the Republic in 27 B.C., or from the new act of settlement four years
, which was final and permanent. Outlasting the
e second of constitutional government. So well did he succeed that in
days, confronted with the separate persons of Oct
nd a re-alignment of forces precipitated war and revolution ten years
. Amicitia presupposes inimicitia, inherited or
concordia ordinum between Senate and knights against the improbi, but
widened to a consensus omnium bonorum and embrace
4 Suetonius, Divus Iulius 19, 1. On his influence with Pompeius (at a
date), comparable to that of the Greek Theophanes
sal of Caesar was rejected and he was declared contumacious: six days
his province was taken from him. The Caesarian tr
or beyond remedy: the Metelli were too politic for that. Three years
Nepos was consul, perhaps with help from Pompeius
tless contests with the consul and the tribunes of Pompeius. It was
claimed by their last survivor that the party of
by coins, BMC, R. Rep. 11, 491 f.). The Gaditane L. Cornelius Balbus
acknowledged an especial tie of loyalty to L. Cor
there, attested for example by the inscr. ILS 6976 from Nemausus, and
by provincial notables like Cn. Domitius Afer (co
er and prestige of Pompeius. They would be able to deal with Pompeius
. It might not come to open war; and Pompeius was
es. Sulla restored the oligarchic rule of the nobiles. Thirty years
they clustered around Pompeius, from interest, fr
peian censors had cleansed the Senate of undesirables. 4 Twenty years
, on the verge of another coup d’état, Pompeius ha
o ask him to dinner. 5 Pansa was also in Gaul for a time. Hirtius was
to complete the Bellum Gallicum and to compile th
76), condemned soon after (Pro Piancio 75), despite Cicero’s defence,
became praetor, CIL I2, 819.1278. PageBook=>
rests in Africa (Ad fam. 12, 29) and probably large estates there the
saltus Lamianus? 2 Ad Att. 9, 2a, 3: ‘Postumus
he Paeligni, but not his home, for the first Paelignian senator comes
(ILS 932). Perhaps Marsian, cf. the name on an ea
Atticus was quite willing to offer Brutus private subsidies; and he
made a grant to Servilia. Rome and Italy, if lo
15, 1, 3: ‘non minus se nostrorum arma timere quam Antoni. ’ A little
Hirtius sent a warning letter to Cicero, Ad Att.
lty incompatible with the chill claims of statesmanship. But that was
. To gain a fair estimate of the acts and intentio
Antonius was never accused of dissimulation: the Caesarian leader was
to be taunted with inconsistency on this point. 2
o be thankful for, as partisan testimony was prepared to concede at a
date and for abusive comparisons. 1 The consul
d to safeguard his position and his person, especially when attacked,
in the year, by his enemies in a manner which on
Phil, 1; Ad Jam. 12, 2, 1. 2 Ad fam. 12, 3, 1. PageBook=>124
, a dark episode Antonius arrested at his house ce
me. On November 28th the Senate met by night upon the Capitol. It was
alleged that a consular was ready on the side of
lped his step-son to pay the legacies (Appian, BC 3, 23, 89): for his
services, attested or conjectural, below, p. 134.
the contest. He exerted himself for mediation or compromise then and
, both during the struggle between Caesar and Pomp
itative government at Rome. He was not a Cato or a Brutus; and Brutus
remarked ‘as long as Cicero can get people to giv
y and imperious autocrat. Then came the Ides of March and, two days
, the meeting of the Senate in the Temple of Tellu
for security and concord. Peace calls for constant vigilance. Cicero
claimed that from that day forward he never deser
Page=>142 1 Ad Att. 16, 8 (Nov. 2nd), cf. 16, 9 (one or two days
). 1 Ib. 16, 11, 6. 4 Ib. 16, 14, 2: ‘nec me P
ro and called him ‘father’ an appellation which the sombre Brutus was
to recall with bitter rebuke. 1 Octavianus has so
ον ὕπατον ἔχομ∈ν. 2 Cf. the friendly and humorous letter many years
, Ad fam. 5, 10a. 3 Suetonius, Divus Iulius 73.
s consecration in the legend Libertatis p. R. Vindex; 6 and centuries
when the phrase Vindex Libertatis appears on the
gns were curtailed in this humane and salubrious fashion: seven years
the plea of Lepidus recoiled upon his NotesPage
army of Cassius. NotesPage=>171 1 Ad fam. 12, 2 (Feb. 2nd); 3 (
in the month). 2 Phil. 10, of uncertain date.
n. Such was the battle of Forum Gallorum (April 14th). 1 Seven days
, Antonius was forced to risk a battle at Mutina.
acedonia heard a report that Cicero had actually been elected. 2 Of a
proposal there is evidence not lightly to be disc
ed the noblest blood of Rome, compassion and even excuse was found in
generations. He composed his own autobiography; o
or uncritically since, perpetuated in fiction and in history; and in
days, personal danger and loss of estates were no
. ILS 3700 (an aedile of that family). 4 Appian, BC 4, 40, 170: for
enmity of that family towards Plancus, cf. Vellei
tius, however, nephew of Plancus, made his escape (Dio 48, 30, 5) and
rose to resplendent fortune in the company of Pla
s and mendacious, exaggerated the role of Fulvia both at the time and
, putting her person and her acts in a hateful lig
is quoted and utilized here, though it may very well be several years
in date. The problem of priority between the Epod
ar they were modified and completed. It will be convenient to mention
in one place the territories and kingdoms accordi
m and a certain Murena, presumably the brother-in-law of Maecenas, of
notoriety. 2 The accounts in Dio 48, 54, 1 f. a
crats. Here were allies to be courted, men of some consequence now or
. 1 There were others: yet there was no rapid or u
eady exploring the propaganda and the sentiments that might serve him
against Antonius, winning for personal domination
nothing is recorded between 40 and 19 B.C. 7 Dio 48, 30, 7. He was
an admiral at Actium (Velleius 2, 85, 2). 8 Por
111, 463). Titinius is unknown. Carisius is probably P. Carisius, of
notoriety as legate of Augustus in Spain (Dio 53,
se sister Terentia Maecenas was married (Dio 54, 3, 5). Other persons
prominent, such as the great novi homines M. Loll
armies, so far as is known, save Autronius and M. Acilius (Glabrio),
proconsuls of Africa, in 28 and 25 B.C. respectiv
n style and in subject, already setting forth in practice what he was
to formulate as a literary theory a healthy dista
to restore order in the countryside. 2 With some success a few years
charges of highway robbery outstanding against ce
riumvirs invested Herod the Idumaean with insignia of royalty. A year
the Galatian Amyntas (formerly secretary to King
e grants do not seem to have excited alarm or criticism at Rome: only
did they become a sore point and pretext for defa
. Grant on the aes coinage of the period. PageBook=>267 It was
remarked that certain of his most intimate friend
act was but the beginning of the work that Augustus the Princeps was
to consummate. It is evident that the most confid
of Italy. The adhesion of Sulmo to the national cause seventeen years
may perhaps be put down to the agency of a local
vy in 48 B.C., cf. Bell. Al. 56, 4. 3 The knight L. Annaeus Seneca,
to be known as a historian and authority on rheto
a would have approved. There were other victims. As for the Antonians
captured, four were put to death, among NotesPa
in 30 B.C. PageBook=>307 meaning of this ‘reform’ will emerge
. Octavianus himself assumed the title tradition
ppendage of a benevolent and unmilitary adjective, ‘dux bone! ’2 Even
Ovid, when writing his Fasti, discovered in the w
to resume the rightful exercise of all their functions. Three days
the Senate again met, eager and impatient to rend
et principe uteremur. acriora ex eo vincula. ’ PageBook=>324 A
historian dates from this ‘constitutional’ settle
ilitary provinces. Definition of powers and extent of provincia might
be modified how and when he pleased. One thing co
wever, authority over the provinces of the Senate. 1 That was to come
and later too the jealously guarded tribunicia po
hority over the provinces of the Senate. 1 That was to come later and
too the jealously guarded tribunicia potestas, th
y over all the East in 23 B.C. can be urged the fact that a few years
, in 20 and 19 B.C., Agrippa is found, not there,
mpronius Atratinus triumphed from Africa in 21 B.C., Balbus two years
for his raid into the land of the distant and pro
ium, when the lines were composed, they are not even appropriate to a
date, when Agrippa’s power had been accorded stat
fewer than eighty-three either had already held the consulate or were
rewarded with that supreme distinction. 1 Caesa
preserved distinctions. The more discreditable accretions supervened
during the arbitrary rule of a Triumvirate which
stus regarded the kings as integral members of the Empire:1 a century
the imperial Senate of Rome welcomed to its membe
ulers of Rome, cannot show consuls now or miss a generation, emerging
. In the Principate of Augustus a Sulla, a Metellu
ncipes was to be decorative. Except for Agrippa, only six of them are
chosen to command armies, as legates or proconsul
e in the pacification of the Balkans (c. 9 B.C.,) or some dozen years
, the legions of Macedonia were removed from the p
this period, cf. JRS XXIV (1934), 113 ff., with an inclination to the
years. It could, however, be urged that the new c
or secure support, for it may belong to another L. Piso at a slightly
date; and Castabala was the capital of a native p
llius, Quirinius took his place with C. Caesar. 3 Three or four years
he was appointed legate of Syria, in which capaci
he desired and which he was himself compelled to undertake four years
. Plancus and Lepidus resigned before the year was
2 it was composed, however, not of consulars but of praetorians. At a
date a definite body assumed the maintenance of t
ratores aedium sacrarum et operum locorumque publicorum, as they were
called. 4 Frontinus, De aq. 99 and 102. 5 On
io 55, 33, 5. 8 Tacitus, Ann. 6, 11. PageBook=>404 Ten years
, when Augustus departed on his second visit to th
nd cabinet. NotesPage=>405 1 Dio 52, 42, 6 (except Sicily, and
, Narbonensis). 2 Caesar’s law about the colony
o the tried skill of slaves and freedmen. These financial secretaries
emerge as ministers of State, under Caligula and
essful in his invasion of Arabia. More modest and more useful men are
found, such as C. Turranius, C. Julius Aquila and
ng with the diplomatic Plancus. It was Messalla who twenty-five years
introduced the decree of the Senate naming August
staret initiis’. That was the reason which Tiberius himself gave at a
date (Suetonius, Tib. 10, 2). 3 Tacitus, Ann. 3
after an interval of five years (that is, in A.D. I); and three years
the same distinction was proclaimed for Lucius, h
δραγαθούντων ύμ ν καì διαδεχομ νων stationem meam. ’ This was written
, of course, on Augustus’ own birthday in A.D. I.
ident, and it is demonstrated by another incident nearly twenty years
, that the task of controlling a crown prince in t
aic ceremony long disused, the Augurium Salutis, was revived. Now and
the Princeps replenished the existing priestly co
lity, was forced to express his doubts to the Senate. 1 That a change
came over the Roman aristocracy was evident to th
favourite of plebs and army, less acceptable to the Senate. If the
books of Livy with their record of recent and con
usta should be set up. The monument was dedicated three or four years
. On its sculptured panels could be seen the Princ
wed by a rising which Varus the governor of Syria put down. Ten years
, when Archelaus the ethnarch was deposed, Augustu
r else in the New State. They demonstrated against the moral code and
clamoured loudly that Julia should be restored fr
ius the people arose in indignation and drove him forth. 8 Many years
that edifice witnessed a similar spectacle. Aemil
o, the eminent consular, like the senator Tacitus more than a century
, was scornful of the academic historian. 2 Livy h
and of Crete (A.D. 12?). 3 Even there he was a nuisance: twelve years
they removed him to the barren rock of Seriphus.
icy of Augustus transmitted a peculiar and blended inheritance to the
generations of the Julii and Claudii. Livia had g
Calpurnius Piso, cos. A.D. III (PIR2, C 285) and consuls sixty years
(PIR2, C 295 and 317). PageBook=>498 So mu
for Trajan. At the very beginning of Augustus’ Principate the ideas,
to crystallize into titles official or convention