even a property-qualification. The letter of the law likewise knew no
between rich and poor. 4 Nepos, Vita Attici 6,
1, 1, 4 (Ahenobarbus). PageBook=>025 to few at Rome to achieve
, save through the questionable and hazardous mean
e Scipiones. 4 Subsequent alliances had not brought much aristocratic
. Pompeius’ mother was a Lucilia, niece of that Lu
n orders derived, as was fitting, from Picenum men of no great social
, the hungry sons of a poor and populous region. D
in composition at its kernel a small group of men paramount in social
, not merely nobiles but patrician; on the outer f
he Caesarian party comprised a formidable array of ability and social
. Some senators turn up on Caesar’s side, holding
relatives, friends and political associates, varying widely in social
nobiles, members of reputable senatorial families
A. Allienus carried no weight; and only another war would bring rapid
to Carrinas, Calvisius and Nonius Asprenas. Und
lies. Caesar, more consistent in his politics, had to wait longer for
and power. The sentiments which the young man ent
. On the surface, the consulars Philippus and Marcellus hardly reveal
or vigour. From his father Philippus inherited co
the Caesarian faction after the Ides of March showed a lack of social
or active talent. Many of its most prominent me
nks of the principes for varied talent, for civil as well as military
; access lay open to merit as well as to birth; an
into action. It showed a lack of personal energy as well as of social
. There was no Fabius now of consular rank, no V
. 11, 13; 13, 27). PageBook=>189 had few partisans of merit or
; which is not surprising. Of his lieutenants, Lat
emporaries agreed. If they had the leisure and the taste to draw fine
between the three terrorists, it was hardly for O
Caesarian leaders proscribed their relatives and other personages of
more as a pledge of solidarity among themselves a
ntest of factions in the Roman nobility, many young men of spirit and
chose Caesar in preference to Pompeius and the ol
thizers, among them M. Valerius Messalla, a noble youth of talent and
. 8 Three Caesarian generals joined Cassius in Syr
strange vicissitudes, had suffered heavy loss both in ability and in
, and showed its revolutionary character by its co
o the Senate before the outbreak of the Civil War achieve the highest
under the domination of the Triumvirs. The consul
212 The captives were a problem. Many senators and Roman knights of
had espoused the cause of liberty and the protect
8 Labienus. Yet Pompeius still retained in his following persons of
, relatives, friends or adherents of his family. 1
um to his triumph in the Sicilian War, and the new party has acquired
as well as solidity. The process of conciliating
men who had held or were very soon to hold the consulate, all men of
or moment, inherited or acquired. 4 C. Calvisiu
ranks of the Senate regained even the semblance of their traditional
. New and alien names were prominent in their pl
vi homines for three centuries now, admitted in the main for personal
and service in war. ‘Ex virtute nobilitas coepit.
sons and retired centurions. Magistracies, coveted only for the bare
, were granted in abundance, held for a few days o
etended any attachment to eloquence; and such of them as deserved any
for peaceful studies earned no honour on that acc
amp of Antonius. Yet he still kept in his company men of principle,
and ability, old Caesarian partisans, Republicans
d (αὐτʋκράτωρ). PageBook=>309 Yet Crassus was granted the bare
of a triumph when a convenient interval had elaps
namely the firm concord of the propertied classes and the traditional
in function and standing between the different cl
d already held the consulate or were later rewarded with that supreme
. 1 Caesar the Dictator augmented the Senate by
n were as scandalous as was made out then and since. Caesar preserved
. The more discreditable accretions supervened lat
considerable importance. 1 Such opportunities arose for service, for
and for promotion that in time knights were willi
consular families, such men were commonly precluded from the highest
in the Free State. The novus homo might rise to t
tum, became a senator under Augustus. 4 P. Vitellius from Nuceria won
as procurator of Augustus: his four sons entered
recalcitrance of P. Ovidius, a certain Q. Varius Geminus acquired the
, proudly recorded on his tomb, of being the first
r’s heir numbered hardly a single senator; in its first years, few of
. What more simple than to assign to Augustus alon
small-town bourgeois, devoted and insatiable in admiration of social
. Caesar and Tiberius, the Julian and the Claudi
than eight, with masses of novi homines promoted for merit to a cheap
. The suffect consulates of Ventidius and Carrinas
of patronage. Under the Republic nobility of birth, military service,
in oratory or law, these were the three claims to
dowment. Service in war and the command of armies brought the highest
to men whose youth had been trained in the wars o
ollection of principes viri stood massed around the Princeps bringing
and strength to the new régime, but also feuds an
f., cf. PIR2, A 420, and Table IV at end. PageBook=>380 Power,
and wealth, the Princeps had seized all the prero
dherents the Princeps bestowed nobility through the consulate, social
by advantageous marriages and endowment in money
ent will be conferred, not upon the pious and learned, but for social
or for political success. From cult and ritual th
al of five years (that is, in A.D. I); and three years later the same
was proclaimed for Lucius, his junior by three ye
uch. Tiberius and Drusus had received special dispensations and early
, it is true. Tiberius became consul at the age of
lus (cos. A.D. 1) and M. Aemilius Lepidus (cos, A.D. 6), attained the
due to their family and their mother’s prayers, b
ill-starred brother, the husband of the younger Julia. He served with
under Tiberius in Illyricum, and in this year was
a year, was L. Aelius Lamia, a lively old man who enjoyed high social
although the first consul in his family. 6 After
d held triumphs or received the ornamenta triumphalia in lieu of that
. In the temple itself three deities were housed i
ts, assailing illustrious persons of both sexes, without restraint or
, among them P. Vitellius the procurator, whose gr
‘iustus sine mendacio candor’. 6 It is lavishly bestowed upon social
or political success. Velleius stands revealed in
e succession. PageBook=>495 Lacking the primeval and patrician
of Aemilii and Claudii, the Domitii, a dynastic p
ly is not heard of afterwards. 3 The Fabii and the Valerii regained
and power through the patronage of Caesar and of
of a consular and therefore a person of social as well as of military
. With Trajan, a Spanish and Narbonensian faction
rulers witnessed a steady and sometimes abrupt decline in the social
of the commanders of the Rhine legions. Under Cal
under the Republic, the normal method for an ambitious man to secure
and advancement was through the conduct of a succ
re old scores to pay off. Moreover, the secret struggle for power and
went on as before, enhanced by the rival ambition
s. It was paid by the Principate, under pretext of public service and
in oratory or law, but more and more for the sole