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he Roman Revolution: hence the danger of an indulgent estimate of the person and acts of Augustus. It was the avowed purpose
oreover, undue insistence upon the character and exploits of a single person invests history with dramatic unity at the expens
e fall to that part of the oligarchy which was concentrated about the person of Cato; and Cato was dominated by his step-siste
the favourite of the Optimates, T. Annius Milo, a brutal and vicious person who had married Fausta, the dissolute daughter of
tic Appius Claudius Pulcher, proud, corrupt and superstitious, in his person the symbol and link of the whole coalition: himse
ight derived secret strength from the antipathy which he felt for the person and character of Caesar. The influence and exam
as a truer Roman than either of them. The complete synthesis in the person of Caesar of hereditary monarchy and divine worsh
ng a part at least of the cult of Divus Julius to that very different person , Caesar the Dictator. The rule of Caesar could
r monarchy or democracy could be made to serve their ends, to enhance person and family. The NotesPage=>069 1 Q. Fabius
Hirtius, had already entered the Senate. 4 Hirtius was a comfortable person of scholarly tastes, in high repute as a gourmet:
1) to have belonged to a proscribed family. Yet he is surely the same person as C. Vibius Pansa, tribune in 51 B.C. (Ad fam. 8
licanus’, which should suffice. Eloquent advocacy proclaims that this person conducted financial operations, not for any perso
probable that the Caesarian Curtius, or Curtius Postumus, is the same person as the notorious Rabirius Postumus, so named afte
his younger and more energetic rival. Caesar the proconsul won to his person the towns of Gallia Cisalpina and the tribal prin
y and duration. In Verona the father of the poet Catullus, no doubt a person of substance, was the friend and host of the proc
e Fabii and the Valerii, adopted a vigorous ally against them, in the person of a wealthy farmer, M. Porcius Cato from Tusculu
, though indirect, was to be adequate and of the best, namely his own person . Italy was held to be firm for conservative int
prosecuted C. Cato (Tacitus, Dial. 34, 7), not, however an important person . The powerful enemies to whom Pollio makes refere
e Picene landowner L. Minucius Basilus, a not altogether satisfactory person , Caesar refused the government of a province, off
randfather was a great orator, his father a good-natured but careless person ), the years of pleasure and adventure brought him
in times of crisis and by the need to safeguard his position and his person , especially when attacked, later in the year, by
1 Ad Att. 14, 13a and 13b, Antonius’ letter and Cicero’s reply. The person was Sex. Clodius, a henchman of P. Clodius. 2 I
us and remembered ancestor; 1 he also sought to attach that ambiguous person by betrothing his daughter to Lepidus’ son. Moreo
nd brigandage, not merely Catilinarian but Spartacist. Turning to the person and family of the revolutionary, he invoked both
a knight’s son, legate in the Gallic and Civil Wars, and a mysterious person called L. Pinarius Scarpus were nephews of the Di
s, otherwise unknown, was a general at Philippi and probably the same person as the Antonian Pinarius Scarpus, cf. Münzer, Her
t. Cicero was sorry. 4 The domination of the Caesarian faction in the person of Antonius appeared unshakable. At last, after l
of Octavianus was a freedman, a rope-maker; on the maternal, a sordid person of native African extraction, a baker or seller o
th he had revelled in cruelty: such had been his lusts that no modest person could mention them. 2 In the professed ideals o
conduct of the war by the two consuls had overshadowed for a time the person of Octavianus. Hirtius and Pansa, at the head of
and competed for the right to prosecute. Agrippa indicted Cassius,1 a person called L. Cornificius marked down Brutus as his
form of landed NotesPage=>194 1 Appian, BC 4, 43, 180, On this person , a cousin of Pompeius Magnus, cf. above, p. 31, n
s known of the services to the Triumvirs of either Asprenas or of any person called Marcius. 4 L. Staius Murcus was active f
xaggerated the role of Fulvia both at the time and later, putting her person and her acts in a hateful light; and there was no
cil of Perusia, with the exception, it is said, of one man, an astute person who in Rome had secured for himself a seat upon t
bribes from the prince of Commagene. Antonius arrived and received in person the capitulation of Samosata. Ventidius departed,
.C., or his son, C. Sentius Saturninus (cos. 19 B.C.), a better-known person (who is clearly referred to by Velleius, 2, 77, 3
riding Agrippa, who was present, accepted the capitulation in his own person . Octavianus objected: Lepidus, with twenty-two le
m. 2 C. Proculeius, however, now turns up, only a Roman knight, but a person of repute and consequence. 3 Above all, the full
the loyalty and the affection of his troops does not need to show his person in the front of battle. Octavianus in the campaig
front of battle. Octavianus in the campaigns in Illyricum risked his person with ostentation and received honourable wounds.
hat it was held a matter of note, if not of scandal, when an inferior person presumed to tread such august precincts: a freedm
lanced union between Roman party leader and Hellenistic dynast in one person ; the latter role would be sensibly enhanced by th
rary, social and political tradition there was also a reminder in the person of the young Curio, loyal to his father’s friend,
al, save that in Egypt he changed the dynasty and substituted his own person for the Ptolemies. Caesar Augustus was therefore
him in death, true to noble and patrician tradition. She was the last person of note in a family that claimed descent from the
l to the new Romulus, who tried to engross and concentrate on his own person all prestige and success in war, as an almost rel
2, C 1474. 5 The extraction and other connexions of this remarkable person are highly obscure (P-W V A, 706 ff.). Nor is his
3 B.C. ‘A. T[erentius … ] V[ar]ro Murena’ (CIL ι2, p. 28) is the same person as the Terentius Varro in Dio (53, 25, 3) and Str
me, oblivion and security were on his side if he removed an unpopular person and exorbitant powers. The same reasons counselle
acknowledgement in history. 3 In 26 B.C. Augustus took the field in person . 4 He marched northwards against the Cantabrians
asion; and as all glory and all history now concentrate upon a single person , only the detachment commanded by Augustus himsel
11, 1 ff. The mendacious Velleius (2, 90, 4) asserts that Augustus in person had achieved the conquest of Spain (in 26 and 25
eace and order restored but would it last? And, more than security of person and property, whence would come salvation and reg
es in 17 B.C. (ILS 5050, 1. 150). C. Furnius, along with a mysterious person called C. Cluvius (PIR2, C 1204), was specially a
d, rewarded and promoted the humblest of his soldiers. He defended in person the veteran Scutarius in a court of law; 3 and he
nothing of slaves and cattle in their thousands. The funeral of this person cost a million sesterces. 5 During the Triumvir
rhaps as promotion for a special service to Augustus (ILS 2676). This person was a XXVIvir. No evidence, however, that he actu
Augustus bent all his efforts to attaching these young nobiles to his person , to his family and to the new system, with no lit
ellaneous following, bound to a cause and a programme as well as to a person . Furthermore, whatever the fate of the Princeps,
merits that conferred the consulate upon C. Valgius Rufus, an erudite person who wrote poems and composed a treatise on the sc
ouncil. Again, the equestrian officer might turn out to be a valuable person , with long years of continuous service, skilled t
perhaps usually, quaestorian in rank, cf. ILS 931 and 945. The first person to be described as legate of a definite legion is
part of Augustus’ will (Suetonius, Divus Aug. 101, 1) is perhaps the person who turns up as a studiis and a libellis under Cl
2 A sacerdotal lawyer, conservative and pliable, was to hand in the person of Ateius Capito. 1 For the promotion of literary
heir. When the Principate was first transmitted to a successor, that person already held sufficient powers to preclude any re
despised the origin of Augustus, remembered his past and loathed his person , they could neither compete with the Divi filius
ughter of Augustus’ stepfather. 2 Fabius, a cultivated and diplomatic person , was an intimate friend of the Princeps, whose gl
A.D. 10). 4 The last consular Marcellus is Aeserninus (22 B.C.), a person of no great note who had been a partisan of Caesa
other nobles with influential connexions, such as that mild-mannered person P. Quinctilius Varus, who were not so deeply comm
intrigue. Quirinius had prospered; 3 likewise P. Quinctilius Varus, a person of consequence at Rome he had married Claudia Pul
), the distinguished general of a war in Africa, a somnolent and lazy person to outward view, but no less trusted by Tiberius
e legions were inspired with a fanatical yet rational devotion to the person of Augustus and to the house of Caesar. No less c
against the Princeps. PageBook=>480 That might be doubted. The person and habits of Augustus were no less detestable th
ions which the Princeps had imported from his municipal origin. The person and character of Augustus and of his friends prov
lasted as long and perpetuated the blood of L. Calpurnius Piso in the person of L. Nonius Calpurnius Torquatus Asprenas, twice
from Spain, M. Ulpius Traianus, the son of a consular and therefore a person of social as well as of military distinction. Wit
was an encouragement to the more irresponsible type of serious-minded person . No danger that they would be challenged to put t
3 Tacitus, Hist. 4, 5. 4 Titinius Capito (Pliny, Epp. 1, 17). This person had been a high secretary of state under Domitian
when important for their political allegiance or as the origo of some person : in most cases the bare reference is given, witho
ics, 7 f., 11 ff., 16, 20, &c. see also Feuds. Faesulae, prolific person from, 469. Fannius, C., adherent of Sex. Pompeius
rius, L., obscure senator, 81. Turranius, C. (pr. 44 B.C.), obscure person , 91. Turranius, C., praefectus annonae, 357, 367,
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