/ 1
sible inauguration of the restored aristocracy, being the son and the husband of women of the Metelli. 4 The dynasty of the M
less to recapture power for her house. 5 Her brother, Q. Servilius, husband of Hortensius’ daughter, was cut off before his
her investment showed smaller prospect of remuneration his daughter’s husband , M. Calpurnius Bibulus, an honest man, a stubborn
y feud. The young Pompeius, treacherous and merciless, had killed the husband of Servilia and the brother of Ahenobarbus. 1 ‘Ad
’2 NotesPage=>027 1 M. Junius Brutus (tr. pl. 83), the (first) husband of Servilia, a Marian and an adherent of Lepidus,
reat fund to carry by bribery the election of Bibulus, his daughter’s husband . 6 He should have made certain of both consuls.
em 58, cf. M. Gelzer, Hermes LIII (1928), 118; 135). C. Octavius, the husband of Caesar’s niece, Atia, governed Macedonia in 60
ink of the whole coalition: himself the son of a Caecilia Metella and husband of a Servilia, he gave one daughter for wife to P
stic policy she ruthlessly employed the three daughters of her second husband , whom she gave in marriage to C. Cassius Longinus
r. Sulpicius Galba. 3 Münzer, RA, 12 ff. 4 Ib. 347 ff. Her second husband was D. Junius Silanus (cos. 62). An inscription f
have owed something to the patronage of the Metelli. Celer, Clodia’s husband , governed the Cisalpina in 62 B.C. (Ad fam. 5, 1)
I (1936), 229. Of Another Relative Of Octavianus, Sex. Appuleius, the husband of his half- sister Octavia, only the name is kno
racter; and Clodia committed incest with her brother and poisoned her husband . The enormities of P. Vatinius ranged from human
rofessions of pietas. 2 Fulvia, if anybody, knew the character of her husband : he neither would nor could go back upon his pled
ctavia, left a widow with an infant son by the opportune death of her husband , C. Marcellus, in this year. Such was the Pact
ather. The sister of Octavianus had a son, Marcellus, by her consular husband ; but Marcellus was born two years earlier. 6 In 4
ia was invoked to secure an accommodation between her brother and her husband or so at least it was alleged, in order to repres
ius Scaurus was the son of Mucia, Pompeius’ third wife, by her second husband . Sex. Pompeius had married a daughter of L. Scrib
ius, for L. Antonius and the Republic in the War of Perusia. With her husband and the child Tiberius, Livia fled from the armed
college of pontifices when consulted gave a politic response, and the husband showed himself complaisant. The marriage was cele
egiance beyond question. Whether the discarded Scribonia took another husband has not been recorded. 7 NotesPage=>229 1
2), appears insoluble, cf. recently E. Groag, PIR2, C 1395. Her first husband was Cn. Lentulus Marcellinus (cos. 56 B.C.). The
us (pr. 58 B.C.) and of Fausta, Sulla’s daughter (Milo was her second husband ). Ch. XVIII ROME UNDER THE TRIUMVIRS PageBook
eventy-seven: at his bedside stood old Balbus and Marcus Agrippa, the husband of Caecilia Attica. 2 The lineaments of a new p
cted by her brother to bring a body of two thousand picked men to her husband . Antonius was confronted with damaging alternat
ntful. He accepted the troops. Octavia had come as far as Athens. Her husband told her to go back to Rome, unchivalrous for the
r office at an earlier date. L. Cornelius Cinna (pr. 44 B.C.) was the husband of Pompeia, daughter of Pompeius Magnus: but the
B.C. It would be exceedingly rash to speculate on the identity of her husband Gallus: but a knight as powerful as C. Cornelius
via had not given the Princeps a child. She had two sons by her first husband , Ti. Claudius Nero and Nero Claudius Drusus. For
entium praestiterunt. ’ PageBook=>366 The cultivated Juba, the husband of Antonius’ daughter, the brutal and efficient H
s. The chaste daughters of the profligate Antonius knew each a single husband only. Of the two Marcellas, the elder married Agr
ath of his wife Cornelia in 16 B.C. He died soon after and her second husband Barbatus died in his consulate. PageBook=>37
great minister also adopted his friend’s son, who became in time the husband of two princesses of the blood of Augustus, Domit
ustius Passienus Crispus, cf. L’ann. ép., 1924, 72. 6 Postumus, the husband of Aelia Galla (Propertius 3, 12, 1, cf. 38), may
ragon, or weaving garments with her own hands, destined to clothe her husband , the Roman magistrate. Her private activities wer
n. Before the year was out, Marcellus, the nephew of the Princeps and husband of Julia, died. The widow was consigned to Agripp
ppa, an ill-favoured child (12 B.C.). Tiberius succeeded Agrippa as husband of Julia, protector of the young princes and mini
any of them, however, is L. Domitius Ahenobarbus (cos. 16 B.C.), the husband of Augustus’ own niece Antonia, and thus more hig
favoured in the matter of political matches than any save Drusus (the husband of the younger Antonia) and the successive consor
in the matrimonial policies of the Princeps. 3 In Ahenobarbus, the husband of Antonia, the great plebeian family of the Domi
well have found the accomplished Antonius more amiable than her grim husband . But all is uncertain if Augustus struck down Jul
937), 337 ff., who argues that the conspiracy of L. Aemilius Paullus, husband of the younger Julia, belongs to this year. 4 V
choliast on Juvenal 6, 158, states that Julia was relegated after her husband had been put to death, then recalled, but finally
itics of the Aemilii and the alliance of his ill-starred brother, the husband of the younger Julia. He served with distinction
hree legions. 1 Tiberius could trust Lepidus not Gallus, however, the husband of Vipsania. Gallus, with all his father’s fierce
crime. The wife, it is true, had no more rights than before. But the husband , after divorcing, could prosecute both the guilty
rrumpere et corrumpi saeculum vocatur. ’ 5 Tristia 2, 354. No Roman husband , even in the lowest class of society, had any cau
mlessness would divert attention from the real offences of Julia, her husband and her ostensible paramours, and create the impr
procession of society ladies in protest against Quirinius, her former husband . The spectators responded loyally, with loud curs
k and leaving no heir; 4 his spirited sister chose to perish with her husband , young Lepidus. Scaurus was spared after Actium.
r, with M. Aemilius Lepidus the Triumvir and L. Aemilius Paullus, the husband of the younger Julia. They were destined never to
on and L. Aemilius Paullus, cos. A.D. 1. 4 M. Aemilius Lepidus, the husband of Drusilla, alleged to have conspired with Lentu
o the later generations of the Julii and Claudii. Livia had given her husband no children but the Claudii ruled. And in the end
arried Rubellia Bassa, daughter of that Rubellius Blandus who was the husband of Julia the granddaughter of Tiberius. The tie w
e Sallustius, became a great courtier, an artist in adulation and the husband of princesses. 1 That was the end of a Sabine fam
s, M. (cos. 20 B.C.), son of Octavia, 129, 329, 378. Appuleius, Sex., husband of Octavia, 129. Appuleius, Sex. (cos. 29 B.C.)
lia, 426, 493. Cornelius Scipio, P. (cos. suff. 35 B.C.), 230, 244; husband of Scribonia, 230. Cornelius Scipio, P. (cos. 1
sular candidate in 22 B.C., 371. Junius Silanus, M. (cos. A.D. 19), husband of Aemilia Lepida, 432, 495. Junius Silanus, M.
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