefore appealed, not to reform or progress, not to abstract right and abstract justice, but to something called mos
nds’ or ‘parricides’. 7 It would be necessary to ‘bring them to their right minds again’. Plancus was an adept. Years before
Heaven itself, namely that all things advantageous for the State are right and lawful’. 7 Extraordinary commands were agains
before the law, and Brutus was insecure. Antonius was patently in the right when summoning him to surrender the province. Tha
d every reason to demand safeguards in return for compromising on his right to Gallia Cisalpina under a law passed by the Rom
turer. As for Brutus and Cassius, he appears to have recognized their right to the consulate of 41 B.C. The breach was not ye
tious or the shameless made show of high loyalty and competed for the right to prosecute. Agrippa indicted Cassius,1 a person
us. ’3 So might the period be described. But the Caesarians claimed a right and a duty that transcended all else, the avengin
st mountains, to the south on a marsh. Brutus pitched his camp on the right wing, Cassius on the left. They had leisure to un
the sole credit of victory. The battle was indecisive. Brutus on the right flank swept over the Caesarian lines and captured
despaired too soon. Unaware of the brilliant success of Brutus on the right wing, deceived perhaps, as one account runs, thro
aries of Pompeius a great number, being servile in origin, lacked any right or status: they were handed over to their former
Ahenobarbus the admiral built or repaired a shrine of Neptune, as was right , even though he did not hold a triumph. Apollo,
estates or the fruits of mercantile operations, dynastic in their own right . Caesar did his best to equal or usurp the foll
tra it was different: she was a goddess as well as a queen in her own right . The assumption of divinity presented a more seri
Roman however degenerate could have descended to such treason in his right mind. It was therefore solemnly asseverated that
ything to the name of Caesar, possessed strength and glory in his own right , and implacable ambition. From the rivalry of t
his own power to the discretion of the Senate and the People. By what right had it been in his hand? He indicates that it was
as not the only reward of loyal service—he was granted in 30 B.C. the right of nominating each year one member of the board o
measure the statecraft of houses that held power in Rome of their own right , the Claudii and the Livii. She exploited her ski
etimes disappointed, precisely when he had every reason to expect the right kind of senator: equestrian distaste for public l
ore and more sons of consuls grew to maturity, claiming honours as of right . Again, as his own provincia gradually developed
vincia gradually developed into a series of separate commands, it was right that they should be regarded and governed as sepa
secured the consulate even to the most unworthy which was held to be right and proper, a debt repaid to ancestors who had de
y-five denarii a head. 1 But Balbus began as a millionaire in his own right . Agrippa rose out of nothing: he came to own the
diers and politicians there was still a place for nobles in their own right , without special or public merit. 7 Though supp
s; and even if Taurus could not retain under the new dispensation his right to designate a praetor every year, that did not m
public debate: they were now decided in secret by a few men. 1 He is right . If Augustus wished his rule to retain the sembla
every advantage, in invoking the better sort of Greek deities on the right side, so that the War of Actium could be shown as
by generous subsidies, the populace might still assert for itself the right of free speech, as no order else in the New State
evolution and Empire. Noble birth still brought the consulate as of right , and after a long interval of years the proconsul
ervant of the government, Ser. Sulpicius Galba: they should have been right , for Galba was only the façade of a man, in no wa
pered. Q. Dellius, proverbial for agility, deserted every side at the right moment. It is curious that Horace should have fel
. The rule of law had perished long ago, with might substituted for right . The contest for power in the Free State was sple
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