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e of a master. The letter NotesPage=>002 1 As M. Favonius, the friend of Cato, observed: χϵȋρoν ϵ ναι µoναρχίας παρανóµ
de. Compelled for safety to a decision, he chose Caesar, his personal friend ; and with Caesar he went through the wars from th
acked by Crassus’ wealth, and in concert with L. Lucceius, an opulent friend of Pompeius. 4 Caesar was elected. Pompeius, th
, turned his attack on the tribune Curio, but in vain, and on Curio’s friend , the aedile M. Caelius Rufus, provoking a recipro
rable men grasped the assassin’s dagger to slay a Roman aristocrat, a friend and a benefactor, for better reasons than that. T
nly incentive, for Clodius’ widow, Fulvia, was his wife, Antonius his friend , Ap. Pulcher his enemy. 2 Caelius, the fashionabl
ecame a classic in the administration of the Empire. 3 Like Curio his friend , Caelius had contracted a feud with Ap. Pulcher.
tronger. Whatever their class in society, men went with a leader or a friend , though the cause were indifferent or even distas
ulate, had captured them both perhaps with connivance and help of his friend and former mistress, the formidable and far-sight
Caesar; and he produced less unobtrusive works of propaganda for his friend and patron, attacking the memory of Cato. History
Cicero also spoke. Envious detractors there might be but Balbus, the friend of such eminent citizens, could surely have no en
father of the poet Catullus, no doubt a person of substance, was the friend and host of the proconsul:4 among his officers we
ous and poetical Cornelius Gallus first enters authentic history as a friend of Caesar’s partisan Pollio. 2 Southern Gaul forg
ene was in the clientela of Pompeius: Theophanes of that city was his friend , domestic historian and political agent. 2 But Ca
family name of the Sanquinii recalls the Sabine god Sancus; Cicero’s friend Visidius, a local dynast somewhere in central Ita
of a wealthy farmer, M. Porcius Cato from Tusculum. 5 C. Laelius, the friend of Scipio Africanus, probably came from a non-Rom
death of their champion, the conservative demagogue Livius Drusus, a friend and associate of certain local dynasts,2 the Ital
onours and advancement to the Dictator. 7 Brutus, indeed, an especial friend and favourite, was named in his will among the he
and proverbial for parsimony. Then the financier C. Flavius, Brutus’ friend , approached Atticus with an invitation to place h
avenge the Imperator. Unable to restrain his grief, Caesar’s faithful friend Matius took a grim pleasure in the most gloomy re
icero himself hoped to profit, tirelessly urging the interests of his friend Atticus in a matter concerning lands in Epirus. 4
re were rivals here and potential adversaries. Antonius had been no friend of Dolabella in the last three years: yet he cond
yalty could only be won by loyalty in return. Caesar never let down a friend , whatever his character and station. Antonius imi
quence. But they could not be stripped of their ancestors Octavianus’ friend was of regal stock, deriving his descent on the m
133?). Tacitus (Ann. 6, 11) and many of the moderns give Octavianus’ friend the name ‘Cilnius Maecenas’, which is false (cf.
y appreciation of the literature and philosophy of Hellas: he was the friend and patron of Philodemus, the poet and scholar. 1
us took alarm and dissuaded him from action. In November he urged his friend to turn to the writing of history. 6 Cicero was o
r. Among Caesar’s allies Pollio was not the only one who followed the friend but cursed the cause. The continuance and complic
was distant, his power unequal. A scholar, a wit and an honest man, a friend of Caesar and of Antonius but a Republican, Polli
s alleged misdeeds. In the end the proposal of Q. Fufius Calenus, the friend of Antonius, was adopted. Envoys were to be sent
diers refused to tolerate such a slight upon their leader, patron and friend . Octavianus, his forces augmented by the legion
lood. It was no time-server or careerist, but the Stoic Favonius, the friend of Cato and of Brutus, who pronounced civil war t
ent, Caecina of Volaterrae, and L. Cocceius Nerva, who was a personal friend of Antonius, on an urgent mission to Syria. 3 Cae
placed Salvidienus in charge of Gaul, confident in the loyalty of his friend . When Octavianus returned towards the end of th
tavianus by the diplomatic Maecenas. L. Cocceius Nerva was present, a friend of Antonius but acceptable to the other party. 2
5, 31 ff. The poets were Virgil, Horace and L. Varius Rufus Virgil’s friend Plotius Tucca was with them and a certain Murena,
theme. Oppius and Balbus came forward to protect the memory of their friend and patron. 1 Nor was Sallustius unmindful of his
into authentic history when Pollio in a letter to Cicero mentions ‘my friend , Cornelius Gallus’. 3 The poet may have served as
er studies at Athens. The arrival of Brutus, a noble, a patriot and a friend of liberal pursuits, aroused enthusiasm in a city
. During the War of Mutina he publicly asserted the cause of Caesar’s friend Theopompus. 5 Now standing in the place of Pompei
own daughter Antonia in marriage to Pythodorus of Tralles, formerly a friend of Pompeius, a man of fabulous wealth and wide in
Dola-bella and Cassius in turn, and the elegant C. Fonteius Capito, a friend of Antonius, who journeyed from Rome to the confe
nidius, above, p. 200. PageBook=>268 Antonius had been a loyal friend to Caesar, but not a fanatical Caesarian. The ave
oplicola (cos. 36 B.C.), a half-brother of Messalla and a treacherous friend of Brutus, and L. Sempronius Atratinus (cos. suff
so a reminder in the person of the young Curio, loyal to his father’s friend , his step-father Antonius. 5 Other youthful nobil
ed of monarchic designs, was the great exemplar. He was the champion, friend and patron of the leading men in the communities
, however, stood firm, the uncompromising Pollio. He had been a loyal friend of old to Antonius, of which fact Antonius now re
tavianus praised the pietas of the Senate and deplored the death of a friend . 2 Gallus may have been recalled from Egypt in
Murena. Long ago Salvidienus the marshal betrayed his leader and his friend . Since that catastrophe until recently the chief
half- brother, the virtuous and disinterested Proculeius, an intimate friend of Augustus, could save him. Proculeius had openl
iner. Despite such powerful advocacy, Maecenas, like another personal friend of the Princeps, Vedius Pollio, could not stand a
plebeian marshals a number had perished Salvidienus a traitor to his friend and leader, Canidius for loyalty to Antonius, Sax
roup was C. Proculeius (a half- brother of Varro Murena), an intimate friend of the Princeps in earlier days. Augustus, they
s Longus, cos. suff. A.D. 7, is not known: perhaps the son of Brutus’ friend (Plutarch, Brutus 50), perhaps a relative of Luci
tor. Moreover, Junius Gallio, an opulent rhetorician from Spain and a friend of the Annaei, and a certain Pompeius Macer, the
e consulate for M. Plautius Silvanus, who was the son of her intimate friend Urgulania. 4 NotesPage=>385 1 Plutarch, Lu
Caligula and three times consul, colleague in the censorship with his friend the Emperor Claudius. T. Flavius Vespasianus form
enean client Theophanes was an intriguer as well as an historian; his friend , the affluent senator Lucceius, gave valued couns
t of P. Vedius Pollio, the son of an opulent freedman and an intimate friend of the Princeps. The loyal Vedius constructed, to
nd policing of a great capital. 1 The knight Seius Strabo, a personal friend of the Princeps, won prominence in the late years
father. 2 Fabius, a cultivated and diplomatic person, was an intimate friend of the Princeps, whose glorification he had assid
y, Paullus Aemilius Lepidus, from the Sicilian War onwards a personal friend of Augustus, had two wives, Cornelia and the youn
4 Of the more recent novi homines, L. Tarius Rufus, though a personal friend of Augustus, probably commanded as little authori
se were eminent men. Lepidus, of Scipionic ancestry, son of Augustus’ friend Paullus, held aloof from the politics of the Aemi
his loyalty to Tiberius perhaps the son of that Lucilius who was the friend of Brutus and of Antonius. 1 Tiberius did not for
prenas as his legate. 5 In the East, L. Volusius Saturninus, a family friend of Tiberius, is attested as governor of Syria (A.
ent province of Africa. 9 NotesPage=>435 1 Lucilius Longus the friend of Tiberius, Tacitus, Ann. 4, 15: Lucilius the fr
lius Longus the friend of Tiberius, Tacitus, Ann. 4, 15: Lucilius the friend of Brutus, Plutarch, Brutus 50; Antonius 69. 2
kings, tetrarchs and petty tyrants promoted the cult of their patron, friend and master. They gave cities his name, they erect
L. Nonius Asprenas, the brother-in-law of P. Quinctilius Varus and a friend of Augustus, was arraigned on a charge of poisoni
s, maleficae vitae. PageBook=>487 Cassius prosecuted Augustus’ friend Nonius Asprenas on a charge of poisoning. His act
ge of Caesar and of Augustus. Of the Fabii, Persicus, the illustrious friend of Claudius, was the latest survivor; 4 the Valer
hat. He was Ti. Plautius Silvanus Aelianus, an old man and a personal friend of Vespasian. 1 Thenceforward a newer nobility, s
ting the cult, suggested perhaps by his own felicitous reply when his friend Seius Strabo asked his opinion of Cato. 2 Augustu
368. Calpurnius Piso, Cn. (cos. 7 B.C.), son of the preceding, and friend of Tiberius, 424, 433, 435. Calpurnius Piso Cae
333 f. Faunus, alleged ancestor of the Vitellii, 83. Favonius, M., friend of Cato, 2, no, 180, 198, 206. Ferentinum, 95,
, 354. Firmum, 169. Flavii, 83, 354, 361. Flavius, C., banker and friend of Brutus, 102, 198. Flavius, L. (tr. pl. 60 B.C.
us, T., orator and historian, 486, 489. Laelius, C., novus homo and friend of the Scipiones, 85. Lamus, fictitious ancestor
Annaeus. Lucania, senators from, 238, 360. Lucceius, L., opulent friend of Pompeius, 35, 407. Lucilia, wife of Cn. Pompei
peius, 35, 407. Lucilia, wife of Cn. Pompeius Strabo, 30. Lucilius, friend of Brutus, 206, 435. Lucilius, C., satirist, 30 f
ealth, 31, 195. Lucilius Longus (cos. suff. A.D. 7), novus homo and friend of Tiberius, 363, 434 f. Lucius Caesar (grandso
86, 287, 449; nomenclature, 93; senators from, 91, 200. Matius, C., friend and agent of Caesar, 71, 81, 407; his loyalty, 10
111, 199; his origin, 92; descendants, 500. Nonius Asprenas, (L.), friend of Augustus, 483. Nonius Asprenas, L. (cos. suf
r origin, 502. Plotius Plancus, L., proscribed, 193. Plotius Tucca, friend of Virgil, 225. Plutocracy, 452, 458, 501; disg
and client of Augustus, 353. Seianus, see Aelius. Seius Strabo, L., friend of Augustus, 358, 506; praefectus praetorio, 411,
n Hispania Citerior, 333; proconsul of Illyricum, 329, 390, 429; as a friend of Augustus, 376; origin, 362; his wife, 379; des
scendants, 498. Treia, 360. Tremellius Scrofa, Cn., landowner and friend of Varro, 31. Tribunate, 16, 52, 120. Tribunes,
ius Panapio, perhaps a Marrucine, 193. Urbs Salvia, 473. Urgulania, friend of Livia, 385, 422. Urgulanilla, betrothed to Cla
aso, senator from Verona, 363. Valerius Troucillus, C, Narbonensian friend of Caesar. Valgus, landowner in Samnium, 362. V
is, worshipped by the Julii, 68, 454. Vedius Pollio, P., equestrian friend of Augustus, 342, 452; activities in Asia, 410; s
; perhaps proconsul of Macedonia, 330; his consulate, 372; a personal friend of Augustus, 376; his. patronage, 384; long milit
251. Volumnia, notorious freedwoman, 252. Volumnius Eutrapelus, P., friend of Antonius, 195, 252. Volusenus Quadratus, C, Ca
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