/ 1
s, his path was hazardous. The lava was still molten underneath. 2 An enemy of Octavianus, Pollio had withdrawn from politica
in the fall of the Roman Republic. That was not the opinion of their enemy Cato: he blamed the original alliance of Pompeius
ntial. It was possessed in abundance both by Caesar and by his bitter enemy , L. Domitius Ahenobarbus. To win a following at e
and complicated war in Italy had barely ended. The Samnites, Sulla’s enemy and Rome’s, had been extirpated; and the other Sa
re abroad. Pompeius never forgave Cicero. But Cicero was not the real enemy . It was the habit of Pompeius to boast of the m
person who had married Fausta, the dissolute daughter of Sulla. 2 His enemy P. Clodius was running for the praetorship. When
against the craftiest politician of the day: he was declared a public enemy if he did not lay down his command before a certa
ions rose at his call. Even Picenum, his own barony, went over to the enemy without a blow. No less complete the military mis
us’ widow, Fulvia, was his wife, Antonius his friend, Ap. Pulcher his enemy . 2 Caelius, the fashionable and extravagant son o
d family and perhaps a timely abandonment of the Italian cause Rome’s enemy entered the Roman Senate. 2 But the vanquished
The Philippics, the series of speeches in which he assailed an absent enemy , are an eternal monument of eloquence, of rancour
on November 24th, intending to have Octavianus denounced as a public enemy . The rash youth appeared to have played into his
ot all at once Antonius had not chosen to declare Octavianus a public enemy , nor did he now turn his military strength, super
for Octavianus. Less is known about Pansa. Yet Pansa was no declared enemy of Antonius; 4 and he had married the daughter
use. Piso replied, no doubt with some effect. 3 Nor did any political enemy or ambitious youth come forward to arraign by pro
. Peace should not be confused with servitude; 4 negotiations with an enemy must be spurned because they were dangerous as we
y decided to desert the government, making common cause with a public enemy . Lepidus duly uttered the exemplary prayer that p
unds of enmity would ever prevent him from allying with his bitterest enemy to save the State. 5 Plancus soon followed the un
e was an obstacle to Cicero, or of service to Antonius, namely an old enemy , Q. Fufius Calenus, one of Caesar’s generals, a c
uld be no treating with Antonius, for Antonius was in effect a public enemy and beyond the law. Cicero himself had always bee
n sentiments. Pansa supported him. Antonius was not declared a public enemy . But Cicero did not abate his efforts. As a patri
lenus and no other who proposed a motion declaring Dolabella a public enemy . This diplomatic concession perhaps enabled moder
) Ch. XIII THE SECOND MARCH ON ROME PageBook=>162 THE public enemy was on the run. All that remained was to hound hi
. Antonius and the Liberators might even combine against their common enemy civil wars have witnessed stranger vicissitudes o
cero would have no compunction about declaring the young man a public enemy . The danger was manifest. It did not require to b
efore now when waged by Roman nobles. 3 Lepidus was declared a public enemy on June 30th. Before the news reached him, Brutus
sture of defence. Whether the Senate now declared Octavianus a public enemy is not recorded: these formalities were coming to
nst Antonius and Lepidus for Lepidus, too, had been declared a public enemy . The last six months of the consulate of Antoni
wn conspicuous kindness to the wife and family of Antonius the public enemy , thereby incurring blame in certain circles,3 but
ssius left little to be desired. Their plan was simple to hold up the enemy and avoid battle. They commanded both the Ionian
four years had elapsed. On the havoc of intestine strife a foreign enemy had supervened. The Parthians, with Roman renegad
y leader, unveiled and implacable. Antonius, however, a former public enemy , was now invading Italy with what remained of the
t;218 Was there no end to the strife of citizen against citizen? No enemy in Italy, Marsian or Etruscan, no foreign foe had
energies of Rome. Antonius at once dispatched Ventidius against the enemy . With Ventidius went as his legate or quaestor th
revived their family laurels and the memory of victories over a Punic enemy by sea and NotesPage=>237 1 Plutarch, Brut
Balkans up the valley of the Save and across the Julian Alps; and an enemy would win no support along or near the coast of D
a just war, fought in defence of freedom and peace against a foreign enemy : a degenerate Roman was striving to subvert the l
man of Messalla Corvinus, and L. Cornelius Cinna, grandson of Sulla’s enemy . In the next year he would be consul with Corvinu
h-eastern frontier. Octavianus had to wait and hope for the best. His enemy would soon have to make a ruinous decision. Ant
ant is the strong Republican following of one already denounced as an enemy of Rome, as a champion of oriental despotism. Bib
able: he was blamed for not exploiting the given advantage before his enemy created by propaganda and intimidation a united f
man in patriotic ardour, clamouring for a crusade against the foreign enemy . Yet, on the other hand, the united front was not
titution was manifestly inadequate if it was the instrument of Rome’s enemy . And so Octavianus, like Cicero twelve years earl
d that was superfluous. On Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt, the foreign enemy , the Roman leader declared war with all the tradi
s stood by his ally, his conduct would patently stamp him as a public enemy . 1 The winter passed in preparation. An oath ha
probably a ruse. Antonius proposed to leave the approach free to the enemy , to lure Octavianus onwards, and entrap him with
nce of strength; as for number of legions it was doubtful whether the enemy could transport across the Adriatic a force super
him. Desertion set in. Certain of the vassal princes went over to the enemy , among them Amyntas with his Galatian cavalry. Ro
tium and for the War of Alexandria—all wars of Rome against a foreign enemy . The martial glory of the renascent state was als
Rome presented a greater danger to her stability than did any foreign enemy . After Actium, the victor who had seduced in turn
ent honour of the spolia opima, for he had slain the chieftain of the enemy in battle with his own hand, a feat that had fall
us and perfidious dynast but that Pompeius who had fallen as Caesar’s enemy , as a champion of the Free State against military
voice to the chorus. Pollio, the other ex-Antonian and former public enemy , still nursed his resentment against Cicero’s cha
d of Julia, died. The widow was consigned to Agrippa. As Maecenas his enemy put it, there was no choice: Augustus must make A
family perished in the wars of Marius and Sulla; his grandfather, the enemy of both Caesar and Pompeius, had fallen at Pharsa
ith the Caesarian cause, but not through the Triumvir. His nephew and enemy , Paullus Aemilius Lepidus, from the Sicilian War
aps, a following of his own. 2 Like the Cornelii Lentuli, Piso was no enemy of Tiberius. There were other nobles with influen
ly commanded as little authority as he deserved; Lollius was a bitter enemy , Vinicius and Silius apparently neutral or discre
The mandate was not exhausted when the State was saved from a foreign enemy . The solid mass of his middle-class partisans was
tus was able to prevent his domination from being stamped as the open enemy of freedom and truth. But not for long. Coerced t
rospered through the marriage alliance which the grandson of Caesar’s enemy contracted with the daughter of Antonius and Octa
as formidable in politics from early youth. Like Brutus originally an enemy of Pompeius, and through that feud brought into c
albus and Theophanes. The Emperor Claudius, as frank and merciless an enemy to the nobiles as any of his ancestors, or any of
chronism it rested upon support and subsidy by a military leader, the enemy of their class, acquired in return for the cessio
4 ff., 173, 178 ff.; a defence of his conduct, 180; declared a public enemy , 184; Triumvir, 188 f.; proscribes his brother, 1
, illustrious conspirator, 497. Calpurnius Piso, C. (cos. 67 B.C.), enemy of Pompeius, 35. Calpurnius Piso, C. (cos. A.D. 1
cribed, 193. Coponius, procurator of Judaea, 357, 476. Coponius, C, enemy of Plancus, 283, 379. Coptos, list of soldiers at
lus (cos. 59 B.C.), 24; marries M. Brutus, 58, 116. Porcius Cato, C., enemy of Pollio, 92. Porcius Cato, L. (cos. 89 B.C.),
/ 1