. Pompeius fought against it; but Pompeius, for all his power, had to
to terms. Nor could Caesar have ruled without it.
ompeius. They would be able to deal with Pompeius later. It might not
to open war; and Pompeius was still in their cont
as a nobilis, Galba a patrician. Yet the opposition to Caesar did not
in the main from the noble or patrician elements
order in the dependent kingdom of Egypt. Nor was trouble likely to
from the other Caesarian military men or recent g
t Antonius may have spoken as he did in order to force his enemies to
out into the open. Nor was it likely that he woul
They would have to go quietly for the present but their chance might
. Octavianus’ other relatives were of little conse
generals and they are not an impressive company. 1 Senators who had
safely through civil war or who owed rank and for
bt with some effect. 3 Nor did any political enemy or ambitious youth
forward to arraign by prosecution a proconsul all
Oppius and by personal approach. But Cicero stood firm: he refused to
to Rome and condone Caesar’s acts and policy by p
brought well-authenticated reports from Spain that Sex. Pompeius had
to terms with the government. Cicero was sorry. 4
refused to be compromised in public. Then Octavianus urged Cicero to
to Rome, to save the State once again, and renew
vernment might still have been achieved. Now, at last, a chance had
to redeem all, to assert leadership, to free the
ly to conceal. But certain topics, not the least important, may never
up for open debate. The Senate listened to speech
seller of perfumes at Aricia. 4 As for Piso, his grandfather did not
from the ancient colony of Placentia at all it wa
not merely respectable but even an occasion for just pride why we all
from the municipial! 5 Likewise the foreigner. De
d to stampede the neutral or non-political elements. First in value
freedom and orderly government, without NotesPa
ecently induced the adventurer Sex. Pompeius to lay down his arms and
to terms with the government in Rome a heavy blow
Mutina. Octavianus and Hirtius avoided battle, waiting for Pansa to
up with his four legions of recruits. Pansa had l
lished himself at Cularo (Grenoble). There he waited for D. Brutus to
over the pass of the Little St. Bernard. If Planc
e flank of Cassius, he at last forced on a battle. Octavianus had now
up though shattered in health and never a soldier
nce, refused battle and retired through the Apennines. 6 Nor did help
from the south in time or in adequate strength.
urned towards the end of the summer, it was to find that Antonius had
up from the East and was laying siege to Brundisi
e or necessary to make war upon Sex. Pompeius. He invited Antonius to
to Italy for a conference in the spring of the ye
cking either of them he might have been lost. Antonius was induced to
to Tarentum in the spring of the following year (
urus comes from Volceii in Lucania (ILS 893 a). 5 Messalla may have
with ships from Antonius as did Bibulus and Atrat
the Caesarian leaders, neither could brook an equal. Should Antonius
again to Brundisium or Tarentum with the fleets a
the disappearance of Lepidus) was due to lapse. Then the trial would
. After the termination of the Sicilian and mari
ut a danger for the near future, should the Republicans and Pompeians
back from the East, should Antonius demand lands
and philosophy. From the official religion of the Roman People could
scant consolation in evil days, NotesPage=>2
yclical revolutions. For Rome it might appear to be the time of Sulla
again; in a larger sphere, the epoch of the kings
ia vidistis? ’ 2 Horace, Sat. 1, 5. PageBook=>255 Horace had
to manhood in an age of war and knew the age for
to be found in the higher ranks of the Senate a number of men who had
to maturity in years when Rome yet displayed the
hrough alliance with the men of property and influence. 1 A day would
when the ruling class in the cities of Asia might
moved. 3 Antonius was resentful. He accepted the troops. Octavia had
as far as Athens. Her husband told her to go back
e small coastal tract of Cilicia Aspera conceded to Cleopatra did not
under direct Roman government until a century had
avianus lacked standing before the law, for the triumviral powers had
to an end. 6 He was not dismayed: he took no No
inning of 32 B.C. may be taken as fair proof that the Triumvirate had
to an end, legally at least. PageBook=>278
ring. Yet the memory of the past reminded the Romans that change had
, though slow and combated. Rome’s peculiar grea
warfare and for glory but that consolidation and conciliation should
more easily and more naturally. Time, oblivion an
hunderbolt strikes the high peaks. 2 Another of the party-dynasts had
to grief. Murena was the brother of Terentia, the
it last? And, more than security of person and property, whence would
salvation and regeneration? Quem vocet divum po
s. If Caesar’s heir perished by disease or by the dagger, there might
again, as when Caesar the Dictator fell, dissensi
g, however, authority over the provinces of the Senate. 1 That was to
later and later too the jealously guarded tribuni
and Q. Fabricius, suffect consuls in 5, 4 and 2 B.C. Caelius may have
from Tusculum, CIL XIV, 2622 f. 6 C. Poppaeus S
V, 4201, a freedman of the family)? Further, C. Pontius Paelignus may
from Brixia, cf. ILS 942. 3 Cf. esp. CIL IX, 30
29 four novi homines and five nobiles. With 28 B.C. annual consulates
back, monopolized at first by Augustus, Agrippa a
s, Agrippa and Taurus. Of the consuls of the period 25-19 B.C., eight
of new families against five nobles. 3 The restor
a, whoever he may have been, was surely not inactive. Conquest had to
from two directions, from the west and from the s
a danger and a responsibility. By its unwieldy mass the Empire might
crashing to the ground, involving Rome in the rui
urs almost divine. Augustus was not a god, though deification would
in due course, from merit and for service, as to
t body that serious opposition to the new régime was at all likely to
and then not from the majority. The new men were
the whole government. The major scandals, it is true., did not always
before the courts; but politics are probably at t
n a century later, was scornful of the academic historian. 2 Livy had
to history from the study of rhetoric. That was n