the command in Spain, not ‘pro consule’ but ‘pro consulibus’ (Cicero,
. II, 18). On his high repute as a wit, cf. Cicero
B.C.) and bearing, as his official name, ‘Q. Caepio Brutus’ (Cicero,
. 10, 25, &c). For a discussion of other views
e or to be discarded if recalcitrant. NotesPage=>044 1 Cicero,
. 13, 28 f.: not veracious, however, for two of th
2 Below, c. V and c. VI. 3 For example, Ahenobarbus’ son (Cicero,
. 2, 27). PageBook=>052 To rule, he needed
ken much interest in the matter, Roman Ideas of Deity (1914), 112 ff.
. 2, 110, however, is a difficult passage. Yet it
xsistunt honoris imperii potentiae gloriae cupiditates. ’ 5 Cicero,
. 1, 38 and Ad fam. 10, 1, 1, adapting to himself
A, 2090 ff. 3 For example, in Thessaly (BC 3, 34, 4; 35, 2; Cicero,
. 13, 33). Note also men of Cnidus (SIG3 761; Stra
3 and 80, 2; Cicero, Ad Jam. 6, 18, 1; De div. 2, 23; De off. 2, 29;
. 11, 12; 13, 27; Seneca, Controv. 7, 3, 9; Macrob
iam. Galli bracas deposuerunt, latum clavum sumpserunt. 3 Cicero,
. 3, 13: ‘est enim ille flos Italiae, illud firmam
his Dictatorship NotesPage=>080 1 Caesar, BC 1, 66, 3; Cicero,
. 11, 12; 13, 27, &c, discussed in JRS XXVII (
entio 23; 109; 196; Sallust, BC 17, 4. 4 e.g., L. Visidius (Cicero,
. 7, 24) or, earlier, Minatus Magius of Aeclanum(V
2 Suetonius, Vitellius 1 f. 3 Plutarch, Cicero 1 4 L. Visidius (
. 7, 24), cf. the ‘deus Visidianus’ (Tertullian, A
1926), 19 ff. 4 Pro Cluentio 153: ‘illa robora populi Romani. ’ 5
. 7, 24. 6 Sallust, BC 17, 4: ‘ad hoc multi ex c
2 CIL X, 3758. 3 Namely C. Turranius, M. Vehilius and M. Cusinius (
. 3, 25 f.). The gentilicium‘Vehilius’ is rare and
of the family of Vettius Scato, a Marsian insurgent leader. Note also
. 11, 4: ‘Marso nescio quo Octavio, scelerato latr
unatius is attested as aedile there on an early inscr., ILS 6231. 3
. 8, 27 and other evidence, cf. Gelzer, P-W X, 987
the situation has changed, the story has gained colour and strength (
. 2, 91). Even if the letter Ad fam. 11, I were to
of Rome NotesPage=>100 1 See further below, p. 164 2 Cicero,
. 2, 28 3 Suetonius, Divus Iulius 19, 1. PageB
1 1 Appian, BC 2, 140, 581; 3, 2, 5 2 Ad Att. 14, 6, 2; 20, 4 3
. 10, 7. 4 Phil. 2, 5: ‘quos tu ipse clarissimos
2, 140, 581; 3, 2, 5 2 Ad Att. 14, 6, 2; 20, 4 3 Phil. 10, 7. 4
. 2, 5: ‘quos tu ipse clarissimos viros soles appe
ory order through the researches of O. E. Schmidt (Jahrbücher für cl.
., Supp. XIII (1884), 665 ff.), E. Schwartz (Herme
04 1 Apart from Plutarch, Antonius 10, the only evidence is Cicero,
. 2, 71 ff, which betrays its own inadequacy. The
(April 15th): ‘optime iam etiam Bruto nostro probari Antonium. ’ 2
. 1, 6; 2, 5. 3 This is strongly emphasized by G
is hands. Antonius restored an exile but only NotesPage=>107 1
, 1, 2 ff. Cicero does not mention here, among the
ng consulars kept quiet. The fate NotesPage=>109 1 Cf. Cicero,
. 13, 15 2 Below, p. 136. PageBook=>110 t
a near relative of Pompeius (Suetonius, Divus Aug. 4, 1). 4 Cicero,
. 3, 15. 5 The young Octavius, in Spain for a ti
MC, R. Rep. 11, 411 ff. 2 Antonius’ own words are quoted by Cicero,
. 13, 24: ‘et te, o puer, qui omnia nomini debes.
la, Caesennius Lento, and two others possibly Decidius Saxa and Cafo,
. 8, 26, cf. J RS XXVII (1937), 135 f. 2 Ad Att.
nterpretatus est, et si verum fatemur, salutare id terris fuit. ’ 3
. 1, 8, cf. Ad Att. 16, 7, 1. 4 So Cicero was in
es conveniret, nostri Romam redirent. ’ Compare the parallel passage,
, 1, 8: ‘rem conventuram: Kalendis Sextilibus sena
and impatience. 2 Brutus and Cassius retorted NotesPage=>118 1
, 1, 8: ‘M. Antoni contionem, quae mihi ita placui
Ad fam. 11, 3 (August 4th). 2 Velleius 2, 62, 3; echoes in Cicero,
. 2. 113; 10, 8. PageBook=>120 July has alr
as on October 2nd. Three or four days NotesPage=>123 1 Cicero,
, 1; Ad Jam. 12, 2, 1. 2 Ad fam. 12, 3, 1. Pag
a non-party statesman in Roman politics; as a NotesPage=>126 1
. 3, 20 f. Q. Fufius Calenus? 2 Appian, BC 3, 46
ufius Calenus? 2 Appian, BC 3, 46, 188; 58, 241; Dio 45, 13, 5. 3
. 10, 22 (Saxa and Cafo); the activities of Ventid
Cicero’s defence of the morals, family and patriotism of Octavianus,
. 3, 15 ff. 2 See Table III at end. PageBook=&
mes can be recovered, Agrippa and Maecenas. 9 NotesPage=>131 1
. 2, 93, &c. 2 Nicolaus, Vita Caesaris 18, 5
On his profiteering, Ad fam. 15, 17, 2; his father,ib. 13, 26, 2. 2
. 11, 11 ff.; 13, 26 ff. 3 Ib. 3, 23. The tribun
not recorded. L. Egnatuleius, Antonius’ quaestor, had the Fourth, cf.
. 3, 39, &c. PageBook=>133 Roman knight
principes were ready to give their sanction? NotesPage=>134 1
. 8, 19. 2 Nicolaus, Vita Caesaris 28, III: ἦσαν
onius gave signs of a readiness to conciliate NotesPage=>139 1
. 1, 1: ‘nec vero usquam discedebam nec a re publi
tion of Caesar, nothing but NotesPage=>140 1 Ad Att. 16, 7, ι;
. 1, 8. Cf. above, p. 117. 2 Ib. 16, 7, 7: ‘nec
bus esse contraria. ’ Cf. Plutarch, Cicero 45. 2 Ad fam, 9, 14. 3
. 5, 50: ‘Omnis habeo cognitos sensus adulescentis
t animo quam gerebat’, as Pollio wrote (Seneca, Suasoriae 6, 24). 2
. 3, 19: ‘quorum consiliorum Caesari me auctorem e
Page=>150 1 Or. post red. in senatu 13; De prov. cons. 9 ff. 2
. 2, 74 f. 3 Ib. 2, 77. 4 Suetonius, Divus Aug
contrary. The Romans possessed a feeling for NotesPage=>151 1
. 2, 99. 2 lb. 11, 9. 3 De officiis I, 150 f.
ecome quite respectable. 4 Pro C. Rabino Postumo 3 f. and 43 f. 5
. 3, 15: ‘videte quam despiciamur omnes qui sumus
tesPage=>156 1 Ad Att. 14, 21, 2; 15, 2, 3 (‘timere otium’). 2
. 12, 3. 3 Ad Att. 15, 7 (used of Ser. Sulpicius
cificatio’ (Cicero to Lepidus, Ad fam. 10, 27, 2, below, p. 173). 4
. 2, 113: ‘et nomen pacis dulce est et ipsa res sa
ei publicae commoda privatis necessitudinibus habuisse potiora. ’ 3
. 5, 50: Omnis Caesar inimicitias rei publicae con
re NotesPage=>160 1 Res Gestae 2. 2 BMC, JR. Emp. I, 29. 3
. 3 and 5, passim. 4 Ib. 3, 3: ‘non enim effudit
nstitution had become the ally of a Catilina, NotesPage=>162 1
. 3. In a speech to the People on the same day he
Afranius, Petreius and Labienus had fallen in NotesPage=>163 1
. 4. 2 M. Valerius Messalla Rufus (cos. 53) was
despair, were seldom to NotesPage=>164 1 Ad fam. 12, 2, 2. 2
. 13, 29, above, p. 45. 3 Above, p. 94. One of t
, had died in office. That left six consulars of the years 48-45. 4
. 8, 22. 5 Ad fam. 12, 4, 1. 6 Ib. 10, 28, 3
s 48-45. 4 Phil. 8, 22. 5 Ad fam. 12, 4, 1. 6 Ib. 10, 28, 3 7
8, 30: ‘nam illud quidem non adducor ut credam, e
or theory could the auctoritas of the Senate NotesPage=>167 1
. 5. Something at least of Calenus’ speech can be
2 Res Gestae 1; Livy, Per. 118; Dio 46, 29, 2. For Cicero’s proposal,
. 5, 46. PageBook=>168 be invoked to confer
coolly disregarding the law were by no means adequate or unequivocal (
. 5, 7 ff.). Firstly, the law violated Caesar’s Le
ver Cicero’s safety during his consulate, not NotesPage=>169 1
. 6 and 7 2 Ib. 7, 3, cf. 5, 5 PageBook=>17
fus, thereby quarrelling with P. Servilius. 4 NotesPage=>170 1
. 7, 24: ‘vicinos suos non cohortatus est solum ut
l autem foedius Philippo et Pisone legatis, nihil flagitiosius. ’ 3
8, 27. 4 Phil. 9. PageBook=>171 A state
Philippo et Pisone legatis, nihil flagitiosius. ’ 3 Phil 8, 27. 4
. 9. PageBook=>171 A state of war was then
age=>171 1 Ad fam. 12, 2 (Feb. 2nd); 3 (later in the month). 2
. 10, of uncertain date. 3 Phil, 10, 13; ILS 946
b. 2nd); 3 (later in the month). 2 Phil. 10, of uncertain date. 3
, 10, 13; ILS 9460 (Delos). On the relationship wi
e relationship with Brutus, cf. Münzer, RA, 342 ff. 4 M. Appuleius (
. 10, 24), probably quaestor of Asia, C. Antistius
d be futile: to negotiate at this stage would NotesPage=>172 1
, 10, 25 f. 2 Phil. 11 (c. March 6th). PageBoo
tiate at this stage would NotesPage=>172 1 Phil, 10, 25 f. 2
. 11 (c. March 6th). PageBook=>173 impair t
Antonius for his part planned to crush Pansa NotesPage=>173 1
. 12 (c. March 10th?). 2 Phil. 13. 3 Ib. 13, 2
to crush Pansa NotesPage=>173 1 Phil. 12 (c. March 10th?). 2
. 13. 3 Ib. 13, 22 ff. 4 Ad fam. 10, 6, 3: ‘ha
ine. The NotesPage=>174 1 Ad fam. 10, 30 (Galba’s report). 2
. 14 (April 21st). 3 Ad fam. 10, 33, 1: ‘quo si
Italiae respexerint. nam et robur et suboles militum interiit. ’ 4
. 11, 39: ‘nihil enim semper floret; aetas succedi
ws of Mutina, the provinces and armies of the NotesPage=>163 1
. 14, 33 (after the Battle of Forum Gallorum): ‘er
rch, Brutus 12: χϵ ρον ϵ ναι μοναρχίας παρανόμου πόλϵμον μϕύλιον. 4
. 10, 18. PageBook=>167 their estates; and
14, 1: ‘ὄργανον enim erat meum senatus: id iam est dissolutum. ’ 5
. 5, 43: ‘quis tum nobis, quis populo Romano obtul
NotesPage=>169 1 The rumour had been spread by Cicero’s enemies,
. 14, 15 f. 2 Ad M. Brutum 1, 4a, 4 (May 15th).
ognized the claims of Brutus and Cassius to the consulate in 41 B.C.,
. 8, 27, cf. Dio 46, 30, 4; 35, 3. 8 Compare the
inuere potuerit. ’ 4 Ib. I, 18 1 ff. 5 Appian, BC 3, 88, 361. 6
. 5, 47, above, p.167. 7 Suetonius, Divus Aug. 2
e=>188 1 Appian, BC 3, 80, 329 (a certain P. Decius, on whom cf.
. 11, 13; 13, 27). PageBook=>189 had few pa
anidius, all famed NotesPage=>200 1 Dio 47, 30, 5. Cf. Cicero,
. 11, 4. 2 Dio 48, 41, 1 ff. 3 C. Norbanus was
rratives of Dio and Appian. 5 Calvisius was an Antonian in 44 B.C. (
. 3, 26). There is no evidence how soon he joined
ther they got the franchise from Caesar or from Augustus. 5 Cicero,
. 13, 33: ‘magnum crimen senatus, de Theopompo, su
inter (Plutarch, Antonius 36). 7 M. Insteius from Pisaurum (Cicero,
. 13, 26) fought at Actium (Plutarch, Antonius 65)
the ruin of the Republic. NotesPage=>272 1 Dio 42, 35, 5. 2
2, 97. 3 Ad Att. 14, 12, 1. PageBook=>273
te, the situation was ominous enough. NotesPage=>289 1 Cicero,
. 7, 23 f. 2 M. Nonius Gallus, active for August
ero, De re publica 1, 68: ‘ex nimia potentia principum. ’ 3 Cicero,
. 11, 36: ‘dominatum et principatum. ` 4 Odes 4,
was due not to one man’s genius or to NotesPage=>315 1 Cicero,
, 11, 17, cf. 28. 2 Augustus claimed to have exe
3 Macrobius 1, 11, 22. Patavium was for the Senate in 43 B.C., cf.
. 12, 10. PageBook=>465 If Livy, Horace and
f the Dictator. PageNotes. 471 1 Suetonius, Divus Aug. 94 ff. 2
. 5, 43. PageBook=>472 Perusia, Philippi an
ische Schriftstellerei des C. Asinius Pollio’, Jahrbücher für cl.
, Supp. XXII (1896), 557 ff. PageBook=>532
˜Die letzten KÃ.mpfe der römischen Republik’, Jahrbiicher für cl.
., Supp. XIII (1884), 665 ff. ——— ‘P. Ve
IV (1924), 158 ff. ——— The Divinity of the Roman Emperor. Am.
. Ass., Philological Monographs I. Middletown (Con