en of the Metelli inactive. Ap. Pulcher fought in Macedonia, where he
; P. Servilius with better fortune for four year
in of the earliest consuls after Sulla were old men already, and some
soon or disappeared. 4 Even in numbers there was
as believed to have procured the assassination of a consul. 2 When he
of a natural but providential death the populace
orcing his own wife, took Metella’s daughter, Aemilia. 1 When Aemilia
, Pompeius kept up that connexion by marrying anot
r than Brutus, adopted by his maternal uncle Q. Servilius Caepio (who
in 67 B.C.) and bearing, as his official name, ‘Q
hter of L. Licinius Crassus (cos. 95 B.C.), cf. P-W XIII, 479 f. Pius
c. 64 B.C. PageBook=>037 Pompeius in reply
tudinibus habuisse potiora. ’ 2 Namely Metellus Pius (cos. 80), who
in 64, Creticus (69) c. 54, L. Metellus(68) in hi
Marian partisan, who was proscribed and escaped to Massilia, where he
. 4 The brothers M. Marcellus (cos. 51) and C. M
wn disloyalty: he composed a pamphlet in honour of the Republican who
true to his principles and to his class. Then he
p. Cicero, Brutus 6 f. The venerable M. Perperna (cos. 92, censor 86)
in the spring of 49 (Dio 41, 14, 5), at the age o
was made governor of the Cisalpina in 49 (Appian, BC 2, 41, 165). He
soon after. PageBook=>065 Though astute an
person and family. The NotesPage=>069 1 Q. Fabius Maximus, who
in his consulate (45 B.C.). 2 Cicero would have
ans declared public enemies in 88 B.C. (Appian, BC 1, 60, 271). Sulla
after a fit of apoplexy caused by a quarrel with
ic, and damaged in repute, surviving a cause for which better men had
, will none the less have striven through intrigue
94. One of them, the patrician Q. Fabius Maximus (cos. 45 B.C.), had
in office. That left six consulars of the years 4
most venerable exclaimed that the ancient monarchy was returning and
upon the spot, of his own will. 2 The scene may h
ain. Antonius’ adherent Q. Fufius Calenus held a military command and
in 40 B.C.; but the Caesarian nobilis Cn. Domitiu
eague and sent him away to be his governor in Spain, where he shortly
. 6 The city of Perusia was destined for pillage.
ed by the fortune that clung to his name. In Gaul Calenus opportunely
. His son, lacking experience or confidence, was i
by a matrimonial alliance. Fulvia, the wife of Antonius, had recently
in Greece. Antonius took in wedlock the sister of
canius announced the end of the ninth age (Servius on Ecl. 9, 47) and
upon the spot: the incident is there brought into
f Epicurus, the passionate young lyric poets Calvus and Catullus, all
shortly before the outbreak of the Civil Wars. C.
ich he almost lived to see firmly established. 1 T. Pomponius Atticus
in 32 B.C., aged seventy-seven: at his bedside st
o, the step-son of Octavianus (19, 4). 2 Ib. 21, 4. Balbus probably
not long after this. PageBook=>258 brief l
g a tetrarch and a tetrarch’s wife, his own daughter. 3 But Deiotarus
in the year of the Parthian invasion. 4 In this
36 B.C. to help Octavianus, and was governor of Syria in 32, when he
(Appian, BC 4, 38, 162; Syr, 51). 3 Described o
as a champion of oriental despotism. Bibulus, the proconsul of Syria,
in this year, but the rest of the Catonian factio
thed legacies to the children of Cleopatra and directed that, when he
, he should be buried beside her in Alexandria. 2
tonius 63; Dio 50, 13, 6; Velleius 2, 84, 2; Suetonius, Nero 3, 2. He
shortly afterwards. 4 Plutarch, Antonius 63. Li
ion. They said that he had deserted the legions after Actium, that he
without fortitude. 2 Antonius’ eldest son was als
us and resolute. There were grounds for the opinion that, if Augustus
, Agrippa would make short work of the Princeps’ y
Messalla Barbatus and C. Caninius Rebilus, consul and consul suffect,
in office. 4 Namely Syria, Gaul, Illyricum (pro
er married Paullus after the death of his wife Cornelia in 16 B.C. He
soon after and her second husband Barbatus died i
ornelia in 16 B.C. He died soon after and her second husband Barbatus
in his consulate. PageBook=>379 As time we
as the destined bride of L. Caesar, the Princeps’ grandson: the youth
, and Lepida was transferred without delay to the
he great politicians were gross and scandalous. When the elder Balbus
, he was able to bequeath to the populace of Rome
was out, Marcellus, the nephew of the Princeps and husband of Julia,
. The widow was consigned to Agrippa. As Maecenas
he central column snapped. Shattered by a winter in Pannonia, Agrippa
in February, 12 B.C. Further, there was delay fro
es of Gaul invaded Germany and reached the Elbe. 5 In 9 B.C. Drusus
, and two more campaigns against the Germans were
geBook=>392 When Agrippa, deputy and son-in-law of the Princeps,
six years before, Augustus appeared to stand alon
sumed the maintenance of temples and public buildings. 3 When Agrippa
in 12 B.C. the State took over his trained staff;
w no peer and left no successor. In the same year as Maecenas, Horace
: Virgil had gone eleven years before. In the last
ingdoms were his gift, precarious and revocable. When Herod the Great
(4 B.C.), the future status of Judaea was debated
ampaigns in Illyricum, in the Balkans and beyond the Rhine. Agrippa
and then Drusus, Tiberius retired morosely to Rho
s, Galba 4, 1), was a distant relative. Likewise Livia Medullina, who
on her wedding day (Suetonius, Divus Claudius 26,
ter this, Lollius the ‘comes et rector’ fell abruptly from favour and
, of his own hand, so it was reported. Everybody r
her Caesar, Lucius, when on his way to Spain succumbed to illness and
at Massilia a few days after Tiberius’ return, th
ctorem Gaio Caesari pravitatis et discordiarum arguebat. ’ 2 Lucius
on August 20th, A.D. 2 (ILS 139). 3 Above, p. 4
office by L. Aelius Lamia. 2 On August 19th, A.D. 14, the Princeps
at Nola in Campania. Tiberius, who had set out fo
propagate. Material encouragement was required. Many old families had
out through lack of heirs, the existence of other
ius might have been a highly remunerative investment for Maecenas. He
young or abandoned the art altogether. Ovid, his
together. Ovid, his junior by about ten years, outlasted Augustus and
in exile at the age of sixty. Ovid in his Amores
ed in the voting-booths of the Roman People. 7 When Lepidus at last
in 12 B.C., Augustus assumed the dignity of ponti
] huic imperent regantque nos felicibu[s] voteis sueis. 2 When they
, the town council of Pisa gave vent to patriotic
r; and in history he was critical as well as creative. Sallustius had
at his task, carrying his Historiae no farther th
Of the family of Brutus, his sister, Cassius’ wife, was the last. She
at the age of ninety-three. At her funeral were b
not all. To Roman and aristocratic pride the families that waned and
in the last generation of the Free State or were
e role. It broke Tiberius and the Principate as well. When Augustus
, tranquil and composed, his daughter, his grandso
. Other families related in some way or other to the reigning dynasty
out before long. The Claudii Marcelli and the Mar
Vitellius was the son of a knight, procurator of Augustus. When he
after a brilliant career of service his enemies c
io, ‘nervosae vivacitatis haud parvum exemplum’ (Val. Max. 8, 13, 4),
in A.D. 5 (Jerome, Chron., p. 170b H). The date o
Saturninus who survived all the perils of the Julio- Claudian age and
at the age of ninety-three. 2 As for the family o
us was not indispensable that was the greatest triumph of all. Had he
in the early years of the Principate, his party w
. It might have been better for Tiberius and for Rome if Augustus had
earlier: the duration of his life, by accustoming
ion and armed violence, the heir of Caesar had endured to the end. He
on the anniversary of the day when he assumed his