/ 1
ugustus, but upon his adherents and partisans. The composition of the oligarchy of government therefore emerges as the dominant t
rm and name of government, be it monarchy, republic, or democracy, an oligarchy lurks behind the façade; and Roman history, Repub
be reduced to due subordination. After Sulla’s ordinances, a restored oligarchy of the nobiles held office at Rome. Pompeius foug
them all. The policy and acts of the Roman People were guided by an oligarchy , its annals were written in an oligarchic spirit.
the old framework and categories subsist: a monarchy rules through an oligarchy . Subject and treatment indicated, it remains to
for life: it ennobled a family for ever. Within the Senate, itself an oligarchy , a narrow ring, namely the nobiles, or descendant
une M. Livius Drusus hoped to enlist them on the side of the dominant oligarchy . He failed, and they rose against Rome in the nam
ia, despoiled and resentful, rose again for Lepidus against the Roman oligarchy . 1 Lepidus was suppressed. But disorders contin
Sallust, Hist, 1, 67 m; 69; 77, 6, &c. PageBook=>018 As an oligarchy is not a figment of political theory, a specious
s recruited and renewed. None the less, though the composition of the oligarchy is slowly transformed with the transformation of
nobility. But neither Valerii nor Fabii stand in the forefront of his oligarchy . The predominance of the Valerii had passed long
Nerones. The lesser was to prevail. The patricians in the restored oligarchy held rank not so much from resources of their own
d guided by craft and counsel the first stormy years of the renovated oligarchy . 5 Among other eminent houses of the plebeian nob
ageBook=>020 But the core and heart of Sulla’s party and Sulla’s oligarchy was the powerful house of the Caecilii Metelli, w
m the great political lady Servilia and the redoubtable leader of the oligarchy in its last struggles, M. Porcius Cato. 1 With
orary definition, as a faction or gang. 2 The ramifications of this oligarchy were pervasive, its most weighty decisions taken
ed to be passing. Leadership might therefore fall to that part of the oligarchy which was concentrated about the person of Cato;
ng the aid of young nobiles whose clientela carried many votes. 5 The oligarchy knew their man. They admitted Cicero to shut out
s stood sorely in need of a leader. There were dangerous rifts in the oligarchy , the wounds of feud and faction. Neither Aemilii
d by one man. Something more was involved than the privileges of an oligarchy : in the contest against Cn. Pompeius Magnus, Cato
Pompeius, making him sacrifice Caesar in return for alliance with the oligarchy . Cicero took heart. He proclaimed the ideal of a
the long-awaited discussion on Caesar’s provinces and confounding the oligarchy by pertinacious proposals that both dynasts shoul
ory and the rewards of greed and ambition in a war against the Sullan oligarchy . Italy began to stir. In the city of Rome polit
him a pointed reminder of the dignitas of their house. 4 It was the oligarchy of Sulla, manifest and menacing in its last bid f
was Pompeius. After long wavering Pompeius chose at last to save the oligarchy . Further, the proconsul’s proposals as conveyed t
ose adherents with whom he supplemented the Senate and reinforced the oligarchy of government, an important topic, demands separa
former adversaries pointed out. From Pompeius, from Cato and from the oligarchy , no hope of reform. But Caesar seemed different:
recalled his behaviour towards certain of the principes of the Sullan oligarchy , Catulus (Velleius 2, 43, 3) and Lucullus (Sueton
ged that, after all, they had ‘hired the money’. PageBook=>058 oligarchy could survive if its members refused to abide by
ny have fancied; and no Roman conceived of government save through an oligarchy . But Caesar was being forced into an autocratic p
ons in the hand of his rival, namely the appeal to the People against oligarchy , oppression and murder: cum duce Sullano gerimu
s, all names of historic note in the Marian faction. 2 Hostile to the oligarchy and wishing to supersede it, Marius’ party compri
dead but remembered. Rapacious or idealistic enemies of the dominant oligarchy took heart again. It was evident that Caesar woul
lies looked to Pompeius as the heir of Sulla and the protector of the oligarchy . More numerous were the decayed patricians that p
branches of the Cornelii, the Scipiones and the Lentuli, stood by the oligarchy . But Caesar claimed, among other patricians, the
gt;086 But these are exceptions rather than examples. The governing oligarchy , not least the dynastic houses of the plebeian no
Marian party had been defeated and proscribed by Sulla. The restored oligarchy , established by violence and confiscation, perpet
minous of the end. 4 Caesar’s Dictatorship meant the curbing of the oligarchy , promotion for merit. Yet there is nothing revolu
e when he gained the consulate and entered the ranks of the governing oligarchy . Cicero had never been a revolutionary not even a
ich described in detail the institutions of a traditional but liberal oligarchy in a state where men were free but not equal. He
the spirit of the constitution was held to be aristocratic. In fact, oligarchy ruled through consent and prescription. There wer
f privilege. Yet, even so, libertas could not be monopolized by the oligarchy or by any party in power. It was open to their op
the great houses of the plebeian aristocracy, the backbone of Sulla’s oligarchy , were sadly weakened, with no consular Metelli le
e faction of Cato, the sons of the dominant consulars in the defeated oligarchy , departed with their kinsman and leader M. Junius
spirit and distinction chose Caesar in preference to Pompeius and the oligarchy ; but they would not tolerate Caesar’s ostensible
st in its consuls as had been the last and transient supremacy of the oligarchy : strange names of alien root or termination now i
military provinces of Gaul, Spain and Africa. 1 A powerful Caesarian oligarchy grew up, while the party of Antonius, by contrast
ion for the new government that should replace the narrow and corrupt oligarchy of the nobiles. 2 In his disillusionment, now tha
wn the way. The new monarchy could not rule without help from the old oligarchy . The order of knights had everything to gain fr
tion would impose a severe strain upon the Roman People. If the Roman oligarchy was to survive as a governing class it would have
the plebs and the army. But he could not rule without the help of an oligarchy . His primacy was precarious if it did not accommo
as Agrippa, Calvisius and Taurus, to any extremity. But the military oligarchy was highly variegated. There was scarce a man amo
ted the government. Agrippa, Livia and the chief men in the governing oligarchy had averted the danger of any premature manifesta
, though empire may appear to presuppose monarchy. There is always an oligarchy somewhere, open or concealed. When the Caesarian
igate in some detail the composition and recruitment of the governing oligarchy , with especial reference to its leading members,
Cf. above, p. 84 f. PageBook=>365 The widened and strengthened oligarchy in the new order was indirectly, but none the les
the consulate brought nobility and a place in the front ranks of the oligarchy . No new system was suddenly created in January,
ength to the new régime, but also feuds and dissensions in the secret oligarchy of government. When the social parvenu and revo
d, but all the more intense and bitter, in the heart of the governing oligarchy , in court and cabinet. NotesPage=>405 1 Di
f conquest, the effort of Rome did not flag or fail. The governmental oligarchy could furnish adequate generals and sagacious cou
, were there not attested certain eminent personages in the governing oligarchy whose claims must have been the subject of public
, cannot show a consul at this time. 4 Other families dominant in the oligarchy of government after Sulla are now missing or sadl
wer was seized and held, the working of patronage, the creation of an oligarchy and system of government. Security of possession,
eneration merely perhaps carrying out the instructions of a concealed oligarchy or the general mandate of his adherents? It was
re less in evidence. There was Sallustius, it is true, attacking both oligarchy and the power of money, with advocacy of moral an
eir spirit. The satirist did not dare to deride the new nobility, the oligarchy of government in his own day. He makes mock of th
consular families, as befitted the dual composition of the governing oligarchy , became involved in the family history, court sca
ve character and evil deeds against the novi homines prominent in the oligarchy . NotesPage=>509 1 Seneca, Epp. 94, 46: ‘M.
r law, but more and more for the sole reason of birth. 1 The Sullan oligarchy made its peace with the monarchy. By the end of A
açade, 11 f., 340. Consulars, importance of, 10, 388; in the Sullan oligarchy , 20 ff.; on the side of Pompeius, 44 f.; Caesaria
ernment, 7 f., 18; of Sulla, 17 ff., 45, 61; code of, 57 ff.; liberal oligarchy , 145; inevitability of, 7, 346. Ollius, T., son
/ 1