nators the names of some four hundred can be identified, many of them
or casually known. 1 The remainder have left no r
eian Claudii Marcelli, who emulated the Scipiones in their great age:
for a century, they emerge again into sudden prom
clouded truth and equity. The nature of the political crisis is less
. Caesar and his associates in power had thwarted
trabo at Asculum, he had been led or carried in a Roman triumph. From
years of early manhood some said that he served a
gt;081 and after. From sheer reason and weight of numbers, from the
or fantastic names by chance recorded once and ne
The patrician P. Sulla was joined by the nobilis C. Antonius and the
M. Cispius, a man of character and principle who
t the early admissions to power and nobility at Rome much will remain
and controversial. In itself, the process is natu
example three of the praetors of 44 B.C., dim figures, the bearers of
names, the first and perhaps the last senators of
s Sabinus (cos. 39 B.C.), on whom below, p. 199. PageBook=>094
men. 1 That might be expected: it is the earliest
ily and repute of certain Italici now admitted to the Senate must not
the numerous new senators from certain older regi
he survivors of the Catonian party, Pompeians such as Q. Ligarius and
individuals like D. Turullius or Cassius of Parma
would not allow them to take over their provinces. 1 What happened is
the provinces in question may have been allotted
oman politics. NotesPage=>111 1 The situation in Syria is very
. The quaestor C. Antistius Vetus was still appare
rable to the Liberators. 3 So much in public. What happened next is
. The enemies of Antonius, taking new courage, may
the ancients and the parliamentary theories of the moderns sometimes
the nature and sources of political power at Rome
d government, he must turn his hopes and his efforts towards the more
of the Caesarian novi homines in the Senate, or,
2 Octavianus may already have numbered among his supporters certain
and perhaps unsavoury individuals, such as Mindiu
) and the two consuls of 53, M. Valerius Messalla Rufus, who lived on
and unrecorded (he was augur for the space of 55
o be secured. The people chose him as consul along with Q. Pedius, an
relative of unimpeachable repute, who did not sur
adversaries might head the list: the bulk is made up by the names of
senators or Roman knights. The nobiles were not n
ade for the coast of the Adriatic. Ventidius’ march and movements are
. Pollio retired north- eastwards and held Venetia
Balbus was probably in Spain at the same time as Peducaeus; 6 and the
admiral M. Lurius, never heard of before and only
roperty. 6 The earlier activities of both Lepidus and Ap. Pulcher are
probably tortuous. 7 The principal members of t
Civil Wars. C. Helvius Cinna, the learned author of an elaborate and
poem called Smyrna, was torn to pieces by the Rom
s to defend their cities ; 5 and a brigand called Cleon, born in an
Phrygian village, harried and destroyed the invad
admirals like Insteius from Pisaurum, Q. Didius and M. Oppius Capito,
persons, and the two marshals whom Antonius had t
rmed violence and revived during the War of Perusia, were intensified
ancestry, NotesPage=>276 1 The order of ev
Antonius concentrated his forces in the neighbourhood. Then all is
. Months passed, with operations by land and sea o
1 There is a mysterious calamity in these years unexplained in cause,
in date. C. Cornelius Gallus the Prefect of Egypt
extraction and other connexions of this remarkable person are highly
(P-W V A, 706 ff.). Nor is his nomenclature const
consular ancestors—if their parents were senatorial at all, they were
and low in rank. These legates were direct appoin
Acilius Glabrio, proconsul of Africa c. 25 B.C. (PIR2, A 71), and the
M. Primus, proconsul of Macedonia c. 24-23 B.C. (
were in the main the work of others, and his unique primacy must not
the reality from which it arose the fact that he
nd, 142 ff. The equestris militia in the time of Augustus is a highly
subject. The post of praefectus cohortis does not
ing the Revolution, can boast rich and regular corps of novi homines,
or illustrious, some encouraged by grant of the l
as would be expected, supplied soldiers: the two Poppaei came from an
community in that region. 6 Larinum, a small town
ar to be his augmentation of the Senate by the promotion of adherents
or even provincial in extraction. In purpose and
nces were formidable and fantastic. He neglected no relative, however
, however distant, no tie whatever of marriage or
partisans like Agrippa and Maecenas, and by other adherents like the
admiral M. Lurius. 2 As proconsul of Gaul or as
the three legates who governed Spain for Pompeius. Of the others, the
Petreius was also in high repute as a military ma
s Lentulus. 4 The situation in the Balkans in these years is doubly
. The army of Macedonia may still have been retain
Ann. 4, 71, cf. 3, 24. 3 lb. 3, 24. 4 The whole affair is highly
. The conspiracy and death of Paullus (Suetonius,
assius did not go unscathed. This man, an able and vigorous orator of
origin, resembling a gladiator in appearance,8 wa
ppi, ancient plebeian houses, were the first to go. 1 The line of the
but newly ennobled Appuleii was extinguished with
the daughter of Sex. Pompeius. Nor was the house of Sulla extinct an
grandson in the Principate of Augustus produced c
suff. 30 B.C.) lasted longer. 6 PageNotes. 499 1 She married the
T. Ollius (Tacitus, Ann. 13, 45), of a Picene fam
e government, has been at work here, eager to enhance or to invent an
origin, a repulsive character and evil deeds agai
; remitted by Augustus, 351; new taxation, 352, 411. Teidius, Sex.,
senator, 94. Temples, built by viri triumphales
, 303; no descendants, 498. Tullius Cicero, Q., 64, 67. Turius, L.,
senator, 81. Turranius, C. (pr. 44 B.C.), obscu
, 67. Turius, L., obscure senator, 81. Turranius, C. (pr. 44 B.C.),
person, 91. Turranius, C., praefectus annonae, 35
d Marsian, 91. Vibidius, disreputable novus homo, 456. Vibienus, C,
senator, 94. Vibii Visci, perhaps from Brixia, 36