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tenation of proper names must pass rapidly over certain sections, for example the two chapters (v and vi) that analyse the comp
on of the nature of Roman politics here expounded owes to the supreme example and guidance of Münzer: but for his work on Repub
perished, Tacitus and Sallust can be drawn upon for compensation. For example , the fragments of the preface of Sallust’s Histor
or supposed borrowings in subsequent historians. 4 None the less, the example of Pollio and the abundance of historical materia
utarch, Caesar 13 ; Pompeius 47. 3 Horace, Odes 2, i, i if. 4 For example , Lucan, Pharsalia r, 84 ff.; Florus 2, 13, 8 ff.;
s, firmamentum rei publicae publicanorum ordine continetur. ’ 3 For example , Fufidius, an ‘eques Romanus ornatissimus’, left
ate, and curbed the consuls. But even Sulla could not abolish his own example and preclude a successor to his domination. Sul
d century B.C. 3 Ever since M. Marcellus, cos. III 152 B.C. 4 For example the Aurelii Cottae and the Octavii (with two cons
Varro, RR 3, 3, 9. For a stemma of the Marcii, P-W XIV, 1539. 6 For example , M. Junius Brutus (tr. pl. 83) and L. Junius Brut
m publicam tenent, est factio, sed vocantur illi optimates. ’ 3 For example , in defence of Verres or against the bills of Gab
et. On his fish- ponds, Varro, RR 3, 17, 3; Pliny, NH 9, 171. 2 For example , M. Atius Balbus from Aricia, who married Caesar’
province. Hence the spread of the name ‘Domitius’ there, attested for example by the inscr. ILS 6976 from Nemausus, and later b
h he felt for the person and character of Caesar. The influence and example of Cato spurred on the nobiles and accelerated wa
rash and factious minority prevailed. NotesPage=>047 1 As, for example , by Mommsen, and recently by Carcopino, Points de
st’; ib.: ‘uterque regnare vult. ’ 2 Below, c. V and c. VI. 3 For example , Ahenobarbus’ son (Cicero, Phil. 2, 27). PageBo
hout any strong political ties to explain NotesPage=>063 1 For example , the young Q. Cornificius (Catullus 38), of a sen
ared negligible or tenuous were faithfully recorded and honoured, for example , by the sons of the proconsuls with whom Caesar h
l that his wife was a Caecilia Metella. 6 NotesPage=>064 1 For example , L. Nonius Asprenas (Bell. Afr. 80, 4). Q. Marciu
family on friendly terms with M. Cicero, cf. P-W XIX, 45 ff. 2 For example , a son of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus (Cae
: cum duce Sullano gerimus civilia bella. 1 For revenge and as an example to deter posterity from raising dissension at Rom
lly, Caesar the proconsul, and some he lost. 4 Caesar profited by the example and by the errors of his predecessor. He recruite
bsistere sed etiam caelum diruere possent? ’ 5 BC 3, 91, 2. 6 For example , BC 3, 53, 4 f., cf. Cicero, Ad Att. 14, 10, 2 (S
s intrigues there is abundant evidence, cf. P-W V A, 2090 ff. 3 For example , in Thessaly (BC 3, 34, 4; 35, 2; Cicero, Phil. 1
le company of the Sullan centurions shrinks upon scrutiny to a single example . 1 Caesar’s adherents were a ghastly and disgus
al Q. Silo which shows eight warriors swearing a common oath. 2 For example , Q. Poppaedius Silo, cf. Plutarch, Cato minor 2.
contradictory record, may be presumed to owe their status to him, for example three of the praetors of 44 B.C., dim figures, th
hrown over, and that was for treachery. 2 NotesPage=>121 1 For example Pollio, Ad fam. 10, 31, 2f., quoted above, p. 6.
ut another name for rashness. But the times called for daring and the example of Caesar taught him to run risks gaily, to insis
plicated, and Philippus’ policy was ambiguous. Even if stirred by the example of his father’s actions on behalf of the young Po
ter Caecina, Octavianus sent Oppius to invite him, but in vain. 3 The example or the exhortations of Philippus and of Marcellus
st enemy to save the State. 5 Plancus soon followed the unimpeachable example of the patriotic Lepidus, in word no doubt as wel
tter of their own choice and favour. 1 Treachery was commended by the example of their superiors; and the plea of patriotism wa
don the principle. Other taxes, novel and crushing, were invented for example a year’s income being taken from everybody in pos
3. He fell in battle, Plutarch, Brutus 51. 5 Ib. 1, 14, 1. 6 For example , the freedman’s son Q. Horatius Flaccus. 7 Abov
s goes steadily forward. 5 Others, rising NotesPage=>199 1 For example , M. Livius Drusus Claudianus and Sex. Quinctilius
r lieutenants, cf. BMC, R. Rep. 11, 471 ff. 2 Above, p. 67. 3 For example , C. Calvisius Sabinus, C. Carrinas and Sex. Peduc
ed than Agrippa, was his senior in years and military experience. His example showed that the holding of senatorial office was
wo of the more decorative of such offices: Taurus followed his unholy example . 4 Most of the colleges had already been crammed
not only to Pompeius Magnus but also to his client Theophanes. 2 The example was nothing novel or untimely: it revealed a habi
5 B.C. (Appian, BC 5, 144, 599). Plancus had a certain following, for example , M. Titius and C. Furnius; and a Nerva, perhaps o
f personal obligation, may have departed in the company, or after the example , of Plancus. Complete silence envelops the disc
however, that provincial levies were heavily drawn upon. Brutus, for example , raised two legions of Macedonians (Appian, BC 3,
otesPage=>318 1 Odes I, 12, 47. 2 Plutarch, Cicero 49. 3 For example , and above all, E. Meyer, Caesars Monarchie u. da
f Macedonia c. 24-23 B.C. (Dio 54, 3, 2—misdated to 22 b.c.). 4 For example , no previous military service of the novi homines
t, cf. above all A. Stein, Der r. Ritterstand (1927), 136 ff. 2 For example , ILS 2654 and 2656 (not early). 3 Suetonius, Di
itum. 2 Others served for even longer T. Junius Montanus is the prime example . 3 Again, in Egypt, a land forbidden to senators,
armée romaine d’Égypte d’Auguste à Dioclétien (1918), 119 ff. 5 For example , ‘praef. eq. pro leg. ’ (ILS 2677); ‘tr. mil. pro
aliquis virtutum amor. ’ 4 Nobiles who miss the consulate are, for example , Cornelius Sulla Felix, PIR2, C 1463; (Q.?) Metel
). 4 ILS 925; 893a. 5 CIL I2, p. 29. 6 Zosimus 2, 4, 2. 7 For example , a C. Mucius Scaevola and a C. Licinius Stolo, ot
NotesPage=>392 1 Horace, Epp. 2, I, I f. 2 Odes 4, 9. 3 For example , Piso and Ahenobarbus receive no ode from Horace.
ut legatus aut praetor cum magna gloria in exercitu fuerat. ’ 5 For example , ILS 911 f. Cf. Suetonius, Divus Aug. 38. 6 Sue
ers of L. Tarius Rufus and C. Sentius Saturninus. 2 The most striking example of continuous service is afforded by the novus ho
nominated, not only in A.D. 6 (Dio 55, 28, 2), but much earlier, for example P. Paquius Scaeva again in Cyprus: ‘procos, iteru
nes of communication between West and East, executed as an impressive example of converging strategy, may not unfairly be attri
country, ‘antiquo ipse cultu victuque’, effected much by his personal example . Yet more than all that, the sober standards prev
ime of Augustus far too high. 3 Indirect arguments can be used. For example , Narbonensis supplies only two auxiliary regiment
nd middle classes of a regenerated society. Their influence and their example would cause the lessons of patriotism and moralit
nt of the Caesarian leader at Philippi: he was not there. After the example set by Caesar the Dictator, clemency became a com
the Pisones, however, lasted even longer. 9 PageNotes. 497 1 For example , the Furii, the Scribonii and the Arruntii. 2 L
hter married Sex. Nonius Quinctilianus, cos. A.D.8 (ILS 934). 3 For example , no issue is known of T. Peducaeus (cos. suff. 35
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