n in A.D. 14 (Pliny, NH 7, 58); on Augustus’ remarks about Galba, cf.
, Galba 4, I; Dio 64, I, I; note, however, Tacitus
opus aleae tractas et incedis per ignis suppositos cineri doloso. 3
, Divm Claudius 41, 2, 4 For the fullest discuss
ünzer, RA, 327. Caesar also had in him the blood of the Marcii Reges (
, Divus Iulius 6, 1). For the stemma of the Julii,
s Iulius 6, 1). For the stemma of the Julii, P-W x, 183. 4 Pompeia (
, Divus Iulius 6, 2): the son of Q. Pompeius Rufus
mple, M. Atius Balbus from Aricia, who married Caesar’s sister Julia (
, Divus Aug. 4, 1); and Hirrus was married to a da
13 ff. About Gabinius’ origin, nothing is known. But his wife Lollia (
, Divus Julius 50, 1) may well be a daughter of Pa
ius togulam illam pictam silentio tuetur suam. ’ 5 Ib. 2, 1, 8. 6
, Divus Iulius 19, 1. 7 Julia was betrothed to a
Iulius 19, 1. 7 Julia was betrothed to a certain Servilius Caepio (
, Divus Iulius 21; Plutarch, Caesar 14; Pompeius 4
s, cf. Dio 36, 24, 3; 37, 2; Asconius 51 (= p. 58 Clark), &c. 4
, Divus Iulius 19, 1. On his influence with Pompei
he husband of Caesar’s niece, Atia, governed Macedonia in 60-59 B.C. (
, Divus Aug. 3 f.). In Syria L. Marcius Philippus
Ad fam. 4, 3, 1, &c.); L. Aemilius Paullus (cos. 50) was bought (
, Divus Iulius 29, 1, &c.); and Caesar had con
ius 2, 29, 2; 33, 3. For Caesar’s ambition, Plutarch, Antonius 6 (cf.
, Divus Iulius 30, 5): ρως ἀπαρƞγóρƞτoς ἀρχ ς ĸαὶ
cum, with a single legion(Appian, BC 2, 32, 126; Plutarch, Caesar 31;
, Divus Iulius 29, 2). 3 Appian, BC 2, 30, 119.
gnitatem vitaque potiorem’; cf. 1, 7, 7; 8, 3; 3, 91, 2; BG 8, 52, 4;
, Divus Iulius 33; 72; Cicero, Ad Att. 7, 11, 1: ‘
c ait omnia facere se dignitatis causa. ’ Cf. above, p. 13, n. 2. 3
, Divus Iulius 30, 3 (mentioning Cato and Milo).
ambition of the Sullan partisan who had first NotesPage=>050 1
, Divus Iulius 30, 4 (reporting Pollio): ‘hoc volu
gt;052 1 Ad fam. 4, 4, 3 (after the pardoning of M. Marcellus). 2
, Divus Iulius 84, 2: ‘senatus consultum, quo omni
bus vincienda sunt. ’ Caesar carried moral and sumptuary legislation (
, Divus Iulius 42 f.): the title of praefectus mor
tus moribus did not make him any more popular (Ad fam. 9, 15, 5). 3
, Divus Iulius 77, reporting an unsafe witness, th
reference to honours paid to Augustus). 2 Cicero, Pro Sulla 22. 3
, Divus Iulius 79, 2. PageBook=>056 At the
es of the Sullan oligarchy, Catulus (Velleius 2, 43, 3) and Lucullus (
, Divus Iulius 20, 4). Suetonius (ib. 22, 2) repor
lus (Velleius 2, 43, 3) and Lucullus (Suetonius, Divus Iulius 20, 4).
(ib. 22, 2) reports a boastful remark in 59 B.C.
phrase ‘satis diu vel naturae vixi vel gloriae’ (Pro Marcello 25, cf.
, Divus Iulius 86, 2). 6 F. E. Adcock, CAH IX, 7
but also towards clients and dependents. 4 No NotesPage=>057 1
, Divus Iulius 86, 2: ‘rem publicam, si quid sibi
Julii, P-W X, 183 f. L. Aurelius Cotta (cos. 65) was still alive (cf.
, Divus Iulius 79, 4) but not very conspicuous in
r, BC 1, 6, 4. 5 Caesar served under P. Servilius Vatia in Cilicia (
, Divus Iulius 3) and under C. Antistius Vetus in
Att. 7, 12, 5, &c. He was solicited in 50 B.C., BG 8, 52, 3. 2
, Divus Julius 6, 1: ‘nam ab Anco Marcio sunt Marc
Nero (Ad Att. 6, 6, 1). On his service under Caesar Bell. Al. 25, 3;
, Tib. 4, 1. Dolabella prosecuted Ap. Claudius Pul
s 5, 13, 6): ‘neque clientes sine summa infamia deseri possunt. ’ 2
, Divus Iulius 72: ‘si grassatorum et sicariorum o
, 5) and Rufius Festus, Brev. 18, 2. Gellius professes to derive from
. 4 C. Vibius Pansa Caetronianus (for the full n
ogatus. ’ 3 e.g., N. Magius from Cremona (Caesar, BC 1, 24, 4). 4
, Divus Iulius 73. The poet may have owed somethin
itate animi 8, 6: ‘quern non puduit locupletiorem esse Pompeio. ’ 5
, Divus Iulius 76, 3. Possibly ‘Rufio’, not ‘Rufin
s of evidence are: Dio 42, 51, 5; 43, 20, 2; 27, 1; 47, 3; 48, 22, 3;
, Divus Iulius 76, 3 and 80, 2; Cicero, Ad Jam. 6,
XVII (1937), 135, though it is not certain that he was a senator. 2
, Divus Iulius 80, 2: Gallos Caesar in triumphum
t;083 1 Horace, Odes 3, 17, 1: ‘Aeli vetusto nobilis ab Lamo. ’ 2
, Vitellius 1 f. 3 Plutarch, Cicero 1 4 L. Vis
of name, with numerous examples, ib. 464 ff. (‘theophore Namen’). 5
, Divus Vesp. 1 6 Id., Divus Aug. 1. 7 The riv
cal ends and for Rome’s greater power; though NotesPage=>084 1
, Tib. I, &c. Some versions of the legend put
aeso’ and ‘Numerius’ among the Fabii. The cognomen ‘Nero’ was Sabine (
, Tib. 1, 2); and Inregillensis’, or rather’Regill
er clientelas occupare temptavit’ (probably the despotic censor), cf.
, Tib. 2, 2. For their intermarriage with a dynast
discovered), cf. P-W, VI A, 1038 ff.; on Trebonius, ib. 2274 ff. 8
, Divus Iulius 83, 2. For his connexions, above, p
the recital of the great deeds of Caesar and NotesPage=>098 1
, Divus Iulius 84, 2: ‘quibus perpauca a se verba
age=>100 1 See further below, p. 164 2 Cicero, Phil. 2, 28 3
, Divus Iulius 19, 1. PageBook=>101 in the
of the Caesarian NotesPage=>112 1 On the family, see above all
, Divus Aug. 1 ff., presenting authentic facts, ho
albus himself, on the maternal side, was a near relative of Pompeius (
, Divus Aug. 4, 1). 4 Cicero, Phil. 3, 15. 5 T
ans; and Caesar drew up his will, naming the heir, on September 13th (
, Divus Iulius 83, 1). PageBook=>113 factio
he ancient authorities (Appian, BC 3, 31, 120; Plutarch, Antonius 16;
, Divus Aug. 10, 2; Dio 45, 6, 2f.). PageBook=&g
que enim Caesarem in dissensione civili sum secutus sed amicum. ’ 2
, Divus Aug. 66, 1 (Salvidienus and Gallus only, p
es, attested or conjectural, below, p. 134. 4 Appian, BC 2, 23, 89.
(Divus Iulius 83, 2) calls them grandnephews of t
1; Ad fam. 14, 14, 2. 2 Münzer, RA, 355 ff.; P-W 11 A, 1798 ff. 3
, De rhet. 4. PageBook=>137 levying of a pr
senatu 13; De prov. cons. 9 ff. 2 Phil. 2, 74 f. 3 Ib. 2, 77. 4
, Divus Aug. 4 (allegations made by Antonius and b
latum est recens: nam mulas qui fricabat, consul factus est. 10
, Divus Iulius 51: urbani, servate uxores, moech
he friendly and humorous letter many years later, Ad fam. 5, 10a. 3
, Divus Iulius 73. PageBook=>153 The auctor
it ratio vincendi ut misericordia et liberalitate nos muniamus. ’ 4
, Divus Iulius 75, 2. 5 Ad Jam. 10, 35, ι: ‘nam
huc gubernatum, praeclara ipsum indole admirabilique constantia’. 5
, Divus Aug. 62, 1 the only evidence, but unimpeac
8 1 ff. 5 Appian, BC 3, 88, 361. 6 Phil. 5, 47, above, p.167. 7
, Divus Aug. 26, 1 &c. (a picturesque and supe
pian, BC 3, 92, 382 perhaps not authentic. 2 Ib. 3, 93, 383 ff. 3
, Divus Aug. 95. Ch. XIV THE PROSCRIPTIONS Pag
s co-operated 2 Plutarch, Brutus 27. 3 Appian, BC 3, 95, 394. 4
, Divus Aug. 27, 4. 5 Appian, BC 3, 94, 387, cf,
t least he was with Sex. Pompeius in 39 B.C. (Velleius 2, 77, 3). 3
, Divus Aug. 62, 1. 4 Unless L. Antonius governe
y, if not enrichment, to the Caesarian party. NotesPage=>191 1
, Divus Aug. 27, 1: ‘restitit quidem aliquamdiu co
4 Dio 47, 15, 4: ὥστϵ χρνσὸν τὴν το Kαίσαρος μοναρχίαν ϕαν ναι. 5
, Divus Aug. 35, 1; Dio 52, 42, 1. 6 Dio 48, 34,
ωκϵ· κἂν μὴ ν ν ἡττηθ μϵτ’ κϵίνου, μικρὸν ὒστϵρον κϵίνῳ μαχϵ ται. 5
, Divus Aug. 13, 2 (M. Favonius, the loyal Catonia
Arae Perusinae’). 4 Dio 48, 13, 6. The incident is wrongly dated by
, Divus Aug. 12. 5 Velleius 2, 76, 2; Appian, BC
n collusion, forcing on a war to facilitate and excuse confiscations (
, Divus Aug. 15). 5 So E. Groag, Klio xiv (1914)
aesarem videret et rem publicam. ’ Cf. Livy, Per. 127; Dio 48, 33, 3;
, Divus Aug. 66, 2; Appian, BC 5, 66, 278 f. Coins
every sense of the term. Nero had already left Pompeius for Antonius (
, Tib. 4, 3). 2 Official phraseology, cf. Vellei
took another husband has not been recorded. 7 NotesPage=>229 1
, Divus Aug. 62, 2: ‘cum hac quoque divortium feci
morum perversitatem eius. ’ 2 P-W XIII, 881 ff. 3 Velleius 2, 75;
, Tib. 4. 4 The Calendar of Verulae gives the da
am. 12, 2, 2. 7 The problem of Scribonia’s husbands, intensified by
when he describes her as ‘nuptam ante duobus cons
s misfortunes gave Antonius sufficient matter for ridicule (quoted in
, Divus Aug. 16). PageBook=>232 generals of
was not an admiral: but he was in the company of Octavianus in 36 B.C(
, Divus Aug. 16, 3). 7 Pulcher was an Antonian i
or the buildings of the viri tnumphales, the most important texts are
, Divus Aug. 29, 5; Tacitus, Ann. 3, 72. The compl
been composed in the years 55–47 B.C. It was dedicated to Caesar. 2
, Divus Iulius 44, 2. 3 RR 1, 1, 1: ‘annus octog
ing to the behaviour of the veteran armies. 4 NotesPage=>250 1
, Divus Iulius 53; 81, 2. 2 Sallust, BC 5 3, 5 f
n of Pompeius, defended his dead patron by bitter personal invective (
, De gram. 15). 4 Vita Eumenis 8, 3: ‘quod si qu
m orsus, nonnisi ab honestissimo quoque scribi solitam ad id tempus’ (
, De rhet. 3). 2 Suetonius, De gram. 11. 3 Cat
simo quoque scribi solitam ad id tempus’ (Suetonius, De rhet. 3). 2
, De gram. 11. 3 Catullus came from Verona. That
NotesPage=>255 1 Dio 49, 15, 1. 2 Appian, BC 5, 132, 547, cf.
, Divus Aug. 32, 1. 3 Dio 49, 43, 5. 4 Ib. 49,
1 For the details, K. Scott, Mem. Am. Ac. Rome XI (1933), 7 ff. 2
, Divus Aug. 69: ‘quid te mutavit, quod reginam in
lumen evomuit. ’ Cf. M. P. Charlesworth, CQ XXVII (1933), 172 if. 4
, Divus Iulius 52, 2. 5 Pliny, NH 33, 50 an alle
loyalty to Antonius nor rapid desertion were NotesPage=>281 1
, Nero 4 (a clash between Ahenobarbus’ son and Pla
f Italy offered public vows for his safety. 6 NotesPage=>285 1
, Divus Aug. 17, 2; Dio 50, 6, 3. Bononia was in t
did, Dio 51, 4, 6. 3 Of one of the Claudii, presumably the Censor,
(Tib. 2, 2) records‘ Italiam per clientelas occup
Divi Augusti (Paris, 1935), 175). 2 Nicolaus, Vita Caesaris 22, 80;
, Divus Iulius 84, 2 and 86, 1; Appian, BC 2, 144,
ompeius. 3 Plutarch, Antonius 63; Dio 50, 13, 6; Velleius 2, 84, 2;
, Nero 3, 2. He died shortly afterwards. 4 Pluta
ì ταύτην τε τῷ Aὐγʋύστῳ δʋθῆναι καì ἑαυτʋύϛ βʋυθυτῆσαι ἐψηφίσατʋ. 3
, Divus Aug. 66, 2: ‘ob ingratum et malivolum anim
of amicitia evades conjecture :1 it was hardly trivial or verbal, for
ranks his fall with that of Salvidienus. Octavian
ificed to conciliate the feelings of a powerful body of senators. 2
, Divus Aug. 66, 2. 3 A woman called ‘Licinia P.
ded Rome ‘augusto augurio’ (Ennius, quoted by Varro, RR 3, 1, 2). 2
, Divus Aug. 7, 2. 3 Dio’s account is anachronis
όλεωζ ἐπικληθείζ; cf. Plutarch, Pompeius 55; Tacitus, Ann. 3, 28. 5
, Divus Aug. 42, 1: ‘ut salubrem magis quam ambiti
αινʋτoμʋυμένων, κἂν βελτίω εἶναι δʋκῇ, ἐστίν. 2 An edict, quoted by
(Divus Aug. 28, 2): ‘ita mihi salvam ac sospitem
antiquarian ring. That is all; and that is enough to show them up.
, however, a student of antiquities, was a scholar
25, 3) and Strabo (p. 205), and the Licinius Murena of Dio 54, 3, 3.
calls him ‘Varro Murena’ (Divus Aug. 19, 1; Tib.
ovinzialverwaltung der Triumvirn, Diss. Strassburg (1892), 56 ff. 3
, Divus Aug. 47, 1: ‘provincias validiores et quas
). Note also a proconsul, L. Piso, sitting in justice at Mediolanium (
, De rhet. 6): presumably the consul of 15 B.C. Th
wing them to hold magistracies at an early age. 2 PageNote. 340 1
, Divus Aug. 79, 2. 2 Tiberius was permitted in
ied the military and peasant virtues of old Rome. PageNote. 341 1
, Dims Aug. 79, 2. 2 Tiberius was permitted in 2
’ On Bathyllus, Tacitus, Ann. 1, 54 &c. 2 Pliny, NH 8, 170. 3
, Divus Aug. 66, 3. 4 Seneca, Epp. 114, 6; Dial.
ndal about Terentia in 16 B.C., Dio 54, 19, 3. 6 Velleius 2, 93, 2;
, Divus Aug. 66, 3; Tib. 10. 7 Pliny, NH 7, 149:
ique, sed uni, scientissimus, aliis sane imperandi cupidus. ’ Compare
, Divus Aug. 66, 3, on his short temper. 2 Velle
ippa’s ‘praegrave servitium’ cf. Tiberius’ view about the Principate,
, Tib. 24, 2: ‘miseram et onerosam iniungi sibi se
rded as the deputy-leader of the Caesarian party. PageNote. 345 1
, Caligula 23: ‘Ulixem stolatum. ’ 2 Aen. 1, 292
i nec furiosi nec malis domesticis impediti. ’ 2 Above, p. 284. 3
, Divus Aug. 41, 1. PageBook=>352 The Roman
in charge of regiments of native auxiliaries. NotesPage=>353 1
, Divus Aug. 49, 1. 2 Ib. 25, 1. 3 Ib. 56, 4.
d (1927), 136 ff. 2 For example, ILS 2654 and 2656 (not early). 3
, Divus Vesp. 1. 4 ILS 9200 (C. Velius Rufus).
. mil. pro legato’ (ILS 2678); and the inscr. quoted above, n. 3. 6
, Vitellius 2, 2; ILS 1335 (Magius). The dedicatio
rth (the latus clavus) and a certain fortune. NotesPage=>358 1
, Cal. 23, 2 (Aufidius Lurco or rather, Alfidius:
rces, subsequently raising it to1,000,000 (Dio 54, 17, 3, cf. 30, 2):
, Divus Aug. 41, 1 gives 1,200,000. 2 Dio 54, 30
nius, Divus Aug. 41, 1 gives 1,200,000. 2 Dio 54, 30, 2; 56, 27, 1;
, Divus Aug. 40, 1; cf. ILS 916. 3 ILS 212, col.
’: CIL IX, 349 and 397. ‘Libuscidius’: ib., 338, 348, 387, 6186). 4
, Otho 1, 1: ‘Oppido Ferento, familia vetere et ho
Etruriae. ’ For an earlier member of it, CIL 12, 2511 (67 B.C.). 5
, Vitellius 2, 2. 6 Suetonius, Divus Vesp. 1, 3.
ber of it, CIL 12, 2511 (67 B.C.). 5 Suetonius, Vitellius 2, 2. 6
, Divus Vesp. 1, 3. PageBook=>362 Others al
tors to say nothing of the Kings of Rome. 4 NotesPage=>364 1
, Divus Aug. 46. Perhaps the tribuni militum a pop
populo mentioned on certain inscriptions, e.g. ILS 2677 (Verona). 2
, Divus Aug. 46. 3 Velleius 2, 128, 1: ‘neque no
∈ γ∈νναιoτάτους καì το ς ἀρίστους τούς τ∈ πλουσιωτάτους (ib. §4). 2
, Divus Aug. 60: ‘ac saepe regnis relictis non Rom
isans had already been promoted and rewarded. NotesPage=>366 1
, Divus Aug. 48: ‘nec aliter universos quam membra
e=>370 1 Dio 54, 14, 1. 2 lb. 53, 28, 4; 54, 30, 2; 56, 27, 1;
, Divus Aug. 40, 1. 3 For the manner of imperial
Compare Caesar’s practice, for all magistracies except the consulate (
, Divus Iulius 41, 1). 2 Velleius 2, 92, 2: ‘cum
ulate in 67 B.C. (Val. Max. 3, 8, 3) and in 65 (Ad Att. 1, 1, 1). 4
, Divus Iulius 24, 1. 5 Compare Tiberius’ practi
of 33 B.C. Augustus disapproved of his assiduities towards Julia, cf.
, Divus Aug. 64, 2. 4 P. Vinicius (cos. suff. A.
lii. NotesPage=>376 1 Dio 54, 20, 3; L’ann. ép., 1936, 18. 2
, Divus Aug. 71, 2. 3 Compare esp. the remarks o
nt Latium. Compare the name of Livia Medullina, daughter of Camillus (
, Divus Claudius 26, 1; ILS 199). There was even a
ius, Divus Claudius 26, 1; ILS 199). There was even a Mummia Achaica (
, Galba 3, 4), the first wife of C. Sulpicius Galb
1454-6; and the father of C. Sulpicius Galba (cos. suff. 5 B.C.), cf.
, Galba 3. PageBook=>378 Of the use of the
Roman Empire (1926), 573 f. 3 Ad Att. 7, 7, 6. 4 Ib. 5, 1, 2. 5
, Divus Aug. 72, 1. 6 Velleius 2, 14, 3. 7 Dio
es of A. Alföldi, RM XLIX (1934), 1 ff.; L(1935), 1 ff. 4 For Otho,
, Otho 1, 1. The influence of Urgulania with Livia
d in the marriage of her granddaughter to Claudius the son of Drusus (
, Divus Claudius 26, 2). 1 Suetonius, Galba 5, 2
to Claudius the son of Drusus (Suetonius, Divus Claudius 26, 2). 1
, Galba 5, 2. Galba’s father had married a second
d the matrimonial solicitations of Agrippina, the mother of Nero. 2
, Divus Vesp. 3. PageBook=>386 The assidu
ents in the East, cf. above all J. G. C. Anderson, CAH X, 239 ff. 4
, Tib. 9, 1; Dio 54, 9, 4 f.; Velleius 2, 94, 4 &a
e at need the proconsul of Macedonia? 4 Dio 54, 31, 2 ff., &c.;
, Tib. 9, 2; Velleius 2, 96, 2 f.; and, of especia
um magna gloria in exercitu fuerat. ’ 5 For example, ILS 911 f. Cf.
, Divus Aug. 38. 6 Suetonius, Divus Aug. 38, 2.
erat. ’ 5 For example, ILS 911 f. Cf. Suetonius, Divus Aug. 38. 6
, Divus Aug. 38, 2. 7 At this time, they are oft
, 241. 6 Orosius (6, 21, 22), who assigns to him an Alpine war, and
(De rhet. 6), describing a case tried before him
and Lepidus resigned before the year was out. NotesPage=>402 1
, Divus Aug. 37. 2 Ib. 29, 5. 3 Res Gestae 20;
34 ff.). On consulars, each put in charge of appeals from a province,
, Divus Aug. 33, 3. For a committee of consulars o
date, cf. PIR2 C 289. No praefectus urbi is mentioned in A.D. 14. 3
, Divus Aug. 28, 3; Dio 56, 30, 3 f. (not in the m
riumphalia instead of a triumph began towards 12 B.C. (Dio 54, 24, 8;
, Tib. 9, 2). 7 Suetonius, Divus Claudius 25, 1.
umph began towards 12 B.C. (Dio 54, 24, 8; Suetonius, Tib. 9, 2). 7
, Divus Claudius 25, 1. PageBook=>405 For t
ve senators and legal experts. NotesPage=>408 1 Dio 53, 21, 4;
, Divus Aug. 35, 3; cf. Cyrene Edicts v, 1. 87, fo
ipum civitatis depoposcerat velut consiliarios in negotiis publicis’ (
, Tib. 55). 4 Dio 53, 21, 5. PageBook=>409
f. 8 The freedman Polybius, who wrote out a part of Augustus’ will (
, Divus Aug. 101, 1) is perhaps the person who tur
7. His son was at once appointed to be his colleague, ib. 1, 24. 3
, Divus Aug. 58, 2. 4 That is, if the magister f
1, 9 (apparently indicating the period 16–13 B.C., but inaccurately).
and Tacitus know nothing of this ‘conspiracy’. Th
hening the resources of the Claudian faction. NotesPage=>416 1
, Tib. 7, 2 f. 2 Tacitus, Ann. 1, 53; Dio 55, 9,
is’. That was the reason which Tiberius himself gave at a later date (
, Tib. 10, 2). 3 Tacitus, Ann. 3, 56: ‘sic cohib
as written later, of course, on Augustus’ own birthday in A.D. I. 3
, Tib. 14, 4, cf. Tacitus, Ann. 6, 21. 4 The nar
, Ex Ponto 1, 2, 138; Fasti 6, 801 ff. 3 OGIS 458. 4 ILS 935. 5
, Nero 4. PageBook=>422 There was more in h
cos. 15 B.C. Livia Ocellina, stepmother of Galba, the future emperor (
, Galba 4, 1), was a distant relative. Likewise Li
tant relative. Likewise Livia Medullina, who died on her wedding day (
, Divus Claudius 26, 1). Cf. also below, p. 425.
e sister of Sex. Pompeius were preserved as heirlooms or curiosities (
, Tib. 6, 3). 6 Cn. Piso, consul with Tiberius i
Iullus Antonius, cf. E. Groag, Wiener Studien XLI (1919), 84 ff. 3
, Tib. 11, 4. PageBook=>428 The position of
cred claims of fides, remembered the affront. NotesPage=>428 1
, Tib. 12 f.; Velleius 2, 101 f.; Dio 55, 10, 17 f
x, 273 ff. 2 Velleius 2, 101, 3; Tacitus, Ann. 4, 1 (Seianus). 3
, Tib. 13, 1. 4 lb. His father had been active i
ve in Narbonensis for Caesar (ib. 4, 1). 5 Tacitus, Ann. 2, 42, cf.
, Tib. 8. PageBook=>429 In the meantime Gai
ngdom, was isolated on all sides. 6 NotesPage=>431 1 Quoted by
(Tib. 23): ‘quoniam atrox fortuna Gaium et Lucium
Agrippa is described as brutal and vicious. 5 NotesPage=>432 1
, Tib. 16, 1; cf. Tiberius’ remarks (Tacitus, Ann.
whole affair is highly obscure. The conspiracy and death of Paullus (
, Divus Aug. 19, 1) is undated. The scholiast on J
s the ambition only: L. Arruntius had both. 4 NotesPage=>433 1
, Divus Aug. 23, 2: ‘Quintili Vare, legiones redde
Aug. 23, 2: ‘Quintili Vare, legiones redde! ’ 2 Velleius 2, 121, 3;
, Tib. 21, 1. 3 Tacitus, Ann. 1, 5. Quite incred
stos, ebrius ex quo semel factus est, fuit. ’ On his habits, cf. also
, Tib. 42, 1. 5 Tacitus, Ann. 6, 10 (A.D. 32).
rtium praefectus, hic annonae; mox senatus milesque et populus. ’ 4
, Divus Aug. 101, on which E. Hohl, Klio xxx (1937
ibento, mores populi regunto, probrum in senatu ne relinquonto. ’ 5
, Divus Aug. 89, 2; Livy, Per. 59. 6 Propertius
L. R. Taylor, JRS XIV (1924), 158 ff.; H. M. Last, CAH x, 461 ff. 2
, Divus Aug. 46. Cf. above, p. 364. 3 Tacitus, A
ght the vineyard from Remmius (on which unsavoury character, cf. also
, De gramm. 23). 2 Odes 3, 2, 1 ff. 3 Suetoniu
haracter, cf. also Suetonius, De gramm. 23). 2 Odes 3, 2, 1 ff. 3
, Divus Aug. 41, 1. 4 Odes 3, 24, 9. PageBook=
egarded as small capitalists than as peasants. 4 PageNotes. 450 1
, Divus Aug. 31, 5: ‘proximum a dis immortalibus h
ervant of whom Augustus might well have dreamed. PageNotes. 455 1
, Divus Aug. 90 ff. His protecting deity Apollo ha
r turns, 171 ff. 3 Aen. 1, 282, quoted on one occasion by Augustus (
, Divus Aug. 40, 5). 4 Cf. the remarks of A. D.
e is the cumulative effect of Velleius 2, 130, 2; Tacitus, Ann. 4, 4;
, Tib. 48, 2. PageBook=>457 The material wa
r called M. Lollius, IGRR III, 1476 (Iconium). 5 Dio 54, 11, 3. 6
, Divus Aug. 24, 1; cf. Pliny, NH 7, 149; ‘iuventu
Pliny, NH 7, 149; ‘iuventutis penuria’. The soldiers were apathetic (
, Tib. 21, 5, where Augustus’ words are quoted: ‘i
otes. 458 1 Velleius 2, 110, 7; Dio 55, 31, 1; Macrobius 1, 11, 32;
, Divus Aug. 25, 2 Epodes 4, 6. 3 Ovid, Fasti
e, even though authenticity be denied, are far from contemptible. 3
, Divus Aug. 89, 3: ‘recitantes et benigne et pati
tes. 465 1 Ad fam. 12, 5, 2. 2 Plutarch, Comp. Dionis et Bruti 5;
, De rhet. 6. 3 The writer here wishes to acknow
R. Vindex, Civibus Servateis or Signis Receptis. PageNotes. 469 1
, Divus Aug. 42, 1. 2 Ib., 57, 1; ILS 92 f. and
. 5 Gellius 10, 2, 2. 6 Pliny, NH 7, 158. This was in A.D. 9. 7
, Divus Aug. 43, 4. 8 Res Gestae 10. 9 Cf. M.
2 Aen. 6, 403. 3 Dio 55, 10, 2 ff. (2 B.C.); Res Gestae 21 and 29;
, Divus Aug. 29, 1 f. PageBook=>471 Around
ar’s grandnephew in the company of the Dictator. PageNotes. 471 1
, Divus Aug. 94 ff. 2 Phil. 5, 43. PageBook=&g
ν Σεβαστòν κτλ . Compare the inscr. from Halicarnassus (IBM 994). 5
, Divus Aug. 60. 6 Josephus, AJ 15, 268 ff. 7
4 B.C. (Josephus, AJ 17, 287). 2 Plutarch, Comp. Dionis et Bruti 5;
, De rhet. 6. 3 Suetonius, Divus Aug. 51, 2. 4
7). 2 Plutarch, Comp. Dionis et Bruti 5; Suetonius, De rhet. 6. 3
, Divus Aug. 51, 2. 4 Cassius of Patavium, Sueto
De rhet. 6. 3 Suetonius, Divus Aug. 51, 2. 4 Cassius of Patavium,
, Divus Aug. 51, 1; Plautius Rufus (ib. 19, 1, cf.
rinceps? 3 PageNotes. 479 1 Tacitus, Ann. 1, 10. 2 According to
(Divus Aug. 19, 1) they were usually discovered b
eNotes. 480 1 On his appearance and habits, see the full details in
, Divus Aug. 79 ff. 2 Sallust, Hist. 2, 16 M: ‘O
3 Seneca, Controv. 2, 4, 13: ‘caput potius quam dictum perdere 4
, Divus Aug. 51, 3: ‘satis est enim si hoc habemus
strictum eius et asperum et nimis iratum ingenio suo iudicium. ’ 4
, Divus Aug. 43, 2. 5 Dio 54, 15, 7. 6 Ib. 8 b
celebratior, Capitonis obsequium dominantibus magis probabatur. ’ 2
, Divus Aug. 56, 3; Quintilian 10, 1, 22. 3 Dio
onius, Divus Aug. 56, 3; Quintilian 10, 1, 22. 3 Dio 54, 30, 4. 4
, Divus Aug. 56, 4. 5 Seneca, Controv. 4, praef.
2 Plutarch, Antonius 59; Strabo, p. 523. 3 Pliny, NH 7, 148. 4
, Divus Aug. 86, 1: ‘genus eloquendi secutus est e
exponents were bitter enemies of the government. PageNotes. 487 1
, Vitellius 2, 1. 2 Seneca, Controv. 2, 4, 11: ‘
me nostri aevi eminent princeps carminum Vergilius Rabiriusque. ’ 2
, Caligula 16, 1. 3 Ib. 34, 2. Ch. XXXI THE DO
ed with Lentulus Gaetulicus against Caligula and executed in A.D. 39 (
, Cal. 24, 3). According to Dio (59, 22, 6 f.), Ca
with one of her brothers (Ann. 12, 4); for the date of her death, cf.
, Divus Vesp. 23, 4. PageBook=>496 Such was
For examples of his adulation, cf, the scholia on Juvenal 4, 81. 2
, Vitellius 3, 1. 3 Seneca, NQ 4, praef. 5: ‘Pla
or ambition spurred Galba to empire and to ruin. PageNotes. 503 1
, Galba 6, 2 f. 2 For Paullinus and Avitus, see
. A. Stein, PIR2, C 813). 2 Macrobius 2, 4, 18 (above, p. 320). 3
, Divus Aug. 85, 1. PageBook=>507 The argum
tesPage=>510 1 Seneca, De ben. 4, 30, 1 ff. (above, p. 374). 2
, Nero 4. Velleius, however (2, 72, 3), describes
cribes him as ‘eminentissimae ac nobilissimae simplicitatis vir’. 3
, Nero 5, 1: ‘omni parte vitae detestabilem. ’ Com
Mummia Achaica and then to the beautiful and wealthy Livia Ocellina (
, Galba 3, 4); his son, in favour with his stepmot
83, 1. Plancus’ memory was unpopular. The Domitii kept up their feud (
, Nero 4); and Plancina his granddaughter, wife of
uoted by Gellius 15, 7, 3; Velleius 2, 91, 2. On the Optimus status’,
, Divus Aug. 28, 2; Seneca, De ben. 2, 20, 2. 2
f. A. v. Premerstein, Vom Werden u. Wesen des Prinzipats, 127 ff. 8
, Divus Aug. 98, 2: ‘per ilium se vivere, per iliu
ate and more arduous. NotesPage=>521 1 Tacitus, Ann. 1, 9. 2
, Divus Aug. 28, 2. PageBook=>522 The last
s, iuventutis penuria, pestilentia urbis, fames Italiae,’ &c. 2
, Divus Aug. 99, 1: ‘ecquid iis videretur mimum vi
, Klio 11 (1902), 141 ff. and elsewhere; cf. now P-W XVI, 217 FF. 6
, Divus Aug. 101, cf. E. Hohl, Klio xxx (1937), 32
m, 57, 247, 321, 461, 519. Suessa Aurunca, 30. PageBook=>564
, on the Restoration of the Republic, 324. Sulla,