/ 1
e much, but do not derive entirely, from this illuminating work—in an earlier form and draft they were the substance of lecture
ent. Outlasting the friends, the enemies and even the memory of his earlier days, Augustus the Princeps, who was born in the
f biographies appear to imagine. PageBook=>004 violence of his earlier career is a question vain and irrelevant, cheerfu
tion after 70 B.C. Cf., however, no less pessimistic remarks about an earlier period, Hist, 1, 12 M. 2 There was no party of
ced a conventional, anachronistic and highly distorted picture of the earlier career of this Roman nobilis; cf. the novel but c
Creticus (cos. 69) bore a grudge against Pompeius as the result of an earlier clash, in 67 B.C. Velleius 2, 40, 6). There was r
nd disquieting champion of legitimate authority when men recalled the earlier career and inordinate ambition of the Sullan part
m. 2 Having written treatises about the Roman Commonwealth some years earlier , he may have expected to be consulted upon these
urning popularis, Pompeius by his latest change of front came back to earlier alliances. Sulla restored the oligarchic rule o
a, legates of Pompeius in the Pirate War (Appian, Mithr. 95), perhaps earlier in Spain as well. 5 Dio 40, 63, 4. On his activ
aeis et Syris, nationibus natis servituti. ’ A sad decline from those earlier merits once lauded by Cicero (Asconius 63 = p. 72
nquered an empire: the fate of Italy was decided in the provinces. In earlier days the Roman noble augmented his power and infl
he recent gift of Caesar, went back to proconsuls a generation or two earlier . Caesar’s friends Troucillus, Trogus and Gallus w
rom tenants and dependents. 4 Many cities of Italy traced an origin earlier than that of Rome: their rulers could vie in anti
6; Sallust, BC 17, 4. 4 e.g., L. Visidius (Cicero, Phil. 7, 24) or, earlier , Minatus Magius of Aeclanum(Velleius 2, 16, 2).
have lacked the taste, and perhaps the faculty, for long designs: the earlier months of his guidance of Roman politics do not p
ia, which had been assigned to Dolabella and Antonius some two months earlier , was now prolonged until the end of 39 B.C. But A
arriage to Atia and consulate: yet he gave his daughter Marcia (by an earlier marriage) for wife to Cato. Philippus was a wealt
s of political invective, as when he contended with L. Piso ten years earlier . Between Antonius and Cicero there lay no ancie
ing: the editor knew his business. A necessary veil was cast over the earlier and private preliminaries in the anomalous allian
o have their position legalized. The offensive was therefore launched earlier than had been expected. Now came the last and h
c intensity seems foreign to the character of Cicero, absent from his earlier career: there precisely lies the explanation. Cic
ncestral constitution of Rome as it was or should have been a century earlier , namely a stable and balanced state with Senate a
es. It might fairly be claimed that Cicero made ample atonement for earlier failures and earlier desertions, if that were the
be claimed that Cicero made ample atonement for earlier failures and earlier desertions, if that were the question at issue. I
nensis and the support of Lepidus and Plancus, assured to him a month earlier , but now highly dubious. At Rome the exultation
pointed sentence, surely the reply to Cicero’s firm rejection of his earlier proposals for peace and concord. 2 It was on Ma
well have been the ambiguous P. Servilius, for to this summer, if not earlier , belongs a significant political fact, the betrot
cting in virtue of the maritime command assigned to him by the Senate earlier in the year for the war against Antonius. Notes
ts reputation. 8 Elsewhere the defeated and impoverished survivors of earlier struggles rose up again, rapacious and vindictive
Brutus and Cassius, eagerly or with the energy of despair. Six years earlier the cause of the Republic beyond the seas was rep
nusium) perhaps to his son or his grandson. PageBook=>200 from earlier posts of subordination, gave sign and guarantee o
s welcomed Cassius when he arrived in Syria more than eighteen months earlier , and rallied promptly. That was the only weak spo
Republicans as he had stirred up against Antonius nearly three years earlier . In alarm he sent his confidential agent, Caecina
ance of Pollio, who had adopted an ambiguous and threatening attitude earlier in the year. For a time he refused to let Salvidi
nd the slowness of communication by sea in the dead of winter. Of the earlier stages of the dissensions in Italy, Antonius was
Epode and the Fourth Eclogue is difficult. That Virgil’s poem is the earlier is now very plausibly argued by B. Snell, Hermes
Marcellus, by her consular husband; but Marcellus was born two years earlier . 6 In 40 B.C. Octavianus himself, it is true, had
the son had inherited, and the fame of Pompeius Magnus belonged to an earlier age. Pietas was not enough. Greek freedmen were h
re 40 B.C. PageBook=>230 Octavianus now had a war on his hands earlier perhaps than he had planned. His best men, Agripp
thankless Titius, whose life had been saved by Pompeius several years earlier . 3 The young Caesar had conquered the island of
ht triumph over political principle, saving lives and property. 6 The earlier activities of both Lepidus and Ap. Pulcher are ob
uptness and so archaic that one would have fancied him born a century earlier . 4 Pollio and Messalla were reckoned the greatest
Cato; not less so the grave moral tone, flagrant in contrast with his earlier life. No matter: Sallustius at once set the fashi
pment and did more than justice to the merits of Senate and People in earlier days. 2 There was no idealization in his account
was great, indeed, not so much by contrast with Antonius as with his earlier situation. Octavianus was no longer the terrorist
nce with M. Antonius, from the ends of the earth (20, 4). A few years earlier the infant granddaughter of Atticus, Vipsania, wa
.; W. W. Tarn, CAH 1, 34; 66 ff.; 80. The province of Cilicia, if not earlier fused with Syria, certainly ended in 39 B.C. 2
vassal-ruler. After Antonius’ departure from Egypt nearly four years earlier , Cleopatra had given birth to twin children, not
2 Plancus’ second imperatorial salutation (ILS 886) may have been won earlier , in 40-39 B.C. PageBook=>265 at not less t
his provincial governors, generals, admirals and diplomats. 3 Of his earlier Caesarian associates, the marshals Ventidius and
the Fasti. These consuls might have been designated for office at an earlier date. L. Cornelius Cinna (pr. 44 B.C.) was the hu
aughter of Pompeius Magnus: but the consul of 32 may be his son by an earlier marriage (PIR2, C 1338). CN. Pompeius was the son
strument of Rome’s enemy. And so Octavianus, like Cicero twelve years earlier when he so eloquently justified a Catilinarian ve
conferred by the consent of tota Italia far surpassed any attempts of earlier politicians to build up a following among the pro
attered commonwealth and infusing it with new vigour. The attempts of earlier statesmen had been baulked by fate—or rather by t
nstitution should operate unhampered—and that it did, at least in the earlier years of his presidency. 5 Augustus’ purpose was
nd patronage, especially the consulate, precisely after the manner of earlier dynasts, but with more thoroughness and without o
le, if such existed, or private dislike. Yet even so, only four years earlier , one of the closest of the associates of Augustus
2 Tiberius was permitted in 24 B.C. to stand for office five years earlier than the legal term (Dio 53, 28, 3), becoming qua
erely dynastic, but in his own family and of his own blood. Two years earlier the marriage of his nephew to his only daughter J
23 the young man was aedile; and he would get the consulate ten years earlier than the legal provision. 1 Marcellus might well
2 Tiberius was permitted in 24 B.c. to stand for office five years earlier than the legal term (Dio 53, 38, 3), becoming qua
tio. ’ It is evident that Tiberius’ retirement to Rhodes has coloured earlier history. PageBook=>343 Some at least of th
they made a point of not attending the funeral games of Agrippa, dead earlier than they could have hoped. 4 Of Agrippa, scant
half- brother of Varro Murena), an intimate friend of the Princeps in earlier days. Augustus, they said, once thought of givi
o, familia vetere et honorata atque ex principibus Etruriae. ’ For an earlier member of it, CIL 12, 2511 (67 B.C.). 5 Suetoni
us (cos. suff. A.D. 8) certainly came from Larinum (CIL IX, 730): for earlier members of this family, Cicero, Pro Cluentio 25 a
ose rulers inherited the dynastic devices along with the ambitions of earlier Roman politicians, practised since immemorial tim
tem, with no little success. But there must be no going back upon his earlier supporters the plebs, the veterans and the knight
of the State found himself the richest man in all the world. Like the earlier dynasts, he spent for power and ostentation to gr
the cardinal achievement of the foreign policy of Augustus. 2 His own earlier campaigns had been defensive in purpose; nor had
himself never again left Italy. Agrippa had been indispensable in the earlier years, as deputy wherever Augustus happened not t
iso (cos. 15 B.C.) is attested in Galatia-Pamphylia c. 13 B.C.5 His earlier posts are unknown, dubious or controversial. 6 Fr
2683. Cf. also St. Luke 2, 1 If.; Acts 5, 37. Attempts to discover an earlier governorship (and, by implication, to invent an e
o discover an earlier governorship (and, by implication, to invent an earlier census of Judaea) always seem to break down somew
by Dio under the year 1 B.C. (55, 10a, 3): possibly Saturninus, if an earlier command than that of A.D. 4-6 could be assumed (c
chance that they would be allowed to hold high command in Spain. The earlier class of provincial magnates recall by their gent
6. Proconsuls nominated, not only in A.D. 6 (Dio 55, 28, 2), but much earlier , for example P. Paquius Scaeva again in Cyprus: ‘
great-uncle, the Sabine historian and moralist. Like the Maecenas of earlier days, the subtle Sallustius concealed the qualiti
us will have changed the army commands. Most of the generals of the earlier wars of conquest were now dead, decrepit or retir
armies certainly not Ahenobarbus or Paullus Fabius Maximus. Of the earlier generation of Augustus’ marshals, C. Sentius Satu
patris eius in Germania fuerat’. Perhaps from A.D. 3. Possibly on an earlier and separate occasion c. 6-3 B.C. 5 lb. 117 ff.
riculture, had transformed the economy of Italy. Over a hundred years earlier , the decline of the military population had excit
ancient peasant Republic, thus adding a sublime crown to the work of earlier generations which had transformed the history of
and from the Alexandrian models of the previous age, by the return to earlier and classic exemplars, to the great age of Greece
the fame of a Roman Callimachus: he recalls, in spirit and theme, the earlier generation. But even Propertius was not untouched
d any cause to suspect him (ib. 351 f.). PageBook=>468 Despite earlier vaunts of erotic prowess, he is probably to be be
orator would have been shocked had he known that the testimony of his earlier dreams would be preserved and invoked a boy desce
is’ after Actium, exclaims that he would have behaved precisely so in earlier wars, had it been possible. 4 As for Actium, men
compact of Pompeius, Crassus and Caesar to the Battle of Philippi. Of earlier historians, he blamed Sallustius for his style an
iting. ‘Durus et siccus’, he was well described:1 he seemed a century earlier than his own time. A plain, solid style recalled
betrothed to the son of Seianus (Tacitus, Ann. 6, 30), reinforcing an earlier link between their families (ILS 8996). The last
imax rather than the origins of the process, which belong generations earlier when provincials were already equestrian officers
his emperor join hands with the time-servers and careerists a century earlier in the founding of the New State. Politics were a
passed, he emancipated himself more and more from the control of his earlier partisans; the nobiles returned to prominence and
might have been better for Tiberius and for Rome if Augustus had died earlier : the duration of his life, by accustoming men’s m
rinceps, near to death, handed over to the consul Piso in 23 B.C. But earlier versions may more easily be surmised than detecte
32 and 29 B.C. The two Valerii can now be clearly distinguished (for earlier difficulties, cf. PIR1, V 94). 5 B.C. Q. Hateri
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