ments of expression and substance I am deeply under obligation to the
friends, Mr. E. B. Birley, Professor A. Degrassi,
lf, the Roman statesman cannot stand alone, without allies, without a
. That axiom holds both for the political dynasts
by Caesar and by his bitter enemy, L. Domitius Ahenobarbus. To win a
at elections, to manage bribery, intimidation or
his provincial commands the dynast won to his allegiance and personal
(clientela) towns and whole regions, provinces an
great debate on Caesar’s command was postponed till March 1st of the
year. Pompeius remained ambiguous, with hints of
for his party by ejection of undesirable senators, and augmented the
of Caesar. The arrogant and stubborn censor, mind
n the aspirant to autocracy and the forces of law and order. Caesar’s
was heterogeneous in composition at its kernel a
om political principle he returned to an old allegiance. 1 Caesar’s
was dual in composition. The fact that he took up
s of his class, excellent men. Many knights were to be found in the
of a proconsul, in a variety of functions. Such e
r, and Caesar filched the Balbi, the dynasts of Gades, from Pompeius’
to his own. He may also have inherited the Spanis
in Rufinus, the son of one of his freedmen. 5 Such in brief was the
of Caesar, summarily indicated and characterized
d in the Roman Senate, even by renegades. Pompeius Strabo had a large
in Picenum:3 but these were only the personal adh
to Pompeius and the legitimate government of Rome. Caesar has a mixed
, some stripped from Pompeius, others not to be cl
e moderate and prudent Hirtius. He summoned the Senate to meet on the
day in the Temple of Tellus. In the meantime, t
arch or early in April the Senate allotted consular provinces for the
year2 probably in accordance with the intention
ommanding influence in the towns of Italy. Once a compact and devoted
was won, and his power revealed, he could build u
on. This time there was criticism and opposition in the Senate on the
day both Cicero and P. Servilius Isauricus spoke.
ms) and carried through the allotment of praetorian provinces for the
year. Crete and Cyrene were taken from Brutus and
edonia was assigned to his brother, the praetor C. Antonius. On the
day, after a solemn review at Tibur, where not on
e arrived in Italy. Seven months pass, and he has money, troops and a
. Whence came his adherents and his political fund
rty is but a kind of conspiracy against the Commonwealth. Octavianus’
could not raise the semblance even of being a par
he way. Yet he probably lent a tribune: Ti. Cannutius belonged to the
of Isauricus. 3 Piso and P. Servilius each had
cero had never been a revolutionary not even a reformer. In the years
his consulate he wavered between Pompeius and the
e towns of Campania were enthusiastic. Among the plebs he had a great
; and he might win more respectable backing. ‘But
hould not be regarded as criminal. Cf. Appian, BC 3, 84, 345 (clearly
an excellent source): ∈ἰρήνην τ∈ καὶ ἔλ∈ον ἐς ἀτυ
sed of this flimsy character, was with Antonius, his ally in the days
the Ides of March; and he will have reflected tha
d on retaining Comata: that province he would hold for the five years
, until Brutus and Cassius should have become cons
organize military levies in Picenum. The rumour was false. 2 On the
day Octavianus forbore to enter the city with arm
190 The rule of the dynast Pompeius in 60 B.C. and during the years
depended upon control, open or secret, of the org
paring Italy. A party prevailed when Caesar defeated Pompeius yet the
of Caesar was by no means homogeneous, and the Di
zing their resources and raising more money: so several months of the
year were spent in chastising Rhodians and Lycian
ct the requisite money. About the provinces of the West they made the
dispositions, treating Lepidus as negligible. Cis
a marriage with Scribonia; Julia, his only daughter, was born in the
year. But there was a more important pact than
ft time for that. But Octavianus had designated him as consul for the
year. The next NotesPage=>220 1 Ecl. 4, 17
angements had already been made by Antonius. During the course of the
year they were modified and completed. It will be
4. PageBook=>228 Labienus. Yet Pompeius still retained in his
persons of distinction, relatives, friends or adh
n lost. Antonius was induced to come to Tarentum in the spring of the
year (37). The uneasy alliance was then perpetuat
erms were sometimes synonymous) has already advanced a stage; and his
already reveals in clear outline the twin and yet
nt nobility, the patrician; which did not in any way hamper them from
a revolutionary leader or taking up an ally not o
f Perusia were more amicably disposed to Antonius; and his Republican
, already considerable, was augmented when the las
28, 531. 2 About consulates under the Triumvirate (43–33 B.C.), the
brief computation can be made. Excluding the Triu
way to imperial power. Beside princes of blood or title, the personal
of Rome’s ruler in the East might suitably be ext
astic in their own right. Caesar did his best to equal or usurp the
of Pompeius, with grants of Roman citizenship or
om Antonius’ alliance and marital life with the Queen of Egypt. The
year witnessed a turn of fortune in the northeast
a coasts. Nor was the preponderance of Antonius less evident in his
of Roman senators his provincial governors, gener
f Antonius in 35 B.C. (Appian, BC 5, 144, 599). Plancus had a certain
, for example, M. Titius and C. Furnius; and a Ner
t. 1, 5, 32 f.), he was sent on a mission to Egypt by Antonius in the
winter (Plutarch, Antonius 36). 7 M. Insteius f
. 6 The total of noble names is impressive when contrasted with the
of the rival Caesarian dynast, but decorative rat
the Republican Ahenobarbus and the old Caesarian Plancus, each with a
of his own. Between them was no confidence, but b
er, some to the very end. Most significant is the strong Republican
of one already denounced as an enemy of Rome, as
talia far surpassed any attempts of earlier politicians to build up a
among the propertied classes of Italy. The oath e
allus, a Roman knight. 5 For the rest of the year 30 and the winter
the conqueror proceeded to make his dispositions
unobtrusive and masterly. With the Mede, Antonius’ ally, he began by
Antonius’ policy and even granted him for a time
martial glory of the renascent state was also supported in the years
by the triumphs of men prominent in the Caesarian
ar as quaestor in 45 B.C., he joined the Liberators at the end of the
year (above, p. 171). 2 Namely Varro, legate in
ius got credit for his efforts on behalf of Murena. 4 What friends or
Murena had is uncertain but the legate of Syria a
his was an order more firmly consolidated than Caesar’s miscellaneous
, bound to a cause and a programme as well as to a
vil Wars had missed the consulate. Here and on the Fasti of the years
are to be discovered the aristocrats who rallied
ore aristocratic families were lured by matrimony into the family and
of the Princeps. Of his allies among the young no
being the head of the Claudii, would have had a dynastic and personal
whatever the character of the Roman constitution:
spected and rumoured about Livia poison and murder. Her power and her
can be detected in the time of her son, most dist
ought the advice of Livia and received a long curtain-lecture. On the
day he summoned Cinna to his presence and deliver
emembered rancour and postponed revenge. Yet Tiberius must have had a
among the nobiles. Of the dynastic houses of th
es. 1 L. Piso was a neutral, commanding repute and even, perhaps, a
of his own. 2 Like the Cornelii Lentuli, Piso was
us harmless, his own sons secure. Though absent, Tiberius still had a
; though an exile he still held his tribunicia pot
repaired but magnified beyond all measure by his detractors. 5 In the
year Augustus came to Gaul, Tiberius with him. Ti
cernible, dual in composition, as might be expected. In the six years
the return to power of Tiberius, along with desce
ost its army). 2 In the three years of the rebellion of Illyricum the
consulars served under Tiberius in various capaci
ncus, artifex ante Vitellium maximus. ’ Passienus is mentioned in the
section. 4 L. Vitellius, married to Calvina, cf
(cf. above, pp. 199 f., 235, 243 f.). It is of decisive value for the
years: 39 B.C. C. Cocceius (Balbus), already kn