/ 1
publik, 77 f. A number of men from Picenum, of the tribus Velina, are attested in the consilium of Cn. Pompeius Strabo at Asculu
50). Both had probably served under Pompeius in Spain (Marcellinus is attested by coins, BMC, R. Rep. 11, 491 f.). The Gaditane
tion of that province. Hence the spread of the name ‘Domitius’ there, attested for example by the inscr. ILS 6976 from Nemausus,
in Macedonia (In Pisonem 54). As for A. Allienus and Sex. Peducaeus, attested in 48 b.c (Appian, BC 2, 48, 197), the former had
there. Another young kinsman, Sex. Julius Caesar (quaestor in 47), is attested with Caesar in 49 (BC 2, 20, 7). On Q. Pedius, cf
hout the knowledge and the mediation of Balbus. 3 His unpopularity is attested by the elaborate excuses of his advocate. At the
ce to have served in the ranks as centurions only one is sufficiently attested . 1 Worse than all that, Caesar elevated men fro
ules: but a place, Vespasiae, with ancient monuments of the Vespasii, attested the repute of his maternal grandfather from Nursi
hing more than aversion from politics and distrust of the government, attested and intelligible even in towns and families that
asidius (3, 7, 4)’ The latter is a unique name, the former, elsewhere attested only once (CIL VI, 24052), is another form of ‘Pe
from Perusia, above, p. 90. 2 Horace, Odes 1, 7, 21. A Munatius is attested as aedile there on an early inscr., ILS 6231. 3
that he possessed and that was all he needed. It is a common belief, attested by the existence of political science as a subjec
iple. The devotion which Caesar’s memory evoked among his friends was attested by impressive examples; 1 and it was not merely f
n to pay the legacies (Appian, BC 3, 23, 89): for his later services, attested or conjectural, below, p. 134. 4 Appian, BC 2,
ea iudicandum de homine est. ’ 2 Pardon and return after a year is attested by ILS 8393. 3 Nepos, Vita Attici 9, 7: ‘a nonn
B.C.5 For the rest, his earliest marshals, in so far as definitely attested , were the first members of their families to acqu
come with ships from Antonius as did Bibulus and Atratinus. He is not attested with Octavianus before 36 B.C. The reason given f
lity. His minister NotesPage=>241 1 The presence of Agrippa is attested by Appian, Ill. 20; Dio 49, 38, 3 f. Messalla was
ssus, compare the coins, BMC, R. Rep. 11, 532: L. Pinarius Scarpus is attested there in 31 B.C., Dio 51, 5, 6; BMC, R. Rep. 11,
ria); and after Furnius, M. Titius (ILS 891: Miletus); and Q. Didius, attested in Syria in 31 B.C. (Dio 51, 7, 3), was perhaps a
o, Phil. 13, 26) fought at Actium (Plutarch, Antonius 65). Q. Didius, attested as governor of Syria in the year 31 B.C. (Dio 51,
charge of Syria :3 Octavianus’ first governor of Macedonia is nowhere attested —perhaps it was Taurus. 4 But Messalla and Taurus
frica, Illyricum and Macedonia, where armed proconsuls are definitely attested in the early years of the Principate. Nor is the
e military provinces of Illyricum and Macedonia; and such are in fact attested , namely three of the principal marshals of August
. 4 As for the provincia of the Princeps east and west, six names are attested as legates in the first four years of the new dis
si (Dio 53, 25, 3 f.; Strabo, p. 205). M. Appuleius (cos. 20 B.C.) is attested at Tridentum, bearing the title of ‘legatus’, per
ctory in Gaul in 25 B.C. (Dio 53, 26, 4). In Syria a certain Varro is attested c. 24-23 (Josephus, BJ 1, 398; AJ 15, 345); and t
ly Varro, legate in Syria c. 24-23. Presumably the M. Terentius Varro attested by the SC de Mytilenaeis of 25 B.C. (IGRR IV, 33,
s known; as for L, Arruntius (cos. 22), only his command at Actium is attested . L. Tarius Rufus (cos. suff. 16) and M. Vinicius
ise of moral suasion. 2 The true character of the purge, so gravely attested and so ingenuously praised by historians, did not
on occupy military posts; 7 and, just as under the Republic, they are attested as senators in the purified Senate of Augustus. 8
owns, and desperately proud of birth. 1 Of some the town or region is attested ; in others the family-name, by root or terminatio
ed or palliated some of its maladies at least no juvenile consuls are attested for some time. None the less, in the ordinances o
ring with Messalla the house of Antonius. 7 Spacious pleasure-gardens attested the wealth and splendour of Maecenas and Sallusti
Otho, Suetonius, Otho 1, 1. The influence of Urgulania with Livia is attested by Tacitus, Ann. 2, 34; 4, 21 f. It may also be s
nd was set up as a result of the campaigns of Piso. The first clearly attested legate of Moesia is the consular A. Caecina Sever
Dio 58, 25, 4. PageBook=>398 After Varro, Agrippa is the next attested legate, governing the province in absentia; and t
n he went to the East in 1 B.C.4 L. Calpurnius Piso (cos. 15 B.C.) is attested in Galatia-Pamphylia c. 13 B.C.5 His earlier po
equently, it may be, legate of Syria. 8 NotesPage=>398 1 He is attested at some time between 13 and 8 B.C. (Josephus AJ 1
otesPage=>400 1 Dateless operations on and beyond the Danube are attested by Res Gestae 30; Florus 2, 28 f.; Tacitus, Ann.
ncertain. A. v. Premerstein argues for 14–13 B.C. (when he is in fact attested in Illyricum at the beginning of the Bellum Panno
ors were appointed. NotesPage=>401 1 Probably not Ahenobarbus, attested here by Dio under the year 1 B.C. (55, 10a, 3): p
ius (Velleius 2, 104, 2, under A.D. 2). 3 Paullus Fabius Maximus is attested in 3/2 B.C., ILS 8895 (Bracara), cf. CIL II 2581
, Ann. 1, 79, cf. ILS 5893. 6 Dio 55, 25, 6; 26, 2. C. Turranius is attested as praefectus annonae in A.D. 14, Tacitus, Ann. 1
he needed or cared to justify the various bodies of advisers that are attested in his Principate. No sooner was the Free State r
composition of a body that never came into existence, were there not attested certain eminent personages in the governing oliga
In the East, L. Volusius Saturninus, a family friend of Tiberius, is attested as governor of Syria (A.D. 4-5); after him came Q
cus(Drusus), Tacitus, Ann. 6, 40. 2 Asprenas (cos. suff. A.D. 6) is attested in A.D. 14/15 (Tacitus, Ann. 1, 53). Lamia (cos.
ts of the new civic cult, the seviri or augustales. These observances attested devotion to the government and seconded the dynas
possible. 4 In these matters Pollio’s own taste and practice is well attested . The words, he said, must follow the sense. 5 P
Camillus Scribonianus, cos. A.D. 32 (PIR2, A 1140). Pompeian blood is attested by ILS 976, cf. PIR2, A 1147, and above, p. 425.
47, 253 f., 460; military experience, 31, 396. Terentius Varro, M., attested in 25 B.C., 330; ? legate of Syria, 334, 338. Ter
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