/ 1
nondum expiatis uncta cruoribus. 3 That formulation deserved and found wide acceptance. 4 The menace of despotic power h
ion in Rome were usually impoverished or idealistic nobles, that they found support in the higher ranks of the aristocracy ra
pecious and venerable authority of the Senate. 1 But there were to be found in their ranks a few sincere reformers, enemies o
ible. Despite five consulates in twenty-three years, the Metelli soon found that their power was passing. Death took off thei
Augustus as though Augustus did not assume a more than human name and found a monarchy, complete with court and hereditary su
epresentatives of his class, excellent men. Many knights were to be found in the following of a proconsul, in a variety of
cellent men from the colonies and municipia of the Cisalpina might be found among the officers and friends of Pompeius; 3 and
ely pleasure-gardens in Rome, his villa at Tusculum. The Dictatorship found him building, a sign of opulence and display. 2
re a ghastly and disgusting rabble: among the new senators were to be found centurions and soldiers, scribes and sons of free
me, the patricians were ready to enlist allies wherever they might be found . They spread their influence among the local aris
ranii of Puteoli were notoriously Marian:7 a certain Granius Petro is found among NotesPage=>090 1 BC 1, 15, 2. 2 IL
prominent partisans to the cause of Marius. 3 Another termination is found not only in these regions but extends to Picenum
hree of the plebeians were Claudii Marcelli. 5 Among his legates is found no man with a name ending in ‘-idius’, only one ‘
to prevail over Antonius in the end. The news of the Ides of March found the young man at Apollonia, a town on the coast o
the pessimistic Pollio. When Brutus entered his province in April he found only two legions there. He proceeded to raise sev
few illusions about Pompeius, little sympathy with his allies. Yet he found himself, not unnaturally, on the side of Pompeius
open letter, expressing approval of the government. Oppius and Balbus found the result not altogether satisfactory. Rather th
n. Yet it was precisely in the eyes of contemporaries that Cicero was found wanting, incompetent to emulate the contrasted vi
w ring of brutal and unenlightened oligarchs. Again, there were to be found honest men and sincere reformers NotesPage=>
Rome from the tyranny of the consul Antonius. 5 His ultimate triumph found its consecration in the legend Libertatis p. R. V
nest man, a friend of Caesar and of Antonius but a Republican, Pollio found his loyalties at variance or out of date: it is p
se championed by Cicero, the pomp and insincerity of whose oratory he found so distasteful. But Pollio was to play his part f
istorical parallels for the honouring of youth, merit and patriotism, found his proposal outstripped by P. Servilius. The Sen
nce where he was known and esteemed, outstripping Dolabella. There he found six legions, under the Caesarian generals Staius
3 In these wars between citizens, the generals and the politicians found themselves thwarted at every turn by the desires
tle to shed the noblest blood of Rome, compassion and even excuse was found in later generations. He composed his own autobio
a soldier and a governor of provinces, but now a peaceful antiquary, found harbourage in the house of Calenus. 2 Foresight
lists. 5 Pollio’s rivals among the Marrucini will likewise have been found there:6 his own father-in-law was also proscribed
ast in the hands of the Republicans. From Italy, therefore, had to be found the money to pay the standing army of the Caesari
y, were with the Liberators or with Sex. Pompeius. With Pompeius they found a refuge, with Brutus and Cassius a party and a c
lavius, with no heart for war but faithful to the end. 4 At Athens he found a welcome and support among the Roman youth there
ow dead. After the establishment of the Triumvirate, four of them are found holding high command. Of these, T. Sextius and Q.
? Cf. p. 210. 5 Appian, BC 4, 85, 358; Dio 48, 18, 1; sling-bullets found near Rhegium with the legend ‘Q. Sal. im(p.)’, CI
début, had everything to gain by stirring up trouble. Octavianus soon found it advisable or necessary to make war upon Sex. P
ntonius sailed with a large fleet from Athens to Italy. Once again he found that Brundisium would not admit him. Not that he
of all Spain for Octavianus the year after. No other nobilis can be found holding military command under Caesar’s heir in t
a position of distinct advantage over the distant Antonius. He easily found in the years that followed the men to govern the
the honest expression of his sentiments. 2 Neither Brutus nor Calvus found Cicero firm and masculine enough for their taste.
workings of human nature: Sallustius, plunging deeper into pessimism, found it bad from the roots. History, to be real and tr
y with Pompeius. Cornificius, Cinna, and others of their friends were found on Caesar’s side when war came. 1 The men were
w. Despite the losses of war and proscriptions, there was still to be found in the higher ranks of the Senate a number of men
Caesarian and Republican coalition. Another kinsman of Cato was to be found with Antonius, his grandson L. Calpurnius Bibulus
her Ptolemaic kingdom under the protection of Rome. The clue is to be found in the character of the War of Actium as it was d
e national unity and the crusade against the East were no doubt to be found in the order of Roman knights and among those sen
the Dictator; and there was an imposing total of Roman knights to be found in provincial cities like Gades and Corduba. 2 Ol
he Queen. 1 Diplomacy, veiled intimidation and the pride of Cleopatra found a way out. The last of the Ptolemies scorned to b
East for Rome. 1 The artful conqueror preferred to leave things as he found them. The profession of defending Rome’s Empire a
the victor who had seduced in turn the armies of all his adversaries found himself in the embarrassing possession of nearly
clemency, valour, justice and piety. 2 He had founded—or was soon to found —the Roman State anew. He might therefore have bee
orn class-conscious Republicanism of Cato or of Brutus would not have found a secure haven. The uncontrolled libertas or fero
policy to harmonize with Roman sentiment. The formulation was easily found —it reposed not in books of the law or abstract sp
he novi homines like Q. Laronius, M. Herennius, L. Vinicius are not found in charge of military provinces; still less such
ither noble in birth or consular in rank. Not a single nobilis can be found among his legates in the first dozen years, and h
sources assessed and taxed; there were veterans to dismiss, cities to found , territories to organize. Above all, the Princeps
f. PageBook=>336 The anxiety was public and widespread: it has found vivid and enduring expression in the preface of L
een doubted and is confirmed, if that were needed, by the five edicts found at Cyrene (for a text of which, cf. J. G. C Ander
urged the fact that a few years later, in 20 and 19 B.C., Agrippa is found , not there, but in Gaul and Spain (Dio 54, 11, 1
public the luxury and the vices in which his tortured inconstant soul found refuge silks, gems and the ambiguous charms of th
in his own family as well; he wished to provide for a dynasty and to found a monarchy in the full and flagrant sense of thos
d that the qualities requisite for a ruler of the world should all be found in one man. A triumvirate was ready to hand, in t
n importance. PageBook=>356 None the less, the military knight found ample occupation and increased rewards, as servic
parable to Egypt or contained Roman legions; but the Prefect of Egypt found peer and parallel in the middle years of Augustus
ing in ‘-idius’. 3 ILS 5925. He has two gentilicia. Each of them is found at Canusium and nowhere else (‘Sotidius’: CIL IX,
he Principate until they set a provincial emperor upon the throne and found a dynasty of Spanish and Narbonensian rulers. Aug
n decimated by a generation of civil wars: the sons of the slain were found willing to make their peace with the military dyn
elf, firm and without fear. 2 What name the enemies of the government found for his behaviour has escaped record. One of them
y. The youth who had invested his patrimony for the good of the State found himself the richest man in all the world. Like th
held at least two priesthoods; 4 the excellent Sentius Saturninus is found next to Augustus as deputy-master of the college
se good offices Lucullus owed, it was said, his command in the East,1 found successors in the New State; and the freedmen who
urvey, organize and tax the provinces of Spain and Gaul, build roads, found cities and provide for the veterans. By 13 B.C.
ity which was the capital of Italy and the Empire. He boasted that he found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble
in his invasion of Arabia. More modest and more useful men are later found , such as C. Turranius, C. Julius Aquila and M. Ma
danger from the provincial armies. Late in 97 or early in 98 Syria is found to be without a consular legate (ILS 1055). 2 D
ace of Tiberius as stepfather of the princes; and Julia may well have found the accomplished Antonius more amiable than her g
sPage=>429 1 Velleius 2, 102, 1 f. 2 As Cn. Piso (cos. 7 B.C.) found to his cost when trying to control Germanicus.
um, Saturnia tellus, magna virum ! 2 Where was that peasant now to be found ? In the course of two centuries the profits of
ristocracy of Rome. Among the intimate friends of Augustus were to be found characters like Maecenas, childless and vicious y
ed in so large a measure from Roman knights of the towns of Italy, it found itself rewarded with power in the Senate and in t
(ILS 2033) and Thracians from Macedonia (ILS 2030; 2032) can also be found . 4 Compare the list of soldiers from Coptos, IL
alt with the period of which he had personal experience, he must have found much to criticize. Certain politicians had not de
itution and the ignoble life of a retail trader in Africa and Sicily, found that obscurity and commercial pursuits were no pr
however, and among the army commanders of Claudius and Nero are to be found Curtius Rufus, whom some alleged to be the son of
s and informers. The position of Augustus was so strong that the evil found little encouragement. Tiberius, however, was inse
cipled scoundrels of the previous age, there were excellent men to be found in this company, sons of the old Italian aristocr
her to arraign or to rehabilitate the robust careerists who helped to found the monarchy. Like violence, guile and treachery
thwarted. But peace and the Principate endured. A successor had been found , trained in his own school, a Roman aristocrat fr
on the frontiers of empire. 1 Yet for all that, when the end came it found him serene and cheerful. On his death-bed he was
/ 1