onary leader arose in civil strife, usurped power for himself and his
, transformed a faction into a national party, and
ivil strife, usurped power for himself and his faction, transformed a
into a national party, and a torn and distracted
and unreal if told without some indication of the composition of the
he led, of the personality, actions and influence
re candid to his intimate friends. There was no breach in the walls a
among the nobiles had opened the gates. Cicero wo
s no Ciceronian party. The Roman politician had to be the leader of a
. Cicero fell short of that eminence both when a c
rsome dominion against Sertorius and the last survivors of the Marian
in Spain, against the great Mithridates and again
. 5 Among other eminent houses of the plebeian nobility in the Marian
were the Junii and the Domitii,6 who became firm
an evil repute. 5 Second and more important by far is that enigmatic
soon to be led by a man who never became consul.
s: they might properly be described, in contemporary definition, as a
or gang. 2 The ramifications of this oligarchy
. There were dangerous rifts in the oligarchy, the wounds of feud and
. Neither Aemilii nor Claudii were quite to be tru
, and led his army to liberate Rome from the domination of the Marian
for Sulla’s interests and for his own. 6 The ca
inent families, linked closely with one another and with the Catonian
. Rising to power with support from the Metelli,
from the East; and the consul Metellus Celer banded with the Catonian
to attack and harry Pompeius. But the feud was no
arded their sagacity. 3 With these four families was now joined the
of Cato. Of his allies and relatives, Lucullus an
being recruited for the government and on the plea of legitimacy), a
in the Senate worked the constitution against Cae
ain day. By invoking constitutional sanctions against Caesar, a small
misrepresented the true wishes of a vast majority
support, by his studious moderation. To the survivors of the defeated
he behaved with public and ostentatious clemency.
esar established his Dictatorship. His rule began as the triumph of a
in civil war: he made it his task to transcend fa
e triumph of a faction in civil war: he made it his task to transcend
, and in so doing wrought his own destruction. A c
time of his first appearance in Rome. The young man had to build up a
for himself and make his own way along the road t
Caesar, insensibly disposing their minds to servitude and monarchy. A
recruited from the most NotesPage=>056 1 H
imes forgets that awkward fact. If the leader or principal agent of a
goes beyond the wishes of his allies and emancipa
were the fathers-in-law of Ti. and C. Gracchus respectively. On this
(hostile to the Scipiones), cf. above all Miinzer
orbanus, Cinna and Carrinas, all names of historic note in the Marian
. 2 Hostile to the oligarchy and wishing to supers
cf. below, p. 200; on Carrinas, p. 90. 3 For nobiles of the Marian
, above, p. 19. 4 He was married to a Julia (Val
nce. His numerous legates might have been the nucleus of a formidable
. 3 Some of them he lent to his ally, Caesar the p
y of the leading consulars was massed against him. No matter Caesar’s
numbered not only many senators but nobiles at th
the power of money in the Roman State. Not so Crassus and Caesar. The
of Pompeius was unable to move either the propert
insurgents:4 the son reconquered Spain from Sertorius and the Marian
. But Pompeius had enemies in Spain, and Caesar bo
insurrection, a great NotesPage=>086 1 The composition of the
of Marius, an important (and neglected) topic, ca
n-combatants it was complicated and embittered by the strife of local
. Etruria and Umbria, though wavering, had remaine
rsonal adherents of a local dynast and Roman politician, or the Roman
in a torn and discordant land. Pompeius’ son in
ses came in. The towns of Italy welcomed the resurgence of the Marian
led by a NotesPage=>089 1 Pro Piando (Plan
he had to expel the Ventidii from that city. Picenum was the scene of
and internecine strife. Not only the Italici are
pers and then consulted in secret with the chief men of the Caesarian
, such as Balbus, the Dictator’s secretary and con
ign of terror. Brutus had insisted that Antonius be spared. 4 Had the
of Brutus and Cassius forsworn its principles and
Cicero with a loud voice. 2 The appeal was premature. Nor could the
of Brutus and Cassius reckon upon the citizen-bod
Roman party-politician. He was consul and chief man in the Caesarian
: power and patronage rested in his hands. Antoniu
have his province of Macedonia. But the proconsul was vulnerable if a
seized power in Rome and sought to pay back old s
he revival of Libertas in a period of crisis would mean the strife of
, veiled at first under honourable names and confi
September 13th (Suetonius, Divus Iulius 83, 1). PageBook=>113
took to calling himself ‘Imperator Caesar’. 1 Aft
secretary of the Dictator. 2 Other prominent members of the Caesarian
were approached: Hirtius and Pansa were certainly
plit the Caesarian party. For his first designs he needed funds and a
. As many of the most eminent of the Caesarians al
eir programme and their catchwords. If the process goes far enough, a
may grow into something like a national party. So
for intrigue and diplomacy. With Antonius out of the way a Republican
, relying on the support of anomalous allies and i
political funds? Family and kinsmen provide the nucleus of a Roman
. Yet Octavianus’ relatives were not numerous; 2 a
es of three of his earliest associates, the foundation-members of the
. In his company at the camp of Apollonia were Q.
what in defamation the most admirable causes had often been called a
: its activity lay beyond the constitution and bey
he only such recorded for a long time. What remained of the Caesarian
after the Ides of March showed a lack of social d
nights in standing, Salvidienus, Agrippa and Maecenas: to the end his
retained the mark of its origin. A long time pass
yed: they were not at all willing to be captured by an anti-Caesarian
and forced into the conduct of a civil war. Hirti
mpeius and when Roman politics again appeared to be degenerating into
strife. 1 His character was vindicated by his con
h the government. Cicero was sorry. 4 The domination of the Caesarian
in the person of Antonius appeared unshakable. At
The situation was much more complicated than that, issues entangled,
and personalities at variance. The imperious eloq
e the only criterion of wisdom and of patriotism. 4 In the service of
the fairest of pleas and the noblest of principle
is a vague and negative notion freedom from the rule of a tyrant or a
. 1 It follows that libertas, like regnum or domin
s at the peak of the hierarchy, transcending mores. Roman political
were welded together, less by unity of principle
er than the State; and the family was the kernel of a Roman political
. Loyalty to the ties of kinship in politics was a
Brutus. This meant usurpation of power by the Senate or rather, by a
in the Senate and war against the proconsul Anton
ius. The assassins of Caesar had left Italy, and the young men of the
of Cato, the sons of the dominant consulars in th
no part in politics. PageBook=>164 battle. The remnants of the
were with the young Pompeius in Spain. The weak
ad in promising money for the war, the Marrucini (or perhaps rather a
among them hostile to Pollio) stimulated recruiti
ith Antonius; it was not they who had built up a novel and aggressive
, mobilizing private armies and constitutional san
it. Their reluctance to obey the constitutional principles invoked by
and to fight against their fellow-citizens had th
me the ranks of the Caesarian party. With the revival of the Pompeian
in the city of Rome and the gathering power of Br
here was some palliation, at least when consul he had been harried by
and treason, when proconsul outlawed. For Octavia
, 155. PageBook=>198 When a civil war seemed only a contest of
in the Roman nobility, many young men of spirit a
sented by Pompeius, a group of consulars in alliance and the Catonian
. 1 Now the Metelli, the Scipiones, the Lentuli an
e party; its rallying point and its leaders were the young men of the
of Cato, almost all kinsmen of Marcus Brutus. W
s nor property could dull the edge of action. From the beginning, the
of Octavianus invited those who had nothing to lo
nt predecessors when they had liberated Rome from the domination of a
. But L. Antonius did not hold the city for long.
ot to be known. At the end of 40 B.C. the domination of the Caesarian
, founded upon the common interests of leaders and
s Murcus. 3 Defeated at Pharsalus but not destroyed, the family and
of the Pompeii had incurred heavy losses through
of note, even when four years had elapsed since the foundation of the
and the first revolutionary venture. Consulars we
acedonia. Nor are senators’ sons at all frequent in the revolutionary
. The Peducaei were a modest and reputable senator
obscure probably tortuous. 7 The principal members of the Caesarian
won glory and solid recompense. In public and o
service. None the less, the young Caesar was acquiring a considerable
among the aristocracy. The nobiles would attract
nished, to find harbourage and alliance with Antonius. The Catonian
, after fighting against the domination of Pompeiu
s amenable to discipline as were the chief men of the rival Caesarian
. Ruinous symptoms were soon apparent, heralding t
e proconsul of Syria, died in this year, but the rest of the Catonian
under Ahenobarbus still stood firm. Had Ahenobarb
act ties of personal allegiance and mutual support. 3 When a Claudian
encouraged a revolutionary agitation at Rome with
Italiae against Antonius. 1 Many senators had fled to Antonius. Rival
in the towns could now emerge, seizing power at t
of the rival dynasts and there by consummated the logical end of the
, compacts and wars of the last thirty years, thou
gun. The duty could no longer be evaded on the plea of wars abroad or
at home. Peace had been established, there was on
ad or faction at home. Peace had been established, there was only one
left—and it was in power. The pleasing legend L
re thoroughness and without opposition. This time the domination of a
was to be permanent and unshaken: the era of riva
could never change, the source and origin of his domination. When a
seized power at Rome, the consulate and the provi
THE PARTY OF AUGUSTUS PageBook=>349 THE modest origins of the
of Octavianus stand revealed in the names of the
be spared out of respect for dignity: local magnates of the Antonian
in the towns of Italy had local enemies. A numb
cini and the Paeligni welcomed in Caesar the resurgence of the Marian
. Dictatorship and Revolution both broke down Roma
locupletes’. PageBook=>360 They were the backbone of Augustus’
, the prime agents in the plebiscite of all Italy.
erty, ‘boni viri et locupletes’. As the augmentation of the governing
was not the execution of a theory or the act of a
ends and earliest partisans. In the first months of its existence the
of Caesar’s heir numbered hardly a single senator
scendant of a consular family (Cn. Domitius Calvinus) belonged to the
. Octavianus was acutely conscious of the need of
rb Augustus’ ardent predilection for the aristocracy. Like Caesar’s
, the new Caesarian party comprised diverse elemen
ppia Claudia, daughter of one of the earliest noble supporters of the
. 4 Then he rose higher his second was an Aemilia
inister of Tiberius. Seianus himself became the leader of a political
. NotesPage=>384 1 Velleius 2, 69, 5. 2 I
reality a cosmopolitan court. These influences were bound up with the
from the beginning: active, though studiously mas
larity in the capital and strengthening the resources of the Claudian
. NotesPage=>416 1 Suetonius, Tib. 7, 2 f.
side of the family she lacked relatives who might be built up into a
. 2 To be sure, there were her grandchildren, the
government after Sulla are now missing or sadly reduced above all the
of the Liberators. Certain great houses remaine
n P. Quinctilius Varus, who were not so deeply committed to the court
that they could not survive, and even profit from
evident that the political crisis in Rome and defeat of the Claudian
would create repercussions to be detected on the
obiles are not innocent triflers or moral reprobates but a formidable
. Gracchus bears most of the official blame:2 the
consulate are prominent yet not paradoxical, for this was a Claudian
. In the background, however, stand certain noble
a class whose habit it had been to attack the dominant individual or
, appear to be fervently on the side of the govern
e and the best men, the brave and the loyal, had perished. Not a mere
of the nobility had been defeated, but a whole cl
lurk their allies or their rivals, certain great houses or permanent
. The Scipiones had been an age of history. Their
6. PageBook=>492 Banded with these four families, the Catonian
suffered heavy loss through loyal or stubborn adh
tain other patrician houses, prevailed over Pompeius and the dominant
of the nobilitas. But the Julii left no direct he
inst the great houses, attached them to his family and built up a new
. By force or craft he had defeated the Aemilii an
l as of military distinction. With Trajan, a Spanish and Narbonensian
comes to power. New men had ever been pressing fo
nction went on as before, enhanced by the rival ambitions of Seianus’
and the family of Germanicus. At all turns the no
Libertas, as has been sufficiently shown, may be appropriated by any
and any government: it soon went the way of Pax a
f Augustus’ reign, however, there remained but little of the Catonian
or of the four noble houses that supported Pompei
signed to contemptuous oblivion. Antonius is masked and traduced as a
, the Liberators as enemies of the Fatherland, Sex
489. Fabricius, Q. (cos. suff. 2 B.C.), 362. Factio, 12, 22, 157.
, in Roman politics, 7 f., 11 ff., 16, 20, &c.
358 ff.; military service, 70 f., 78 f., 82, 353 ff., 395 f.; in the
of Octavianus, 133; commanding armies, 201, 355;
nomenclature, 93. Palace, of Augustus, 380; etiquette of, 385; palace
, 386. Palpellius Hister, Sex., Augustan senator