he Samnites and the Carthaginians: some had maintained it since then,
had lapsed for a time. The Fulvii, the Sempronii
55, 22 M): A primipilaris (Orosius 5, 21, 3). But there may have been
. On the class from which Sulla’s new senators wer
r new senators, from the provinces of the West, some were of Italian,
of native extraction. The antithesis is incomplet
virtues and unimpaired fortune of his parent these admirable men and
now adorned the Senate of Rome, augmented in pers
rly Republic. 2 Some said that Cicero’s father was a dyer of clothes:
carried his lineage back to Attius Tullus, a king
of the legend put the immigration in the sixth year of the Republic,
in the regal period. For the evidence, P-W III, 2
t of Rome. Caesar has a mixed following, some stripped from Pompeius,
not to be closely defined: an origin from the tow
the most gloomy reports; 4 some, like Balbus and Oppius, dissembled;
again were frankly willing to make the best of th
ne L. Antonius, the dramatic writer Nucula, Caesennius Lento, and two
possibly Decidius Saxa and Cafo, Phil. 8, 26, cf.
blic, not, as some hoped, by action, but by preventing the actions of
. Even a nonentity is a power when consul at Rome.
ot novel. Nobody ever sought power for himself and the enslavement of
without invoking libertas and such fair names. 4
Narbonensis and Hispania Citerior. Where NotesPage=>165 1 The
were C. Antonius (cos. 63), C. Caninius Rebilus (
death-bed may or may not have given to Caesar’s heir. 4 And now on
beside Octavianus the menace from the East loomed
sages to Antonius, soon fell away to the cause of the Republic. 2 The
were of no importance. Lepidus himself, however,
had been able to evade proscription, such as the father of Brutus and
. The decadence of legal authority and the ever-pr
ticus was not put on the list even for form’s sake or as a warning to
: he had recently shown conspicuous kindness to th
lus (cos. 50 B.C.) was still alive: for the sons and relatives of the
the only record in the years 43–39 B.C. is a Mete
the side of Antonius. After Philippi, Valerius Messalla, Bibulus and
transferred their allegiance to Antonius, who, th
ies to be courted, men of some consequence now or later. 1 There were
: yet there was no rapid or unanimous adhesion to
considerable faction among the aristocracy. The nobiles would attract
of their own rank and many a humbler snob or time
an rank). PageBook=>244 perished during the last twenty years,
, especially the Pompeians and Republicans, could
a Cisalpina, Cato, it was alleged (perhaps falsely), a freedman,2 the
, however, sons of wealthy families from the local
ation was possible, but hardly with Pompeius. Cornificius, Cinna, and
of their friends were found on Caesar’s side when
w poets, survived to write verses himself and extend his patronage to
. Under the rule of the Triumvirate he was known t
willing to make their peace with the new order, some in resignation,
from ambition. Ahenobarbus with Antonius, Messall
Of his Roman partisans Antonius took with him Titius, Ahenobarbus and
. 1 Plancus, the uncle of Titius, may have seen se
rian partisans, Republicans, Pompeians. Certain allies were now dead;
, estranged by absence or by the diplomatic arts o
ational government. Cicero would easily have proved to himself and to
that the new order was the best state of all, mor
here to the legislation of 28 B.C.— he speaks of ‘pax et princeps’; 3
would have said ‘pax et dominus’. NotesPage=>
legati Augusti pro praetore, only one was of consular standing. 1 The
were praetorian. Nor was high birth in evidence.
ily and connexions of one of the legates are uncertain; 2 none of the
had consular ancestors—if their parents were sena
reveals the fact that Murena was consul ordinarius in 23 B.C. All the
head the year with the suffectus, Cn. Calpurnius
nt consul was an impropriety. Moreover, his continued tenure debarred
. Active partisans clamoured to be rewarded, legat
he deeds for which he secured the credit were in the main the work of
, and his unique primacy must not obscure the real
he Claudian house were perhaps not so far apart in this matter and in
. PageNote. 344 1 Velleius 2, 79, 1: ‘parendiq
man stood supreme, invested with power and with auctoritas beyond all
, he could invite to a share in his rule allies wh
the latus clavus in youth and passing almost at once into the Senate,
after a military career as knights. C. Velleius P
perately proud of birth. 1 Of some the town or region is attested; in
the family-name, by root or termination, betrays
d baffle conjecture. 1 Though unprolific, he exploited the progeny of
. 2 The daughter was not the Princeps’ only pawn.
eps long ago had won the Claudian connexion: through the marriages of
he subsequently ensnared the patrician houses of
e probably the Calpurnii, Claudii Marcelli, Domitii, Junii Silani and
; of the new nobility, the Aelii Lamiae, Appuleii,
was one of the three legates who governed Spain for Pompeius. Of the
, the obscure Petreius was also in high repute as
of note governed Galatia at different times, one when praetorian, the
consular. M. Lollius (cos. 21 B.C.) carried out t
XIX (1934), 60 ff. C. Patsch (Wiener S-B. 214, 1 (1932), 104 ff.) and
are in favour of 10 B.C. On Cn, Cornelius Lentulu
llius c. 19–18 B.C. (Dio 54, 20, 3) in Macedonia; and, no doubt, many
. The language in which the cities of Asia extol P
shals of the revolutionary wars, Carrinas, Calvisius, Cornificius and
had disappeared. Taurus was dead, and his son did
re among them. 1 The consular Iullus Antonius was put to death; 2 the
, the consular T. Quinctius Crispinus, described a
Velleius alone (2, 100, 4 f.) gives the list. He says that there were
, both senators and knights. 2 Dio 55, 10, 15; T
ren island. 2 Her paramour was D. Junius Silanus3 there may have been
, for the charge of immorality was a convenient de
r rivals of Tiberius, such as Lollius and Iullus Antonius, were dead,
discredited, others displaced. Astute politicians
, such as Lollius and Iullus Antonius, were dead, others discredited,
displaced. Astute politicians who had not committ
which the Roman People enjoyed, of the imperium which it exerted over
. PageNotes. 440 1 Tacitus, Hist. 2, 95. Pag
any old families had died out through lack of heirs, the existence of
was precarious. The wealth needed to support the
ge with freedwomen, though now forbidden to senators, was condoned in
for it was better than no marriage. The Roman Peo
the other was a Picene. That was no palliation. These men before all
should have provided the ‘Itala virtus’ that was
no children one of the reasons, no doubt, for the choice. There were
: at this time there can have been in existence fe
he Roman had once boasted that he alone enjoyed libertas while ruling
. It was now evident that obedience was the condit