quished cause. That would merely substitute one form of biography for
. At its worst, biography is flat and schematic: a
in the framework of the Roman constitution, beside the consulate, was
instrument of power, the tribunate, an anomalous
e oratore 2, 267). 2 BMC, R. Rep. I, 155. 3 Velleius 2, 11, 3. On
calculation, six consulates in fifteen years (123
terminated the war in Spain against Sertorius, Pompeius combined with
army commander, Crassus, and carried out a peacef
lia. 1 When Aemilia died, Pompeius kept up that connexion by marrying
woman of that house. 2 The alliance with the Mete
he legion was not withdrawn, however, until the next year, along with
previously lent by Pompeius to Caesar. Both were
’s side. Ap. Pulcher was no adornment to the party of Cato. Already
leader, the consular Ahenobarbus, had suffered de
scribed as four ancient and eminent families, linked closely with one
and with the Catonian faction. Rising to power
t of Luca blocked him from his consulate, but only for a year. He had
grievance Caesar’s tenure of Gaul beyond the Alps
of a Servilia, he gave one daughter for wife to Pompeius’ elder son,
to Cato’s nephew Brutus. 3 Cato himself had not r
th the lapse of time the situation might become clearer in one way or
. NotesPage=>055 1 A. D. Nock, CAH X, 489 (
the principes by providential death had been spared the experience of
civil war after a brief respite of precarious pea
nemies of ordered government, and a purge of the Senate soon produced
crop of ‘homines calamitosi’. The censorship wa
sed the Senate of undesirables. 4 Twenty years later, on the verge of
coup d’état, Pompeius had only one censor on his
constrained Cicero to undertake his defence: with how much sincerity,
question. Pompeius was probably desirous of conci
lasses had good reason to fear a social revolution. Before peace came
civil war supervened, into which Etruria was drag
ue name, the former, elsewhere attested only once (CIL VI, 24052), is
form of ‘Petrucidius’ or ‘Petrusidius’, ILS 6132b
; 7 and the warlike Marsi emerge into prominence, as is fitting, with
Poppaedius Silo, an historic name. 8 Other dynast
ly fame as a speaker NotesPage=>091 1 Plutarch, Caesar 16. For
Caesarian Granius, cf. BC 3, 71, 1 2 CIL X, 375
rly inscrr. CIL I2, 338 f. (Praeneste). For M. Cusinius, ILS 965: for
member of the family, PIR2, C 1628. 4 ILS 932.
evening when the Caesarian leaders and the Liberators entertained one
to banquets. The next day, further measures were
d by him, in absence, in honour of the god Apollo. Apollo already had
favourite. More truly representative of the Rom
e will and the resources for action, and eventually for civil war, is
question. Their generous ardour was not put to th
Brutus agreed. 4 Demonstrations of sympathy cost nothing. Money was
matter. The Liberators sought to inveigle their s
men reflected that its powers could easily be restored one day under
appellation. At the end of March or early in Apri
r, it was known that Antonius intended to propose on June 1st to take
province in exchange for Macedonia, namely Gallia
nsulate. Sex. Peducaeus and A. Allienus carried no weight; and only
war would bring rapid distinction to Carrinas, Ca
. Octavius left three children, an Octavia by his first wife, by Atia
Octavia and a son, C. Octavius. Of the two childr
ther of the standing of Roman knights or not, to serve on juries, and
agrarian bill, of fairly wide terms of reference.
was cool and circumspect: he knew that personal courage was often but
name for rashness. But the times called for darin
is soldiers but his partisans were being seduced a report came that
legion, the Fourth, under Antonius’ quaestor L. E
who owed rank and fortune to one revolution were not eager to stir up
. But Octavianus wished to be much more than the l
r loyalty, their patriotism, their capacity. His private letters tell
story: he derided them as torpid and bibulous. 2
. 4 Ib. 10, 8a (a very friendly letter); 10, 10, 2 (an extract from
). 5 Ib. 11, 7, 2. PageBook=>141 deferenc
nt, a lull in affairs. Early in October the storm broke. It came from
quarter. The collected correspondence of Cicero p
nace to posterity as well as to its author or its audience. There was
side not Antonius only, but the neutrals. Cicero
ays being able to prevail against posterity or the moral standards of
age), Brutus was not only a sincere and consisten
y was available. The dissolution of one alliance and the formation of
was justified by good sense to acquire new frie
efforts. As a patriotic demonstration he proposed on the same day yet
statue in the Forum, for the dead ambassador Sulp
patched to Antonius during the War of Mutina remained in his company,
had studiously refrained from barring the road to
Dictatorship for all time. The tyrannic office was now revived under
name for a period of five years three men were to
s name: ‘puer qui omnia nomini debes’, as Antonius had said, and many
. That splendid name was now dishonoured. Caesar’s
e Dictator stood above parties. He did not champion one class against
. If he had begun a revolution, his next act was t
avius the Marsian, ‘the accursed brigand’, perished with Dolabella; 1
Marsian, Poppaedius Silo, gained only brief glory
he Forum a temple was to be built to the new deity, Divus Julius; and
law made provision for the cult in the towns of I
help come from the south in time or in adequate strength. Plancus,
of Antonius’ men, occupied with establishing vete
smic economy it was firmly believed that one world-epoch was passing,
was coming into being. The lore of the Etruscans
Nobody had bothered about that. The Triumvirate was now prolonged for
five years until the end of 33 B.C.3 By then, it
een highly distasteful. His future and his fate lay in the East, with
woman. But that was not yet apparent, least of al
to take refuge with Sex. Pompeius. 3 Livia was about to give birth to
son no obstacle, however, in high politics. The c
his allegiance beyond question. Whether the discarded Scribonia took
husband has not been recorded. 7 NotesPage=>
an the greater part. Pompeius was forced to risk all on the chance of
sea-fight. Superior numbers and the tactics of Ag
old scholar lacked style, intensity, a guiding idea. The task fell to
man from the Sabine country, diverse in character
an mob in mistake for one of the assassins of Caesar; Q. Cornificius,
Caesarian, orator and poet, perished in Africa, c
n and ostensible source of his inspiration (he had inherited her from
),6 NotesPage=>252 1 Above, p. 63. 2 Hora
government, kept open the wounds of civil war. There was material for
revolution: it had threatened to break out during
ice in this war on the staff of Antonius, though known for talents of
kind. 2 Sosius was left in charge of Syria, Furni
o the whole of Sicily might appear to portend the coming abolition of
Roman province. 3 The Triumvir pursued the same p
oubt: her importance in history, apart from literature and legend, is
matter. It NotesPage=>274 1 Plutarch, Anto
rative and terrifying. 2 ‘Quo, quo scelesti ruitis? ’3 Another, yet
, criminal war between citizens was being forced b
her. But Antonius victorious in war with the help of alien allies was
matter. No less disquieting, perhaps, the prospec
ly the newly enriched, shuddered at the prospect of impoverishment or
revolution; and business men leapt forward with a
and C. Calvisius Sabinus held Gaul and Spain, L. Autronius Paetus (or
) was proconsul of Africa. 5 Maecenas controlled R
his own—still less feed them when they arrived. Fighting quality was
matter. Since the Pact of Brundisium Antonius had
t would be uncomfortable but not dangerous. Armies and provinces were
matter. M. Licinius Crassus, the proconsul of M
can Rome. The historical validity of the inferences thence derived is
question. It will be doubted whether Augustus,
ompeians there still were, loyal to a family and a cause—but that was
matter. Insistence upon the legal basis of August
resigned the consulate. In his place a certain L. Sestius took office
exercise of auctoritas, it may be presumed, arbit
, 4 &c). 5 Dio 53, 32, 1. PageBook=>339 Men might recall
associate of Brutus, C. Antistius Vetus, made con
a popular entertainer. Despite such powerful advocacy, Maecenas, like
personal friend of the Princeps, Vedius Pollio, c
cture. In one version, Agrippa retired in disgust and resentment,6 in
his residence in the East is described as a mild
epublican virtue and an ideal of service akin to his own. There was
bond. Tiberius was betrothed, perhaps already mar
. 10 B.C.) may well be provincial, perhaps from Bithynia- Pontus (for
member of this family, cf. ILS 5883: nr. Amastris
nus resigned late in the year 19 B.C. he was replaced by M. Vinicius,
of the marshals. Nor will it be forgotten that Ta
among the principes viri in an aristocratic monarchy linked with one
and with the dynasty; and though the Scipiones we
ctavius his father and his mother Atia were each twice married. Hence
Octavia, Augustus’ half-sister: her sons were Sex
w rested in the hands of Senate and magistrates not for that, but for
purpose, the solemn and ostensible restoration of
a’, subsequently as consulars governed important provinces, one after
. These were among the greatest, but they were not
and is probably 9–6 B.C. (P-W I A, 1519 ff.). There might be room for
legate between Titius and Sentius, but there is n
t 51, would not be sufficient or secure support, for it may belong to
L. Piso at a slightly later date; and Castabala w
were not likely to tell it. It is evident, and it is demonstrated by
incident nearly twenty years later, that the task
other flank of the convergent advance, Lollius may have laboured for
to reap. Lollius was supplanted. Hence a feud, mu
wars of conquest were now dead, decrepit or retired, giving place to
generation, but not their own sons the young men
ius Strabo was Prefect of the Guard, C. Turranius of the corn supply;
knight, M. Magius, held Egypt. All the provincial
eluded by the outcome of a civil war that substituted one emperor for
and changed the personnel, but not the character,
rtue that Cicero and his contemporaries affected to admire. There was
side to that. Yet the strong suspicion of fraud
from Coptos, ILS 2483: two Galatians bear the name of M. Lollius. For
soldier called M. Lollius, IGRR III, 1476 (Iconiu
ION PageBook=>476 THE army had made one emperor and could make
; and the change from Republic to Empire might be
med it safe or expedient to exert their rights, if such they were, is
question. The rule of Rome in the Empire represen
n Principate seems to attest inevitable and unbroken peace. There was
side to it ’pacem sine dubio post haec, vero crue
cian house of the Scipiones. Their name and their mausoleum passed to
branch of the patrician Cornelii, the Lentuli, wh
l of Macedonia, perpetuated the Licinii who merged, by adoption after
generation, with the family of L. Calpurnius Piso
Notes. 496 1 Neither L. Marcius Philippus (cos. suff. 38 B.C.), nor
Marcius, namely Censorinus (cos. 8 B.C.), seems t
which time that name stood for the bluest blood. 8 The descendants of
novus homo, L. Nonius Asprenas (cos. suff. 36 B.C
principes viri of the Flavian age, and M. Ulpius Traianus, the son of
, were patrician into the bargain. Trajan was the
icus, who conspired with M. Aemilius Lepidus and was suppressed, came
nobilis, Ser. Sulpicius Galba. 1 A few years pass
had experienced one civil war in his own lifetime, and the threat of
, did not allow his judgement entirely to be blind
e of Nerva which succeeded the absolute rule of Domitian. 1 There was
side to this fair show of phrases, namely, the re