t;006 1 Pollio’s three letters to Cicero are valuable documents (Ad
. 10, 31–3), especially the first, where he writes
s capacity (Caesar, BC 1, 4, 3; 3, 31, 1) were pretty dubious. 2 Ad
. 8, 4, 4. Marcellus’ flogging of a man of Comum h
and by no means to the liking of Pompeius (Ad Att. 5, 11, 2). 3 Ad
. 8, 4, 4: ‘omnis oportere senatui dicto audientis
51) was very mild and loath to provoke a civil war (Dio 40, 59, 1; Ad
. 4, 3, 1, &c.); L. Aemilius Paullus (cos. 50)
fieri posset, magnum etiucundum tibi Fortuna spectaculum parabat’ (Ad
. 8, 14, 4). For a clear and dispassionate stateme
daughter of Ap. Claudius Pulcher certainly took place in 54 B.C. (Ad
. 3, 4, 2), that of Cn. Pompeius probably about th
3 Only the usurers approved of Caesar, so NotesPage=>052 1 Ad
. 4, 4, 3 (after the pardoning of M. Marcellus).
rupulous adventurer who destroyed the Free NotesPage=>053 1 Ad
. 8, 17, 2. 2 Pro Marcello 23: ‘constituenda iud
the title of praefectus moribus did not make him any more popular (Ad
. 9, 15, 5). 3 Suetonius, Divus Iulius 77, repor
perii potentiae gloriae cupiditates. ’ 5 Cicero, Phil. 1, 38 and Ad
. 10, 1, 1, adapting to himself the phrase ‘satis
uanto deteriore condicione civilia bella subituram. ’ 2 Cassius (Ad
. 15, 19, 4) describes Caesar as ‘veterem et cleme
), of a senatorial family: he married a step-daughter of Catilina (Ad
. 8, 7, 2). On his career, P-W IV, 1624 ff. Q. Hor
io, quoius amicitia me paulatim in hanc perditam causam imposuit’ (Ad
. 8, 17, 1). 5 On Curio as an orator, Cicero, Br
icero, Brutus 280 f.; on Caelius, Tacitus, Dial. 25, 3, &c 6 Ad
. 8, 14, 3 PageBook=>064 their allegiance.
onius, Tib. 4, 1. Dolabella prosecuted Ap. Claudius Pulcher in 51 (Ad
. 8, 6, 1), so he had little choice when it came t
itate usus esset, talibus quoque se parem gratiam relaturum. ’ 3 Ad
. 8, 4, 2: ‘infimorum hominum amicitiam. ’ 4 Bel
is surely the same person as C. Vibius Pansa, tribune in 51 B.C. (Ad
. 8, 8, 6). A. Hirtius is nowhere mentioned as an
campaigns; and some find that his style is not very military. 5 Ad
. 9, 20, 2. 6 Pliny, NH 15, 49 PageBook=>07
sent, recusarunt’; cf. Ad Att. 8, 13, 2; 16, 1. 2 Ib. 9, 11, 4; Ad.
. 7, 3, 2. 3 Ad Att. 8, 11, 2; 9, 10, 2 and 6; 1
telli. Celer, Clodia’s husband, governed the Cisalpina in 62 B.C. (Ad
. 5, 1). 5 e.g. C. Fleginas (or rather, Felginas
est of Gaul2 (1911), 652. On the family, cf. also BG 7, 65, 2. 2 Ad
. 10, 32, 5, where it is stated that Gallus has in
ct. This was permanent. NotesPage=>077 1 Ad Att. 14, 21, 3; Ad
. 15, 19, 3; De off. 2, 29. 2 Ad Att. 12, 2, 2:
urned alive and an auctioneer from Hispalis thrown to wild beasts (Ad
. 10, 32, 3). Another senator from Spain may be Ti
tesPage=>082 1 L. Aelius Lamia, ‘equestris ordinis princeps’ (Ad
. 11, 16, 2), ‘vir prae- stantissimus et ornatissi
le in 45 (Ad Att. 13, 45, 1). He had business interests in Africa (Ad
. 12, 29) and probably large estates there the lat
m in parte Italiae minime contemnenda facile omnium nobilissimum’ (Ad
. 6, 6, 9); A. Cluentius Habitus, ‘homo non solum
be confronted with the task of creating a NotesPage=>092 1 Ad
. 10, 31, 2 f. He prosecuted C. Cato (Tacitus, Dia
3 So Cicero described him (Pliny, NH 7, 135) and so did Plancus (Ad
. 10, 183). Really an army contractor (Gellius 15,
’ 3 Compare the tone of his letter to M. Brutus and to Cassius, Ad
. 11, 1. The dating of this crucial document has b
y has gained colour and strength (Phil. 2, 91). Even if the letter Ad
. 11, I were to be dated immediately after the fun
pia bonique desiderant. ’ Cf. the letter of flattery to Dolabella, Ad
. 9, 14. The sagacious Atticus became impatient of
r Hirtius sent a warning letter to Cicero, Ad Att. 15, 6, 2 f. 4 Ad
. 11, 2 (an open letter of Brutus and Cassius).
rceful general. He commanded the left wing NotesPage=>103 2 Ad
. 11, 1, above, p. 97 PageBook=>104 on the
5, 5, 3; Appian, BC 3, 14, 48 ff.). This was a mere formality. 2 Ad
. 11, 2. 3 Ad Att. 15, 8, 1. But Hirtius was by
worked upon this material in the month of NotesPage=>119 1 Ad
. 11, 3 (August 4th). 2 Velleius 2, 62, 3; echoe
t was for treachery. 2 NotesPage=>121 1 For example Pollio, Ad
. 10, 31, 2f., quoted above, p. 6. C. Matius made
ays NotesPage=>123 1 Cicero, Phil, 1; Ad Jam. 12, 2, 1. 2 Ad
. 12, 3, 1. PageBook=>124 later, a dark epi
them or march with them to northern Italy. NotesPage=>124 1 Ad
. 12, 23, 2: ‘prudentes autem et boni viri et cred
e behind him, a temptation to his enemies. NotesPage=>130 1 Ad
. 12, 23, 2. 2 Appian, BC 3, 94, 391 one of the
7 Ib. 16, 15, 3. 8 Ib. 16, 8, 2. Probably not the A. Caecina of Ad
. 6, 5 ff.; 13, 66. 9 Nicolaus, Vita Caesaris 31
aefectus classis; cf. Appian, BC 5, 102, 422. On his profiteering, Ad
. 15, 17, 2; his father,ib. 13, 26, 2. 2 Phil. 1
by Caesar. He commanded the legio Martia for Octavianus at Mutina (Ad
. 10, 33, 4): who impelled the legion to desert An
4: ‘λῆρος πολύς in vino et in somno istorum. ’ Likewise Q. Cicero, Ad
. 16, 27, 1: ‘quos ego penitus novi libidinum et l
λιστα Kικἐρων. 3 Plutarch, Cicero 44. 4 Ad Att. 16, 14, 2. 5 Ad
. 12, 2, 2. He hoped to squeeze Brutus and Cassius
the places for his son, praetor in 44. 6 His mother was a Junia (Ad
. 15, 8), presumably the aunj: of D. Brutus: and h
mpeius 58, and Caesar 37; Dio 41, 16, 4; Cicero, Ad Att. 7, 13, 1; Ad
. 14, 14, 2. 2 Münzer, RA, 355 ff.; P-W 11 A, 17
clearly the better cause and it seemed the NotesPage=>137 1 Ad
. 16, 12, 2; Velleius 2, 48, 5. PageBook=>138
t. alia enim eorum ratio 〈est et, si non est, tamen videtur. ’ 5 Ad
. 16, 24, 2 of uncertain date, but fitting Novembe
parebit verba rebus esse contraria. ’ Cf. Plutarch, Cicero 45. 2 Ad
, 9, 14. 3 Phil. 5, 50: ‘Omnis habeo cognitos se
f history. 6 Cicero was obdurate: he hoped NotesPage=>145 1 Ad
. 9, 2, 5. 2 De officiis 1, 25 (Crassus’ definit
e nostrum non est? ’ 6 Ib. 11, 12; 13, 27. 7 Pro Balbo 51. 8 Ad
. 10, 18, 3 (Plancus); Pliny, NH7, 135 (Cicero).
ἔχομ∈ν. 2 Cf. the friendly and humorous letter many years later, Ad
. 5, 10a. 3 Suetonius, Divus Iulius 73. PageBo
Sulpicius Rufus). Cf. also ‘ista pacificatio’ (Cicero to Lepidus, Ad
. 10, 27, 2, below, p. 173). 4 Phil. 2, 113: ‘et
t privata odia publicis utilitatibus remittiere’ (Ann. 1, 10). 4 Ad
. 10, 35, 2: ‘ut privatis offensionibus omissis su
quam optimum faciam. ’ 7 ‘Ferventes latrones’ and ‘parricidae’ (Ad
. 10, 23, 3 and 5); ‘furor’ (ib. 5). 8 Bell. Afr
rdinary in that. Compare, in the next year, what P. Lentulus says (Ad
. 12, 14, 5): ‘qua re non puto Pansam et Hirtium i
age, infirmity or despair, were seldom to NotesPage=>164 1 Ad
. 12, 2, 2. 2 Phil. 13, 29, above, p. 45. 3 Ab
. That left six consulars of the years 48-45. 4 Phil. 8, 22. 5 Ad
. 12, 4, 1. 6 Ib. 10, 28, 3 7 Phil 8, 30: ‘nam
da voluntatem et senatui et populo Romano probari moleste ferant’; Ad
. 12, 5, 3: ‘non nulli invident eorum laudi quos i
ulli invident eorum laudi quos in re publica probari vident. i 8 Ad
. 12, 5, 2, cf. Mommsen, Ges. Schriften IV, 176 ff
s after the Ides of March, but still with a future before him. 2 Ad
. 10, 3, 3: ‘scis profecto nihil enim te fugere po
NotesPage=>166 1 D. Brutus called him ‘homo ventosissimus’ (Ad
. 11, 9, 1); Cicero years before ‘iste omnium turp
y gentleman could have been described in very different terms. 2 Ad
. 12, 4, 1: ‘nihil autem foedius Philippo et Pison
hey too went to swell the army of Cassius. NotesPage=>171 1 Ad
. 12, 2 (Feb. 2nd); 3 (later in the month). 2 Ph
. P. Lentulus, Trebonius’ quaestor, claims that he helped Cassius (Ad
. 12, 14, 6). 5 On these men, above, p. 111. P
1 Phil. 12 (c. March 10th?). 2 Phil. 13. 3 Ib. 13, 22 ff. 4 Ad
. 10, 6, 3: ‘haec impulsus benevolentia scripsi pa
ared to be winning all along the line. The NotesPage=>174 1 Ad
. 10, 30 (Galba’s report). 2 Phil. 14 (April 21s
1 Ad fam. 10, 30 (Galba’s report). 2 Phil. 14 (April 21st). 3 Ad
. 10, 33, 1: ‘quo si qui laetantur in praesentia,
he legions of the dead consuls. 2 Orations NotesPage=>162 1 Ad
. 11, 10, 4: ‘sed neque Caesari imperari potest ne
4 M. Junius Silanus, his kinsman, had actually fought at Mutina (Ad
. 10, 30, 1). It was Q. Terentius Culleo who joine
anitatis et necessitudinis causa eorum salutis rationem habuimus’ (Ad
. 10, 34, 2). 2 Caesar, BC 3, 19. PageBook=>
sed his last NotesPage=>165 1 Appian, BC 3, 83, 341 ff. 2 Ad
. 10, 35, 2: ‘quod si salutis omnium ac dignitatis
The veterans had no wish for war they had NotesPage=>166 1 Ad
. 10, 24. On Octavianus, ib. § 5 f. 2 Cf. his le
1 Ad fam. 10, 24. On Octavianus, ib. § 5 f. 2 Cf. his letters, Ad
. 10, 31–3. 3 Plutarch, Brutus 12: χϵ ρον ϵ ναι
tticism of Cicero he was to be praised and NotesPage=>167 1 Ad
. 10, 11, 2 (the words ‘furor’ and ‘furiosus’ are
r cent.), but the rich refused to pay (Ad M. Brutum 1, 18, 5). 4 Ad
. 11, 14, 1: ‘ὄργανον enim erat meum senatus: id i
h of Pansa, it was widely believed in Rome NotesPage=>168 1 Ad
. 11, 20, 1: ‘laudandum adulescentem, ornandum, to
in the year for the war against Antonius. NotesPage=>189 1 Ad
. 10, 21, 4. 2 At least he was with Sex. Pompeiu
χθραν προσέθϵντο. 3 D. Brutus spoke about ‘Varronis thensauros’ (Ad
. 11, 10, 5). On the friends of Varro, wealthy lan
me, but acted treacherously (Dio 47, 24, 3 ff.). Above, p. 171 9 Ad
. 12, 14 f.; BMC, R. Rep. 11, 481 ff. PageBook=&
3. 2 The Lex Rufrena, ILS 73 and 73 a. Rufrenus was a Caesarian (Ad
. 10, 21, 4, above, p. 189). 3 Appian, BC 5, 12,
ag, PIR2 C 857. 5 A nephew of Ap. Claudius Pulcher, cos. 54. 6 Ad
. 12, 2, 2. 7 The problem of Scribonia’s husband
tesPage=>235 1 CIL 12, p. 42. 2 Münzer, P-W XIX, 45 ff. 3 Ad
. 10, 33, 4. 4 Appian, BC 5, 54, 229 f., cf. Mün
mpany he is first mentioned, in 43, perhaps as one of his legates (Ad
. 12, 25, 1: ‘Minotauri, id est Calvisi et Tauri’)
n Antonian in 43 B.C., but willing to be recommended to D. Brutus (Ad
. 11, 22). PageBook=>238 land. But Cornific
esPage=>252 1 Above, p. 63. 2 Horace, Sat. 1, 10, 42 f. 3 Ad
. 10, 32, 5, cf. 31, 6 4 Perhaps in the importan
Cocceii, was an intimate, perhaps a legate, of Plancus in 43 B.C. (Ad
. 10, 18, 1). 4 ILS 891 (Miletus), which describ
fex at least as early as 64 B.C., Macrobius 3, 13, II. 2 Cicero, Ad
. 8, 14, 1. 3 Augustus records that about one hu
nc Augustus agens Italos in proelia Caesar. 4 PageNotes. 465 1 Ad
. 12, 5, 2. 2 Plutarch, Comp. Dionis et Bruti 5;