/ 1
e followed Antonius for five years. Loyal to Caesar, and proud of his loyalty , Pollio at the same time professed his attachment
advocating the restoration of the proscribed, Caesar spoke for family loyalty and for a cause. But he did not compromise his fu
proclaimed the ideal of a conservative union of all classes bound in loyalty to the Senate and guided by modest and patriotic
esar’s soldiers and officers; and there was solid ground to doubt the loyalty of Caesar’s best marshal, T. Labienus. 6 Then f
he Gaditane L. Cornelius Balbus later acknowledged an especial tie of loyalty to L. Cornelius Lentulus Crus (cos. 49), cf. Ad A
urpose and act, independence of habit, temper and speech, honesty and loyalty . Privilege and station imposed duties, to family,
Roman People. 5 In his dispatches Caesar duly requited the valour and loyalty of the centurions. 6 Pay, booty and the opportuni
ensus of a Roman knight. Caesar’s centurions were notorious for their loyalty , and for the rewards of loyalty. The Senate was f
s centurions were notorious for their loyalty, and for the rewards of loyalty . The Senate was full of them, it was alleged. Onl
in the Etruscan towns; and all the Samnites marched on Rome, not from loyalty to the Marian cause, but to destroy the tyrant ci
for a champion. Cicero was lavish with appeals to the sentiments and loyalty of Italy tota Italia; he was profuse in praise of
main from the noble or patrician elements in his party: Antonius from loyalty and Lepidus from NotesPage=>095 1 A. Hirti
eloquence to all political causes in turn, was sincere in one thing, loyalty to the established order. His past career showed
proclamations that describe the Liberators as guarded by the devoted loyalty of all Italy. 3 Brutus and Cassius were warmly we
orse: no evidence, however, that Caesar prized him above Antonius for loyalty or for capacity. Lepidus was the elder man and a
in of miscalculations both military and political, and a sentiment of loyalty incompatible with the chill claims of statesmansh
d to Antonius: the military men urged him to treat Caesar’s heir with loyalty and respect. Yielding to this moral suasion, Anto
end of the month, not before publishing a last edict. He affirmed the loyalty of the Liberators towards the Roman constitution,
of Octavianus to seduce the moderate Caesarians by an appeal to their loyalty towards the memory of the Dictator, to their appr
upport and devotion to his son and heir. Loyalty could only be won by loyalty in return. Caesar never let down a friend, whatev
uence. In public Cicero professed warm and eager admiration for their loyalty , their patriotism, their capacity. His private le
oncilable. Piso, an aristocrat of character and discernment, united loyalty to Roman standards of conduct with a lively appre
doned by the allies of Cato. Towards Pompeius he continued to profess loyalty , despite harsh rebuffs and evidences of cold perf
In public pronouncements Cicero went sponsor for the good conduct and loyalty of the adventurer,3 in private letters he vaunted
a as an orator and a statesman, Cicero did not exhibit the measure of loyalty and constancy, of Roman virtus and aristocratic m
what was the legitimate authority that could demand the unquestioning loyalty of all good citizens? Rome had an unwritten con
f political solidarity. 5 Men of honour obeyed the call of duty and loyalty , even to the extremity of civil war. Among Caesar
Commonwealth. The legionaries at least were sincere. From personal loyalty they might follow great leaders like Caesar or An
or volunteers from poverty and the prospect of pay and loot, regarded loyalty to their leaders as a matter of their own choice
he exhortations of Cicero, despite their own exemplary professions of loyalty to the Republic, their attitude was ambiguous and
ge. Plancus wrote dispatches and letters protesting love of peace and loyalty to the Republic who did not? But Plancus, it is c
not relent. He proclaimed the revival of the Senate’s authority, the loyalty of the plebs and the unanimity of Italy. The Stat
be the next of the Caesarian generals to be assailed. They protested loyalty to the Republic, devotion to concord. To that end
. His style had lost none of its elegance: he protested good will and loyalty , explained how weak his forces were, and blamed u
ral of the Republic. The ambitious or the shameless made show of high loyalty and competed for the right to prosecute. Agrippa
nia and marched eastwards. A campaign in Thrace secured money and the loyalty of the native chieftains. Then, crossing into Asi
accession: he placed Salvidienus in charge of Gaul, confident in the loyalty of his friend. When Octavianus returned towards
ill but did not surrender. The Queen, who was able to demonstrate her loyalty to the Caesarian party, received confirmation in
binus and L. Marcius Censorinus, were a visible reminder of Caesarian loyalty alone of the senators they had sought to defend C
was triumphantly achieved. 1 Not only this. A general secure of the loyalty and the affection of his troops does not need to
could set before them the heirs and the marshals of Caesar, owing no loyalty to Rome but feigned devotion to a created divinit
treacherous. In many of the kings, tetrarchs and petty tyrants abode loyalty , not to Rome, but to Pompeius their patron, whose
ariegated past, Caesarian, Pompeian and Republican, bound by personal loyalty or family ties rather than by a programme and a c
ded to join Antonius, clear evidence of something more than desperate loyalty or invincible stupidity. Octavianus professed to
the tie that bound them. 3 Antonius had presumed too much upon the loyalty of a party that was united not by principle or by
are recorded in the company of Plancus and Titius. Neither sustained loyalty to Antonius nor rapid desertion were NotesPage=
utarch, Antonius 58. PageBook=>284 was compelled to secure the loyalty of his legions by paying a donative. In desperate
the honourable treatment of Bononia, a town bound by especial ties of loyalty to Antonius. 1 The ostentatious exemption of Bono
en in the communities of Italy; 5 his allies took an oath of personal loyalty , and the towns of Italy offered public vows for h
anquil: in Gaul the chieftains of the various tribes were attached in loyalty to the clientela of Caesar. Triumphs from Africa
soldiers fight for the Queen of Egypt? They had all the old personal loyalty of Caesarian legions to a general of Caesar’s das
he had preserved. Yielding with reluctance to these manifestations of loyalty and patriotism, the master of the whole world con
arian party, was M. Junius Silanus, of a variegated past, changing in loyalty from Lepidus to Antonius, to Sex. Pompeius and ag
tary glory. It would be expedient to rely instead upon the interested loyalty of partisans of lower standing—and novi homines a
new too much for that, and revolutionaries are not sentimental. Their loyalty to Augustus was also loyalty to Rome a high and s
volutionaries are not sentimental. Their loyalty to Augustus was also loyalty to Rome a high and sombre patriotism could prevai
omplementary figures of Augustus, Maecenas and Agrippa. To attach the loyalty of the soldiers and inspire the veneration of the
perished Salvidienus a traitor to his friend and leader, Canidius for loyalty to Antonius, Saxa slain by the Parthians, Ventidi
hat the tribunate was also thus used. 2 To the best of the new-comers loyalty and service would ultimately bring the consulate
reached the consulate, sturdy men without ancestors but commended by loyalty and service, or young aristocrats, the sons of pr
m and extension partly to combat this practice and gain a monopoly of loyalty for the government. The last proconsul with a pri
e already been indicated. The Princeps now had to lean heavily on the loyalty and tried merit of certain novi homines. For many
bably the remnant of the Pompeians. In evil days Roman aristocratic loyalty acknowledged the ties of family, of fides, of ami
e name of Lucilius Longus, honourably commemorated in history for his loyalty to Tiberius perhaps the son of that Lucilius who
archy and system of government. Security of possession, promotion for loyalty or merit and firm rule in Rome, Italy and the pro
tues. But the ancient piety and frugality, respect for the family and loyalty to bonds of sentiment and duty were retained, wit
st, attached men’s sympathies to the majesty of the State and secured loyalty to the new régime. PageNotes. 454 (No Notes)
r local aristocrats, well trained in ‘provincialis parsimonia’ and in loyalty to the State. Agrícola was the civil servant of w
nceps. 3 Each and every festival was an occasion for sharpening the loyalty of the people and inculcating a suitable lesson.
ontaneous manifestation bore the character of a plebiscite expressing loyalty to the Princeps and confidence in the government.
nt radiated forth to the Roman towns or rather, the towns in sedulous loyalty imitated for the expression of their own sentimen
y all gods and by Augustus himself a solemn and comprehensive oath of loyalty to the ruler and to his house (3/2 B.C.). 6 In
e deputies from the peoples of Comata could gather and manifest their loyalty . 7 PageNotes. 474 1 IGRR IV, 1756. 2 OGIS 5
f Augustus and to the house of Caesar. No less comprehensible was the loyalty of the provinces or rather of the propertied clas
knights persuaded to disguise greed and gain under the fair cloak of loyalty and patriotism. The aristocracy knew the truth an
Forum at Rome bearing an inscription that commemorated his unswerving loyalty ’pietatis immobilis erga principem’. 2 It might h
a novus homo, 94. Cognomina, foreign, 84; adopted to show political loyalty , 157; revived among the aristocracy, 377. Coina
r, 268, 281, 495; in 32 B.C., 276, 278, 281; dislikes Cleopatra, 281; loyalty of, 281, 282; desertion and death of, 296; descen
202, 210, 239, 292, 302 f., 329, 339, 378; taxation of, 410, 476 f.; loyalty to Augustus, 474 f.; chieftains admitted to the S
, 91, 200. Matius, C., friend and agent of Caesar, 71, 81, 407; his loyalty , 106; his letter quoted, 121; helps Octavianus, 1
ces taken over by Augustus, 394, 406; control of, in A.D. 14, 437 f.; loyalty to the Principate, 476 f. Provincials, in the S
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